스펙트럼 적응 사상을 이용한 선형시스템의 불량조건 완화기법

An alleviant technique for solving III-Conditioned Linear Systems Using Spectral Adaptive Mapping

  • 발행 : 2003.07.21


This paper presents an alleviant technique for solving ill-conditioned linear systems using spectral adaptive mapping, which is based on spectral mapping theorem. The conventional approaches to solve the ill-conditioned linear systems are divided into reformulation and alleviant technique. So far, the alleviant technique is evaluated the most effective one. In this paper, an adaptive mapping of spectrum is adopted to alleviate the condition number of ill-conditioned linear systems. A shift constant, which is a dominant factor of the spectral adaptive mapping that are proposed, is assessed by the system spectrum. The proposed spectral adaptive mapping technique is tested to demonstrated the validation on several size Hilbert matrices and small scale power systems, which are provide the promising results.
