A Study on Mathematical Modeling of Forcing Function for the Piping Vibration of Petrochemical Plant Design

플랜트 설계 시 배관진동을 유발하는 가진 함수의 수학적 모델링

  • 민선규 (경희대 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 최명진 (경희대 기계산업시스템공학부)
  • Published : 1997.10.01


In analysis of piping vibration of petrochemical plant, the forcing functions mainly depend upon the equipment working mechanism and vibration resources in the piping systems. In general, harmonic function is used for the system with rotary equipments. Mechanical driving frequencies, wave functions, and response spectrum are used for reciprocating compressors, surge vibration of long transfer piping, and seismic/wind vibration, respectively. In this study, for the spray injection case inside the pipe, forcing function was modeled, in which two different fluids are distributed uniformly. To confirm the results, the scheme used for the forcing function was applied for real piping system. The vibration mode of the real system was consistent with the 4th mode obtained by simulation using the forcing function formulated in this study.
