중량충격음의 어노이언스에 대한 IACC 시간적 변화의 영향

Effect of temporal variation of IACC on annoyance of heavy-weight floor impact noise

  • 발행 : 2007.11.15


In this study, the effect of temporal variation of IACC on subjective response to heavy-weight floor impact noise generated by impact ball was investigated. Subjective evaluation was conducted to investigate the effect of temporal variation of IACC on perception of heavy-weight floor impact noise using paired comparison test. The results showed that the effects of SPL and temporal variation of IACC on the annoyance of heavy-weight impact noises were independent and the contribution of SPL was much larger than that of temporal variation of IACC. It was also found that the effect of IACC is larger than temporal variation of IACC comparing to previous study.
