A Basic Study on Quantification Model Development of Human Accidents based on the Insurance Claim Payout of Construction Site

건설공사보험 사례를 활용한 건설현장 인명사고 정량화 모델 개발 기초연구

  • Published : 2017.11.16


The number of human accidents in the construction industry is increasing every year, and it constitute the highest percentage among industry. This means that activities performed to prevent safety accidents in the country are not efficient to reduce the rate of accidents in the construction industry. In order to solve this issue, research has been conducted from various perspectives. But, research regarding to quantification model of human accidents is insufficient. the objective of this study is to conduct a basic study on quantification model development of human accidents. To achieve the objective, first, Cause of accident is defined the through literature review. Second, a basic statistic analysis is conducted to determine the characteristics of the accident causes. Third, the analysis is conducted after dividing into four categories : accumulate rate, season, total construction cost, and location. In the future, this study can be used as a reference for developing the safety management checklist for safety management in construction site and development of prediction models of human accident.
