대한기계학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KSME Conference)
- 대한기계학회 2008년도 추계학술대회A
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- Pages.1187-1192
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- 2008
피로수명예측을 위한 반응표면근사화와 절충의사결정문제의 응용
Response Surface Approximation for Fatigue Life Prediction and Its Application to Compromise Decision Support Problem
- 발행 : 2008.11.05
In this paper, a versatile multi-objective optimization concept for fatigue life prediction is introduced. Multi-objective decision making in engineering design refers to obtaining a preferred optimal solution in the context of conflicting design objectives. Compromise decision support problems are used to model engineering decisions involving multiple trade-offs. These methods typically rely on a summation of weighted attributes to accomplish trade-offs among competing objectives. This paper gives an interpretation of the decision parameters as governing both the relative importance of the attributes and the degree of compensation between them. The approach utilizes a response surface model, the compromise decision support problem, which is a multi-objective formulation based on goal programming. Examples illustrate the concepts and demonstrate their applicability.