MTF 방법에 의한 카메라 렌즈 초점 자동 측정 시스템 개발

Focal Length Measurement System for Camera Lens using the MTF

  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


In this paper, a computer automated system has been developed for measuring the focal length of camera lens using the MTF(Modurar Transfer Function) based on the signal processing around a line CCD and autocollimator. An optical Path for the focal length measurement system has been designed around thelight sourec, collimator, camera, mirror and the line CCD. The eyepiece of the collimator is replaced byline CCD, and the mirror is moved along the focal axis by a PC driven step motor. An efficient method has been designed for finding the optimum MTF value for the focal length based on the least squares approach. The developed system is fullycomputer automated: signal transmission to and from the camera, MTF evaluation based on the line CCD, step motor contorl, etc. The developed system has been applied to a practical camera manufacturing process and demonstrated its performance
