Characteristic of Alkali-Activated Cement Mortar using Active Slag Binder Manufactured by Industrial Byproduct

산업부산물로 제조된 활성 슬래그 바인더를 활용한 알칼리활성화 시멘트 모르타르의 특성

  • 황병일 (우석대학교 건설공학과) ;
  • 강혜주 (우석대학교 조경.건설공학과) ;
  • 이후석 (한국건설생활환경시험연구원, 전북지원) ;
  • 강석표 (우석대학교 건축학과)
  • Published : 2018.05.16


In this paper, we tried to find the proper ratio of industrial byproducts which can express mechanical characteristics similar to ordinary portland cement by varying the ratio of industrial byproducts. as a result, the activated slag binder produced by the industrial byproduct in this study increased in compressive strength as the ratio of blast furnace slag increased and the fly ash ratio decreased.
