본 연구는 국토교통부 국토교통기술촉진연구사업의 연구비지원(19CTAP-C151778-03)에 의해 수행되었습니다.
As structure and the waterproofing material are compressed through the backfilling process after the waterproofing material is installed on the underground structure at the actual site, there is a difference between the behavioral response force of the waterproofing material in the compressed state and the behavioral response force in the non-constrained state. In this regard, we will analyze the limitations of the current structural behavioral response evaluation and suggest an improvement plan so that the future test and evaluation environment can be evaluated under conditions similar to the field.
본 연구는 국토교통부 국토교통기술촉진연구사업의 연구비지원(19CTAP-C151778-03)에 의해 수행되었습니다.