종동력을 받는 진동계의 케이오틱 거동 연구

Chaotic response of a double pendulum subjected to follower force

  • 이재영 (군사과학대학원 무기공학과) ;
  • 장안배 (군사과학대학원 무기공학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


In this study, the dynamic instabilities of a nonlinear elastic system subjected to follower force are investigated. The two-degree-of-freedom double pendulum model with nonlinear geometry, cubic spring, and linear viscous damping is used for the study. The constant and periodic follower forces are considered. The chaotic nature of the system is identified using the standard methods, such as time histories, phase portraits, and Poincare maps, etc.. The responses are chaotic and unpredictable due to the sensitivity to initial conditions. The sensitivities to parameters, such as geometric initial imperfections, magnitude of follower force, and viscous damping, etc. is analysed. The strange attractors in Poincare map have the self-similar fractal geometry. Dynamic buckling loads are computed for various parameters, where the loads are changed drastically for the small change of parameters.
