기도 이물의 임상통계적 고찰

A Statistical Study of the Foreign Bodies in the Air Passages

  • 발행 : 1981.05.01


저자는 1975년부터 1980년까지 서울대학교병원 이비인후과에 입원치료한 15세 이하의 기도이물환자 74례를 대상으로 임상통계학적으로 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 성별 및 연령별로 보면 유소아의 기도이물 74례중 남자 55례, 여자 18례로 남녀비는 3 : 1이며 연령분포는 2세미만이 41.8%로 가장 많고, 3세까지의 증례는 75.5%이었고, 5세까지의 증례는 83.6%이였다. 2) 증상및 이학적 소견에서는 내원시의 증상은 호흡-곤란, 기침, 청색증등이었으며, 6.7%에서는 전혀 증상이 없었다. 초진시의 이학적소견은 흡기의 감소, 천식음, 거친호흡음등이었으며 10.8%에서는 전혀 이학적 소견이 없었다. 3) 내원까지의 시간은 48.6%가 24시간내에 내원하였으나 2년이 지나서 내원한 례도 있었다. 4) 방사선학적 소견에서는 내원시의 단순흉부X-선 소견은 무기폐 25.0%, 폐기종 32.8%, 확실한 이물음영 17.2%이었고. 17.2%에서 정상이었다. 5) 이물의 종류와 개재부위는 기도이물 74례중 식물성 60.8%, 금속류가 17.5%, 프라스틱류 16.2%, 어골류, 2.7% 기타 2.7%이었다. 이물의 개재부위는 우측기관지 40.5%, 좌측기관지 31.0%, 기관 9.4%, 다발성 6.7%이었다. 6) 연령에 따른 이물의 종류를 보딘 5세이하에서는 대부분이 식물성이물이었고, 6∼15세에는 금속류와 프라스틱제품도 있었으며 특히 프라스틱 제품은 10세이상의 남자에 많았다. 7) 이물적출방법을 보면 Ventilating Bronchoscopy 82.3%, 기관절개술 2.7%, 흡입적출 2.7%, 자연배출 1.3%, 개흉술 5.4%, 사망이 5.4%이었다.

The statistical study was done on 74 cases of foreign bodies in the air passages, who visited the department of otolaryngology of SNUH during recent 5 years from 1975 to 1980. The result was as follows, 1) Of the total 74 cases, 55 cases were male and 18 cases were female. The ratio between male and female was 3 : 1. 41.8% of all-cases were under 2 years of age, 75.5% were under 3 years, and 83.6% were under 5 years. 2) Major symptoms on visit were dyspnea, cough, cyanosis. No significant symptoms was noted in 6.7%. Initial physical findings were coarse breathing sound, decreased breathing sound, and stridor. No abnormal physical findings were noted in 10.8%. 3) 48.6% of total cases visited hospital within 24 hours. There was one case who visited hospital over 2 years later. 4) Initial simple chest film showed atelectasis in 25.0%, emphysema in 32.8%, definite foreign body shadow in 17.2% and within normal limit in 17.2%. 5) 60.8% of total cases were vegetables, 15.5% were metals, 16.2% were fish bone, and 2.7 % were others. 6) Vegetables were most frequent foreign bodies in the cases under 5 years of age. 7) 40.5% of total cases were lodged in the right main bronchus, 31.0% were in the left main bronchus, 9.8% were in trachea and 6.7% were in multiple sites, 8) Foreign bodies were removed by ventilating bronchoscopy in 82.3%, by tracheostomy only in 2.7%, by tracheal suction in 2.7%, by spontaneous removal in 1.3%, by thorachotomy in 5.4% and 5.4% of total cases were expired.
