1kHz 이하 구조기인 소음예측을 위한 트림바디 모델의 개발과 적용

Development and Application of Trimmed Body Model for the prediction of structure-borne noise at mid-frequencies

  • 발행 : 2013.10.27


Vehicle CAE models for NVH predictions are largely developed in two schemes. One is FE models generally used for below 200 Hz problems such as booming noise, and the other is SEA models for high frequencies of more than 1 kHz, representatively related to sound packages. HMC has tried to develop a CAE model for 200-1000 Hz, so-called mid-frequency region, and this paper is one of the corresponding results. The CAE model is developed based on an FE model, and then FE elements at some areas are substituted with SEA elements to reduce DOFs. SEA panels are described by modal density, radiation efficiency, stiffness and damping characteristics that are found from some numerical assessments. Sound packages are modeled similarly as a conventional SEA model. The CAE model developed in this manner, the hybrid model, was compared to experimental results. Predicted pressure and vibrational velo city generally show a good agreement. The developed CAE model and related technology are successfully being used in vehicle development process.
