Properties of Compressive Strength after Accelerated Carbonation of Non-Sintered Cement Mortar Using Blast Furnace Slag and Fly Ash

고로슬래그 미분말과 플라이애시를 사용한 비소성 시멘트 모르타르의 촉진 탄산화에 따른 압축 강도 특성

  • Published : 2023.05.17


In the concrete industry, efforts are being made to reduce CO2 emissions, and technologies that collect, store, and utilize CO2 have recently been studied. This study analyzed the change in compressive strength after the accelerated carbonation test of Non-Sintered Cement(NSC) mortar. Type C Fly Ash and Type F Fly Ash were mixed in a 1:1 ratio and then mixed with Blast Furnace Slag fine powder to produce NSC. The mortar produced was cured underwater until the target age. In addition, an accelerated carbonation test was conducted under the condition of a concentration of 5 (±1.0%) of CO2 gas for 14 days. The mortar compressive strength was measured before and after 14 days of accelerated carbonation test based on the 7th and 28th days of age. As a result of the experiment, the compressive strength was improved in all binder. In general, the compressive strength of NSC mortar subjected to the accelerated carbonation test was similar to that of Ordinary Portland Cement(OPC) mortar not subjected to the accelerated carbonation test.



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