Principal Items of Construction Management for Developing Construction Guide of Large Spatial Roof Construction

대공간 지붕공사 시공지침서 개발을 위한 중점관리항목 도출

  • 차민수 ((주)연우테크놀러지 기술연구소) ;
  • 이명도 ((주)연우테크놀러지 기술연구소)
  • Published : 2017.11.16


Large spatial construction needs to consider various construction management factors through the construction guide, including high-tech roofing works for creating large space without columns and erecting large spatial structure. However, the domestic large spatial construction relies on overseas construction technologies due to the lack of construction guide of large spatial construction and experience in similar type of project. To improve the problem, we deduced principal items of construction management considering characteristics of large spatial construction as a preliminary study for developing a construction guide.
