The Extraction Method of Spacial Element Cost based on the Quantity Take-Off and Bill of Quantity

건설공사의 수량산출서 및 산출내역서 기반 공간별/부위별 공사비 추출방법에 관한 연구

  • 남동희 ((주)건축사사무소 건원엔지니어링, 건축기술인회) ;
  • 김형진 ((주)건축사사무소 건원엔지니어링)
  • Published : 2021.11.12


As construction projects become larger and more complex in the construction environment, and as the Building Information Model(BIM) is technically introduced, the demand for construction costs in units of space is increasing. Cost estimating of spacial element can reduce the error in cost prediction method based on cost of work type and to utilize the construction cost data for each space in the design phase. The purpose of this study is to extract spatial statements by utilizing spacial information of quantitative statements based on items that are common elements of the Quantity Take-Off and Bill of Quantity.
