A Study on the Properties of Early Strength with the Replacement Ratio of Early Strength Type Binder Using Industrial By-product

산업부산물을 활용한 조강형 결합재의 치환율에 따른 조기강도 특성에 관한 연구

  • 전우철 (두산건설(주) 렉스콘BU 본사 품질관리팀) ;
  • 권해원 (두산건설(주) 렉스콘BU 본사 품질관리팀) ;
  • 서휘완 (두산건설(주) 렉스콘BU 본사 품질관리팀) ;
  • 이재삼 (두산건설(주) 렉스콘BU 본사 품질관리팀)
  • Published : 2014.05.29


This study is a part of development to improve early-age compressive strength of concrete by using industrial by-products. It tried to investigate the characteristics of early-age compressive strength according to curing temperature and industrial by-product replacement ratio 10, 20, and 30 %. As a result, regardless of industrial by-product replacement ratio and age, early-age compressive strength of concrete was found to be high compared to Plain using 100 % cement.
