Fundamental properties of Lightweight Foamed Concrete by Applying Different Types of Aggregates and Foam Conduction Ratio

골재종류 및 기포도입율 변화에 따른 경량기포 콘크리트의 기초적 특성

  • Published : 2014.05.29


In this study, high volume of industrial by-products including blast furnace slag, recycled aggregate powder and incineration ash have been utilized on the slurry of the foamed lightweight concrete. As to decrease the price of the lightweight foam concrete, mortar based slurry and concrete based slurry has been fixed. As the variation of the foam conduction ratio and aggregates, the foam ratio and compressive strength has been tested. Results showed that using recycled aggregates in the slurry showed better effect than using natural aggregates due to the alkali properties of the recycled aggregates could activate the potential hydraulic properties of the blast furnace slag. Consider about the low price of the recycled aggregates, it could be identified that using recycled aggregates in high volume blast furnace slag blended lightweight concrete showed better compressive strength than natural aggregates.
