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Portfolio Efficient Transaction Choice Strategies based on the Global Electronic Commerce (효율적 거래포트폴리오의 선택에 의한 국제간 전자상거래방식의 전략적 활용방안)

  • Kim, Ki-Sun
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2001
  • This study discusses some theoretical implications for efficient utilization of the global E-commerce in a world of uncertainty by beginning with measures of risk and return for the global E-commerce, and by moving to risk and return for a efficient transaction portfolio of many risky methods of transaction. Decision rules are developed to show how individuals choose optimal transaction portfolios that maximize their expected utility of wealth. First, the individuals will generally want to allocate positive amount to the global E-commerce, which requires that the expected marginal utility of wealth equals zero. Secondly, the optimal transaction portfolio will be determined by finding the point of tangency between the efficient trading line and the hightest indifference curve in the mean-variance plane. Thirdly, if the global E-commerce is positively correlated with wealth, it must have an expected return that is higher than the risk-free transaction methods in order to compensate for its risk. Fourthly, on the other hand, if the global E-commerce is negatively correlated with wealth, it will have an expected return that is less than the risk-free transaction methods. Finally, the valuation of global E-commerce depends on the degree of individual's risk aversion and the covariance between the expected return of total wealth and the return of global E-commerce.

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Bioequivalence of A-PINE Tablet to SKAD Tablet (Amlodipine Maleate 6.42 mg) (스카드 정(말레인산암로디핀 6.42 mg)에 대한 에이핀 정의 생물학적 동등성)

  • Kim, Sung-Su;Park, Wan-Su;Lee, Heon-Woo;Seo, Ji-Hyung;Kim, Yong-Won;Cho, Sung-Hee;Rew, Jae-Hwan;Lee, Kyung-Tae
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bioequivalence of two amlodipine maleate tablets, SKAD tablet (SK Pharma. Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea, reference drug) and A-PINE tablet (Daewon Pharm. Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea, test drug), according to the guidelines of Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). Twenty-four healthy male volunteers, 22.79±1.86 years in age and 70.08±8.68 kg in body weight, were divided into two groups and a randomized 2\time2 crossover study was employed. After a tablet containing 6.42 mg of amlodipine maleate was orally administrated, blood was taken at predetermined time intervals over a period of 144 hr and concentrations of amlodipine in plasma were monitored using LC-MS/MS. Pharmacokinetic parameters such as AUCt (the area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to 144 hr), Cmax (maximum plasma drug concentration) and Tmax (time to reach Cmax) were calculated and analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was utilized for the statistical analysis of the parameters using logarithmically transformed AUCt and Cmax, and untransformed Tmax. No significant sequence effect was found for all of the bioavailability parameters indicating that the crossover design was properly performed. The 90% confidence intervals of the AUCt ratio and the Cmax ratio for A-PINE/SKAD were log0.9429log1.1476 and log0.9l46log1.1488, respectively. Since these values were within the acceptable bioequivalence intervals of log0.80log1.25, recommended by KFDA, it was concluded that A-PINE tablet was bioequivalent to SKAD tablet, in terms of both rate and extent of absorption.

Bioequivalence of Two Nilvadipine Tablet (닐바디핀 정제에 대한 생물학적 동등성 평가)

  • 김종국;이사원;최한곤;고종호;이미경;김인숙
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.289-295
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    • 1998
  • The bioequivalence of two nilvadipine products was evaluated in 16 normal male volunteers (age 22-32 yr, body weight 57-80 kg) following sidle oral dose. Test product was Overca lR tablet (Choong-Wae Pharm. Corp., Korea) and reference product was Nivadi lR tablet (Hyundai Pharm. Corp., Korea). Both products contain 4 mg of nilvadipine. One tablet of the test or the reference product was administered to the volunteers, respectively, by randomized two period cross-over study (2×2 Latin square method). The determination of nilvadipine was accomplished using a validated capillary column GC with electron-capture detection. As a result of the assay validation, the quantiflcation of nilvadipine in human plasma by this technique was possible down to 0.5 ng/ml using 1 ml of plasma. Absolute overall recovery from five replicate analyses of nilvadipine-spiked sample were 88.4± 10.24% (mean± 5.D.) for human plasma of 10 ng/ml. The coefficients of variation (C.V.) were less than 20% and the actual concentration of nilvadipine measured by GC ranged from 80 to 99% in all plasma. Average drug concentrations at each sampling time and pharmacokinetic parameters calculated were not significantly different between two products (p>0.05); the area under the curve from time zero to 8 hr (AUCo-8hr) (22.8±5.90 vs 22.2±6.10 ng . hr/ml), maximum plasma concentration ( Cmax) (10.0±2.85 vs 9.3±3.28 ng/ml) and time to reach maximum plasma concentration ( Tmax) (1.2±0.31 vs 1.3 ±0.47 hr). The differences of mean AU Co8hr Cmax, and Tmax between the two products (2.25, 7.65, and 10.30%, respectively) were less than 20%. The power (1-β) and treaeent difference (7) for AU Co8hr, and Cmax were more than 0.8 and less than 0.2, respectively. Although the power for Tmax was under 0.8, Tm\ulcorner of the two products was not significantly different from each other (p>0. 05). These results suggest that the bioavailability of Overeat tablet is not significantly different from that of Nivadil tablet. Therefore, two products are bioequivalent based on the current results.sults.lts.lts.lts.

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Development of GZF Assessment System on Rating Curve (수위-유량관계곡선식의 GZF 평가 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Yeon-Kil;Shim, Eun-Jeung;Kim, Hyoung-Seop;Lee, Jin-Won;Jung, Sung-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1854-1858
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    • 2007
  • 수자원 분야에서 가장 기본적이면서 중요한 과업 중의 하나는 고품질의 유량측정 자료를 확보하여 신뢰성 있는 수위-유량관계곡선식을 개발하는 것이다. 이는 수공구조물 설계, 친수 하천공간 조성, 친환경적인 하천의 설계, 하천 관리수량 산정, 홍수 예 경보 운영 등에 기본적인 자료를 제공하게 된다. 신뢰성 있는 곡선식은 계측장비의 개량과 유량관측 기준의 강화 등을 통하여 축적된 양질의 유량측정 자료로부터 개발될 수 있으며, 또한 수위관측소 지점의 하도특성과 통제구조물의 특성 등을 고려하는 것도 곡선식의 신뢰도를 높일 수 있다. 본 연구는 통제단면의 가장 낮은 부분의 수위로 정의되는 흐름이 0인 수위인 GZF(Gauge Height of Zero Flow) 평가에 관한 연구이다. 이와 같은 연구를 수행하기 위해서 GZF의 변화에 따라 곡선식의 신뢰도를 분석할 수 있는 시스템을 개발하였으며, 이 시스템은 사용자들이 쉽게 이용할 수 있는 엑셀 VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)를 이용하여 개발하였다. GZF 평가 시스템은 입력자료 구축 모듈, 수위관측소 지점의 하도 단면 입력 모듈, GZF 설정 모듈, GZF 평가 모듈의 4개 모듈로 구성되었다. 입력자료 구축 모듈은 기 개발된 곡선식의 GZF 적정성을 파악할 수 있도록 자료를 구축하는 모듈이며, 하도 단면 입력 모듈은 수위관측소 지점의 하상의 변화 유무와 구간분리, 기간분리 등의 필요성을 파악할 수 있도록 구성하였다. GZF 설정 모듈은 GZF의 변화가 곡선식의 신뢰도를 파악할 수 있도록 구성되었다. 마지막으로 GZF 평가 모듈은 기 개발된 곡선식의 GZF와 금회 개발될 곡선식의 GZF를 비교 분석할 수 있도록 구성되었다. 본 연구의 성과는 향후 수위-유량관계곡선식을 개발할 때 GZF 산정의 오류를 감소시켜 앞으로 개발될 곡선식의 신뢰도 향상에 기여를 할 것으로 판단된다.소를 파악해야한다. 7. 부아 유대에 대한 위협요소 확인을 위한 도구개발과 그들에 대한 효과적인 간호전략이 필요 된다. 8. 가족에 있어서 모든 부모행위가 하나의 독립변수로서 연구되어야 하고 부아유대 증진에 관한 연구가 시도되어야겠다. 오늘날 부모들은 임신기간동안 많은 정보에 접하기를 원한다. 산전, 산후의 교육과 지식은 긍정적인 부아 관계를 증진시키고, 이것은 아동의 발달에 크게 기여할 수 있다. 긍정적으로 이러한 관계는 가족단위를 강하게 통합시키게 되므로 건강관리자(Health care workers)들은 애착에 대해 높은 관심을 갖어야 하겠다.2유수지는 BTL사업을 통해 주변공단으로부터의 오폐수를 원천적으로 차단하도록 하였으며 2유수지를 매립하여 지하는 강우시 유출수 저류가 가능한 화물차주차장으로 활용하고 지상은 녹지공간으로 조성하여 공단근로자 및 지역주민을 위한 휴식공간으로 활용될 수 있도록 제안하였다. 본 연구는 남동유수지 환경 개선 사업 실행을 위한 정책 연구로 연구결과를 인천시가 적극 수용하기로 결정함에 따라 인천시의 환경 현안 문제인 남동유수지의 수질개선을 통해 시민의 휴식 및 여가선용 공간으로 활용하기 위한 사업의 기초자료로 활용되며 이미 설계검토가 시작되었다. 본 연구결과는 유수지 및 저수지의 환경개선 사업의 선두적인 성공사례로 국내 타 지역의 유사한 사업에 있어 벤치마킹을 할 수 있는 훌륭한 사례가 될 것이다.요 생산이 증가하자 군신의 변별(辨別)과 사치를 이유로 강력하게 규제하여 백자의 확대와 발전에 걸림돌이 되었다. 둘째, 동기(銅器)의 대체품으로 자기를 만들어 충당해야할 강제성 당위성 상실로 인한 자기수요 감소를 초래하였을 것으로 사료된다. 셋째, 경기도 광주에서 백자관요가 운영되었으므로 지방인 상주지역에도 더 이상 백자를 조달받을 필요가 없이, 일반 지방관아와 서민들의 일상용기 생산으로 전락하여 소규모화 되었을 것이라고 사료

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Bioequivalence Evaluation of the Tiropramide Formulation by GC/MS (티로프라미드 주사제의 생물학적 동등성 평가를 위한 GC/MS 방법)

  • Myung, Seung-Woon;Kim, Myungsoo;Kim, Hye-Young;Kwak, Hyun-Tae;Min, Hye-Ki;Sohn, Dong-Ryul;Hong, Young-Hun
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2001
  • The bioequivalence study of two tiropramide products was evaluated in 16 health male volunteers following intra-muscular injection. Test product was Tiram(R) injection (S Pharm. Co, Ltd.) and reference product was Tiropa(R) injection(D Pharm. Co., Ltd.). The drug concentration in plasma was determined by GC/MS for over a period of 8 hours after injection. Analysis of variance reveal that there are no differences in AUC (area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to infinity), Cmax (maximum plasma concentration) and Tmax (time to reach Cmax). The differences of mean AUC, Cmax and Tmax between two products were 0.73, -1.385 and -12.994%, respectively. Minimum detectable differences (%) at α=0.05 were all less than 20% given as a guideline (10.05, 17.90 and 19.01% for AUC, Cmax and Tmax, respectively). From these results, the two formulations of tiropramide are bioequivalent and thus, may be prescribed interchangeably.

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Video Compression using Characteristics of Wavelet Coefficients (웨이브렛 계수의 특성을 이용한 비디오 영상 압축)

  • 문종현;방만원
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2002
  • This paper proposes a video compression algorithm using characteristics of wavelet coefficients. The proposed algorithm can provide lowed bit rate and faster running time while guaranteeing the reconstructed image qualify by the human virtual system. In this approach, each video sequence is decomposed into a pyramid structure of subimages with various resolution to use multiresolution capability of discrete wavelet transform. Then similarities between two neighboring frames are obtained from a low-frequency subband which Includes an important information of an image and motion informations are extracted from the similarity criteria. Four legion selection filters are designed according to the similarity criteria and compression processes are carried out by encoding the coefficients In preservation legions and replacement regions of high-frequency subbands. Region selection filters classify the high-frequency subbands Into preservation regions and replacement regions based on the similarity criteria and the coefficients In replacement regions are replaced by that of a reference frame or reduced to zero according to block-based similarities between a reference frame and successive frames. Encoding is carried out by quantizing and arithmetic encoding the wavelet coefficients in preservation regions and replacement regions separately. A reference frame is updated at the bottom point If the curve of similarity rates looks like concave pattern. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm provides high compression ratio with proper Image quality. It also outperforms the previous Milton's algorithm in an Image quality, compression ratio and running time, leading to compression ratio less than 0.2bpp. PSNR of 32 dB and running tome of 10ms for a standard video image of size 352×240 pixels.

Bioequivalence of Prepulsid Tablet to Cisaple Tablet (Cisapride 5 mg) (프레팔시드 정(시사프리드 5 mg)에 대한 시사플 정의 생물학적 동등성)

  • Kwak, Son-Hyuk;Nam, Jin-Kyung;Jiang, Ge;Han, Jung-Hee;Woo, Jong-Soo;Rhee, Gye-Ju;Park, Jong-Woo;Koo, Sun-Hoe;Hwang, Sung-Joo
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.55-59
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    • 2000
  • Bioequivalence of two cisapride tablets, test drug (Cisple® tablet: Hanmi Pharm Co., Ltd.) and reference drug (Prepulsid® tablet: Janssen Pharm. Co., Ltd.), was evaluated according to the guidelines of Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). Twenty two healthy male volunteers were divided randomly into two groups and administered the drug orally at the dose of 10 mg as cisapride in a 2×2 crossover study. There was a week washout period between administrations. Blood samples were taken at predetermined time intervals for 36 hr and the plasma concentration of cisapride was determined by a HPLC method. AUC036hr (area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to 36 hr), Cmax (maximum plasma drug concentration) and Tmax (time to reach Cmax) were estimated from the plasma drug concentration-time data. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed no difference in AUC036hr,CmaxandTmax between two products. The apparent differences of these parameters between two products were less than 20% (i.e., 5.38, 6.17 and 0.00% for AUC036hr,CmaxandTmax, respectively). The powers (1β) for AUC036hr,CmaxandTmax were over 0.9. Minimal detectable differences (Δ) at α=0.05,1β=0.8 were less than 20% (i.e. 17.67, 14.84 and 19.72% for AUC036hr,CmaxandTmax, respectively). The 90% confidence intervals (δ) for these parameters were also within ±20 (i.e.4.97δ15.73,2.53δ14.86and11.55δ11.55 for AUC036hr,CmaxandTmax, respectively). These results satisfied the criteria of KFDA guidelines for bioequivalence, indicating the two tablets of cisapride were bioequivalent.

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Bioequivalence of LANIDIEM® Tablet 4 mg to Vaxar® Tablet 4 mg(Lacidipine 4 mg) (박사르®정 4 밀리그램(라시디핀 4 mg)에 대한 라니디엠®정 4 밀리그램의 생물학적동등성)

  • Lee, Yun-Young;Kim, Hye-Jin;La, Sookie;Cho, Kyung-Hee;Jang, Moon-Sun;Park, Young-Joon;Lee, Hee-Joo
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2010
  • A bioequivalence study of LANIDIEM(R) tablet 4 mg (Samil. Co., Ltd.) to Vaxar(R) tablet 4 mg (GlaxoSmithKline Co., Ltd.) was conducted according to the guidelines of Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). Forty healthy male Korean volunteers were enrolled in the study and thirty six volunteers completed the study according to the protocol. Thirty six volunteers received each medicine at the lacidipine dose of 4 mg in a 2×2 crossover study. There was one week wash-out period between the doses. Plasma concentrations of lacidipine were monitored by a high performance liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for over a period of 24 hours after drug administration. AUCt (the area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to 24 hr) was calculated by the linear trapezoidal rule method. Cmax (maximum plasma drug concentration) and Tmax (time to reach Cmax) were compiled from the plasma concentration-time data. Analysis of variance was carried out using logarithmically transformed AUCt and Cmax. No significant sequence effect was found for all of the bioavailability parameters indicating that the crossover design was properly performed. The 90% confidence intervals of the AUCt ratio and the Cmax ratio for LANIDIEM(R)/Vaxar(R) were log 0.8102~log 1.0417 and log 0.8493~log 1.1439, respectively. These values were within the acceptable bioequivalence intervals of log 0.80~log 1.25. Thus, our study demonstrated the bioequivalence of LANIDIEM(R) tablet 4 mg and Vaxar(R) tablet 4 mg with respect to the rate and extent of absorption.

Investigation of Mössbauer Spectra of Ba2Mg0.5Co1.5(Fe0.99In0.01)12O22 (Ba2Mg0.5Co1.5(Fe0.99In0.01)12O22의 뫼스바우어 분광 연구)

  • Lim, Jung-Tae;Kim, Chin-Mo;Kim, Chul-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 2012
  • Ba2Mg0.5Co1.5(Fe0.99In0.01)12O22 was prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction method, and studied by x-ray diffractometer, vibrating sample magnetometer, and Mossbauer spectrometer. The crystal structure was determined to be a single-phased rhombohedral with space group R-3m. Magnetization value were Ms = 28.6 emu/g at 295 K. The hysteresis loops indicate that all the samples are ferrimagnetic behaviors. Mossbauer spectra of Ba2Mg0.5Co1.5(Fe0.99In0.01)12O22 have been 6-sextet taken at various temperatures ranging from 4.2 to 620 K. Based on the isomer shift (δ) values of all samples, the charge states were found to be Fe3+ state at all temperatures, the Curie temperature was determined to be 630 K by the ZVC curve.

Effect of B-complex vitamins on the antifatigue activity and bioavailability of ginsenoside Re after oral administration

  • Chen, Yin Bin;Wang, Yu Fang;Hou, Wei;Wang, Ying Ping;Xiao, Sheng Yuan;Fu, Yang Yang;Wang, Jia;Zheng, Si Wen;Zheng, Pei He
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.209-214
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    • 2017
  • Background: Both ginsenoside Re and B-complex vitamins are widely used as nutritional supplements. They are often taken together so as to fully utilize their antifatigue and refreshing effects, respectively. Whether actually a drug-nutrient interaction exists between ginsenoside Re and B-complex vitamins is still unknown. The objective of this study was to simultaneously investigate the effect of B-complex vitamins on the antifatigue activity and bioavailability of ginsenoside Re after their oral administration. The study results will provide valuable theoretical guidance for the combined utilization of ginseng and B-complex vitamins. Methods: Ginsenoside Re with or without B-complex vitamins was orally administered to mice to evaluate its antifatigue effects and to rats to evaluate its bioavailability. The antifatigue activity was evaluated by the weight-loaded swimming test and biochemical parameters, including hepatic glycogen, plasma urea nitrogen, and blood lactic acid. The concentration of ginsenoside Re in plasma was determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results: No antifatigue effect of ginsenoside Re was noted when ginsenoside Re in combination with B-complex vitamins was orally administered to mice. B-complex vitamins caused to a reduction in the bioavailability of ginsenoside Re with the area under the concentration-time curve from zero to infinity markedly decreasing from 11,830.85±2,366.47hng/mL to 890.55±372.94hng/mL. Conclusion: The results suggested that there were pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug-nutrient interactions between ginsenoside Re and B-complex vitamins. B-complex vitamins can significantly weaken the antifatigue effect and decrease the bioavailability of ginsenoside Re when simultaneously administered orally.