• 제목/요약/키워드: zirconium oxide

검색결과 155건 처리시간 0.032초

Color variation induced by abutments in the superior anterior maxilla: an in vitro study in the pig gingiva

  • Atash, Ramin;Boularbah, Mohamed-Reda;Sibel, Cetik
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2016
  • PURPOSE. The aim of this work is to evaluate different types of materials used for making implant abutments, by means of an in vitro study and a review of the literature, in order to identify the indications for a better choice of an implant-supported restoration in the anterior section. MATERIALS AND METHODS. 5 implant abutments were tested in a random order in the superior anterior maxilla of pig gingiva (n = 8): titanium dioxide (Nobel Biocare); zirconium dioxide, Standard BO shade (Nobel Biocare, Kloten, Switzerland); zirconium dioxide, Light BI shade (Nobel Biocare); zirconium dioxide, Intense A 3.5 shade (Nobel Biocare); and aluminium oxide. Each abutment was tested for 2 mm and 3 mm thickness. To determine color variation, VITA Easyshade Advance spectrophotometer (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germany) was used. RESULTS. Results showed that the color variation induced by the abutment would be affected by the abutment material and gingival thickness, when the gingival thickness is 2 mm. All materials except zirconium dioxide (Standard shade) caused a visible change of color. Then, as the thickness of the gingiva increased to 3 mm, the color variation was attenuated in a significant manner and became invisible for all types of abutments, except those made of aluminium oxide. CONCLUSION. Zirconium dioxide is the material causing the lowest color variation at 2 mm and at 3 mm, whereas aluminium oxide causes the highest color variation no matter the thickness.

Material characteristics of electrically tunable zirconium oxide thin films

  • Cho, Byeong-Ok;Jane P. Chang
    • E2M - 전기 전자와 첨단 소재
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    • 제16권9호
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    • pp.62.2-62
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    • 2003
  • Material Characteristics of zirconium oxide thin films obtained by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition on p-type Si(100) substrates were investigated to explain their unable electrical properties. The films obtained without heating had polycrystalline nanograins that are mostly of a tetragonal phase under oxygen-deficient plasma conditions but transformed into a monoclinic phase with increasing $O_2$ addition in the plasma. Mostly amorphous bulk $ZrO_2$ with a relatively thicker and smoother interfacial layer was obtained from oxygen-rich plasmas, resulting in a decrease in both the overall dielectric constant and the leakage current density. the interfacial layer formed between the bulk $ZrO_2$ and Si substrate was analyzed to be zirconium silicate, which approached $SiO_2$ as its zirconium content decreased with the increasing gas phase $O_2$ content.

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Voltammetric Behaviors of Chemically Modified Electrodes Based on Zirconium Phosphonate Film

  • 홍훈기
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제16권9호
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    • pp.886-891
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    • 1995
  • Electroactive monolayers based on zirconium(Ⅳ) phosphonate film were prepared on gold and tin oxide electrodes by sequential layer-by-layer depostion technique. High transfer coefficient values and surface coverages of surface bound redox molecules were obtained from the electrochemical measurements of heterogeneous electron transfer rates for monolayer modified electrodes. 1,10-Decanediylbis(phosphonic acid) (DBPA) monolayer as insulating barrier was effective in blocking electron transfer. However, these film modified oxide electrode shows voltammetric behavior of diffusion/permeation process taking place at very small exposed area of modified electrode through channels due to structural defects within film when a very fast redox couple such as Ru(NH3)63+ is hired.

In-pile Test Results of HANA Claddings in Halden Research Reactor

  • Baek, Jong-Hyuk;Choi, Byoung-Kwon;Jeong, Yong-Hwan;Jung, Yun-Ho;Kim, Kyu-Tae
    • 한국원자력학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국원자력학회 2005년도 춘계학술발표회
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    • pp.425-426
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    • 2005
  • 1. The oxide thickness on the fuelled test rods was within the following range from 7 ${\mu}m$ to 17 ${\mu}m$. In general, the HANA claddings showed better corrosion behavior than the two reference alloys (A-Cladding and Zr-4). 2. The weight gains of corrosion coupons were ranged from 21 to 56 mg/$dm^2$.

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PRTMOCVD 법을 통한 단성분계 산화막의 적층형 구조로부터 Zirconium Titanate 박막의 제조 (Fabrication of Zirconium Titanate Thin film from Layer-by-Layer Structure of Primitive Oxides prepared by PRTMOCVD)

  • 송병윤;권영중;이원규
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.378-383
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    • 2007
  • Zirconium titanate($Zr_xTi_{1-x}O_2$)와 같은 다성분계 금속산화물의 박막을 형성함에 있어 비교적 저온에서 박막성분 간의 정확한 조성조절이 이루어지며 균일한 박막특성을 같게 하는 새로운 박막제조 공정방법을 제시하였다. 이 공정방법은 우선 다성분계 금속산화박막을 구성하는 단성분계 금속산화막들을 적층식구조로 형성하여 적절한 열처리로 고상확산 반응을 통한 단일상 다성분계 박막을 형성하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 본 연구에서는 단성분계 산화박막층을 형성하는 방법으로 나노두께의 박막을 형성할 수 있는 능력과 두께조절성이 우수한 PRTMOCVD(pulsed rapid thermal metalorganic chemical vapor deposition) 법이 개발 적용하였다. PRTMOCVD 법으로 $ZrO_2$$TiO_2$ 단성분 산화막의 두께를 제어하면서 교차로 적층시킨 후 $850^{\circ}C$의 질소분위기에서 30분간 열처리를 통한 박막간의 상호확산을 통해 $Zr_xTi_{1-x}O_2$ 다성분계 산화박막을 형성하였다. 박막내의 Zr과 Ti의 조성은 $ZrO_2$$TiO_2$ 단성분 산화막의 두께로 조절하였다. 형성된 $Zr_xTi_{1-x}O_2$ 박막에 대한 상세한 물성을 분석하였다.

지르코늄합금의 부식특성에 미치는 Cu 영향 평가 (Evaluation of Cu Effect on Corrosion Characteristics of Zr Alloys)

  • 김현길;최병권;정용환
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제14권7호
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    • pp.462-469
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    • 2004
  • The effect of Cu addition on the corrosion characteristics of Zr alloys that developed for nuclear fuel cladding in KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) was evaluated. The alloys having different element of Nb, Sn, Fe, Cr and Cu were manufactured and the corrosion tests of the alloys were performed in static autoclave at $360^{\circ}C$, distilled water condition. The alloys were also examined for their microstructures using the optical microscope and the TEM equipped with EDS and the oxide property was characterized by using X-ray diffraction. From the result of corrosion test more than 450 days, the corrosion rate of the Zr-based alloys was changed with alloying element such as Nb, Sn, Fe, Cr and especially affected by Cu addition. The corrosion resistance was increased with increasing the Cu content and the tetragonal $ZrO_2$ layer was more stabilized on the Cu-containing alloys.

Synthesis of Zr0.73Y0.27O1.87 Crystals by the Bridgman-Stockbager Method

  • Kim, Won-Sa;Yu, Young-Moon;Lee, Jin-Ho
    • 한국지구과학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2002
  • A colorless and transparent zirconium oxide ($Zr_{0.73}Y_{0.27}O_{1.87}$) crystal has been synthesized by the Bridgman-Stockbager method. The gem-quality material is produced by adding 20${\sim}$25 wt.% $Y_2O_3$ (stabilizer) and 0.04 wt.% $Nd_2O_3$ (decolorising agent) to the $ZrO_2$ powder. It shows a vitreous luster with a slight oily appearance. Under a polarizing microscope, it shows isotropic nature with no appreciable anisotropism. Mohs hardness value and specific gravity is measured to be 8${\sim}$$8{\frac{1}{2}}$ and 5.85, respectively. Under ultraviolet light it shows a faint white glow. The crystal structure of yttria-stabilized zirconia with 0.27 at.% Y has been re-investigated, using single crystal X-ray diffraction, and confirmed to be a cubic symmetry, space group $Fm{\overline{3}}m$ ($O^5_h$) with a=5.1552(5) ${{\AA}}$, V=136.99(5) ${{\AA}}^3$, Z=4. The stabilizer atoms randomly occupy the zirconium sites and there are displacements of oxygen atoms with amplitudes of ${\Delta}/a{\sim}$0.033 and 0.11 along <110> and <111> from the ideal positions of the fluorite structure, respectively.