Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference (한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2015.11a
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- Pages.204-205
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- 2015
Decision Factors on Free-form Concrete Panel Sizes Produced by CNC Machines
CNC machine에 의해 생산 가능한 FCP 크기의 결정요인
- Published : 2015.11.14
Demands for free-form buildings are on the rise, but such building designs require most cost and longer construction schedule, with less constructability due to challenges in construction member production and installation. FCP production technology has been developed using CNC machine in a bid to resolve the difficulties of member production. Exterior finishing panels of free-form building design must be divided in size and shape that can be produced by CNC machine. To solve this problem, constraints of CNC machine and correlations between CNC machine and panel need to be reviewed. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze decision factors on free-form concrete panel sizes produced by CNC machines. Through this study, FCP size can be optimized, which in turn can lead to improved FCP productivity and aesthetical quality of free-form building designs determined by the pattern of exterior finishing panels. CNC machine-enabled free-form concrete panel production technology will apply on site in the future, which will not only maximize the economic benefits of the technology but also support shorter construction schedule and better constructability.
- FCP(Free-form Concrete Panels);
- panelization;
- CNC machine;
- producing panels;
- free-form building(Irregular building)
- 비정형 콘크리트 패널;
- 패널 분할;
- CNC 장비;
- 패널 생산;
- 비정형 건축물;