A Study on activation way of vocational education training for construction skill manpower problems solution

건설기능인력난 해결을 위한 직업교육훈련의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

  • 이승재 (서울산업대 산업대학원 건축토목협동과정) ;
  • 오상근 (서울산업대 건설대학 건축학부)
  • Published : 2006.11.18


Can examine cause that the construction industry is faced in crisis of skill exhaustion in two sides. One is the tribe of actuality production manpower by entry evasion and graying of young man class specially new manpower to the tribe of skill manpower. Another is qualitative decline of skill manpower. Generally, problem of the systematic knowledge tribe and the picking up tribe about new technology etc, exists because learn skill for shoulder beyond in spot. In cutting phenomenon of skill that is depended on personal relationships availability with skilled worker in hereafter, problem that worker who is old or enter through rain skilled worker does not learn all life skill is detected. These problems institute entry of young man class and necessity of systematic vocational education training specially new human strength strongly. This study does presentation of way to promote construction industry entry of young man class and improvement way of vocational education training system that can do to train these by function manpower by purpose.
