다축 서보시스템의 상호결합 제어

Cross-Coupled Control for Multi-axes Servo System

  • 강명구 (인하대학고 전기공학과) ;
  • 이제희 (인하대학고 전기공학과) ;
  • 허욱열 (과학재단 제어 신기술연구센터)
  • 발행 : 1995.11.18


In this paper, Cross-Coupled Controller proposed for multi axes servo system. Tracking error and contouring error exist when a machine tool moves along the trajectory in multi exes system. The proposed scheme enhances the contouring performance by reducing contour error. Feedforward compensator reduces the effects of a nonlinear disturbance such as friction or dead zone. The proposed control scheme reduces the contour error which occured when the tool tracks the reference trajectory. Simulation results show that this scheme improves the contouring performance along the reference trajectory in XY-table.
