D 문화체육센타 대공연장의 음향특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Acoustic Characteristics of D's Large Performance Hall

  • 발행 : 2004.11.13


In accordance with recent culture-advancement and national improvement in conscious level, the desire for cultural life is on increasing, so that it is also increasing tendency toward the planning and construction of large performance hall for the local residents, conducted by the provincial self-governing body. For the sake of a satisfiable acoustic efficiency at the said large performance hall, although it is designed and constructed with application of various methods of simulation from the planning stage, there could be appeared an error of the said simulation and defect occurred in the construction, and due to such reason, a situation unable to fulfill a satisfiable Acoustic efficiency to be generated thereat after opening of the hall. Accordingly, it is able to judge on the part which necessitates for betterment, also the region where acoustically weak, through measurement and evaluation on the acoustic efficiency in the completed performance all, and by its correction as well as supplement thereon based on the afore-mentioned, a performance hall equipped with the supreme acoustic condition could be established.
