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- KS F ISO 5660-1. 연소성능시험-열방출률, 연기발생률, 질량감소율-제1부: 열방출률(콘칼로리미터법) 및 연기발생률(동적측정). 한국산업표준. 2021.
- 안재홍 외. 고온에 노출된 국내산 낙엽송 구조용 집성재 기둥의 탄화 특성. 한국건축시공학회지. 2023. p. 23-33.
In this study, charring properties such as charring layer and mass change of wood with temperature were investigated through cone calorimeter test on douglas-fir, which is representative of various wood structures. the results showed that ignitions at 390 degrees and a charring layer is formed.