대한전기학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the KIEE Conference)
- 대한전기학회 1995년도 추계학술대회 논문집 학회본부
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- Pages.182-185
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- 1995
PLSI를 이용한 초음파 모터 위상차 제어기 개발
Development of the Phase Difference Controller of Ultrasonic Motor using PLSI method
- 김동옥 (조선대학교 제어계측공학과) ;
- 이감연 (조선대학교 제어계측공학과) ;
- 김원배 (송원전문대학 전기과) ;
- 최한수 (조선대학교 제어계측공학과) ;
- 김영동 (조선대학교 제어계측공학과)
- Kim, Dong-Ok (Dept. of Control & Instrumentation Eng., Cho-Sun University) ;
- Lee, Kam-Youn (Dept. of Control & Instrumentation Eng., Cho-Sun University) ;
- Kim, Won-Bae (Dept. of Electric, Song-Won Junior College) ;
- Choi, Han-Soo (Dept. of Control & Instrumentation Eng., Cho-Sun University) ;
- Kim, Young-Dong (Dept. of Control & Instrumentation Eng., Cho-Sun University)
- 발행 : 1995.11.18
The travelling ultrasonic motor(USM) has good some characteristics over conventional servo motors such as compact size, light weight, silent moton, high torque and high speed response. The USM is driven by 2-phase AC electricity. By adjusting the phase difference of the motor power we control rotation, speed and torque of USM. In this paper, we propose design method using PLSI(programmable Large Scale Integration) of USM controller to adjust the phase difference of the motor power. As compared the previous, the new controller has some advantage that high speed, predictable performance, low power and so on.