지능형 전문가관리 프레임워크를 위한 주제 분야 계층 자동 생성

  • Published : 2007.11.15


In this paper, we introduce the methodology for the automatic generation of the subject field hierarchy for Intellgent Expert Management Framework using WordNet. Intelligent Expert Management Framework, which is proposed as an appropriate method to manage valuable tacit knowledge within the organization, defines the expert profile structure and proposes the efficient method to automate the process to collect and update the expert profile information based on the profile structure defined. To increase the satisfaction level of users, additional intelligent search features are defined and users can be given the list of experts in related or similar expert fields when they perform expert searches based on the expert database being built. To enable automatic profiling of the organizational experts as well as intelligent expert searches, the subject field hierarchy, upon which the expert profiles are classified and expert searches for similar fields are performed, should be predefined. In this paper, we propose the WordNet library method that first eliminates the ambiguity of the senses of nominal data values, constructs the subject field hierarchy by overlapping the hypernym of the remaining senses, and lastly adjusts the derived hierarchy to the preference of users. Based on the proposed methodology, we expect to avoid the prohibitive costs in building large subject field hierarchies when manually done as well as maintain the objectivity of the hierarchies.
