Correlation analysis of the quality and civil construction engineer in apartment house

공동주택 토목공사의 책임기술자와 품질의 상관관계 분석

  • 정상훈 (성균관대학교 미래도시융합공학과)
  • Published : 2015.11.14


Construction period is longer than the non-disclosure in civil construction of apartment house. And this process is intensive at the beginning and end of construction. Because this project management expertise is required. Nevertheless, subsidiary work(Working avoid a tendency of advanced technician, Frequent turnover and employment contracts, etc.) management attention of construction is at a lower level. Because of, there are the bad factors(trial and error, finish degradation, etc.). Therefore, this study analyzed Hindrance Factor of quality control on apartment complex construction work and presented importance of civil construction engineer's role. Also, forms of civil construction engineer, Performance experience and technical Strength of apartment complex construction was investigated for the construction. To this end, It analyzes the relationship between forms of civil construction engineer, Performance experience and technical Strength of apartment complex construction and Construction of evaluation as required by Construction Technology Management Act.
