본 연구는 소방청 재난현장긴급대응기술개발사업(20015074)의 연구비 지원으로 수행되었습니다.
The fire that broke out in a residential and commercial complex in Ulsan in October 2020 was large, but no deaths occurred. For this reason, there was a difference from the previous cases, so it was analyzed through field survey. The fire was expanded to the entire building by aluminum composite panels constructed by external heat method and SMC panels in evacuation safety zones, and fire was expanded to nearby mart due to wind on the day of the fire, and there were many evacuation spaces such as 15th, 28th, and rooftop heliports.
본 연구는 소방청 재난현장긴급대응기술개발사업(20015074)의 연구비 지원으로 수행되었습니다.