• 제목/요약/키워드: year-ring

검색결과 267건 처리시간 0.024초

17세 이하에 발견된 위암 2예 (Two Cases of Teenage Gastric Cancer Patients)

  • 김훈엽;박도중;박효진;이혁준;양한광;김우호;이건욱;최국진
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.180-185
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    • 2004
  • Recently, we experienced two advanced gastric cancer (AGC) patients younger than 17 years of age. The first case was a 15-year, 2-month-old male who had suffered from epigastric soreness for 5 weeks. His grandfather died of gastric cancer at 39 years of age. Under the diagnosis of AGC, he underwent a total gastrectomy with D2 lymph node dissection. There was no evidence of distant metastasis. Pathologic examination revealed a 4.5$\times$4 cm, signet ring cell adenocarcinoma with subserosal invasion and with metastasis in 9 of 42 regional lymph nodes (T2bN2M0). The second case was a 17-year, 11-month-old male who had suffered from epigastric pain for 2 years without familial clustering. Under the diagnosis of AGC, he underwent a distal subtotal gastrectomy with D2 lymph node dissection. There was no evidence of distant metastasis. Pathologic examination revealed a 3$\times$2 cm, signet ring cell adenocarcinoma with subserosal invasion and with metastasis in 9 of 45 regional lymph nodes (T2bN2M0). The two patients have been alive without recurrence for 27 months and 4 months, respectively. Even among teenagers, patients with abdominal complaints should be subjected to a thorough examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

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울릉도 및 독도 근해의 불볼락(Sebastes thompsoni)의 연령과 성장 (Age and Growth of the Goldeyes Rockfish Sebasetes thompsoni in the Ulleungdo and Dokdo Areas)

  • 허요원;이재봉;양재형;차형기;김중진;장창익
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제48권6호
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    • pp.929-939
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    • 2015
  • We studied the characteristics of age and growth of the Goldeyes rockfish Sebasetes thompsoni in the Ulleungdo and Dokdo areas by using 730 otoliths from February 2013 to February 2014. The lowest value of the marginal index was found in June once a year. The spawning period was estimated as April. Therefore, the duration from fertilization to the complete formation of the first annual growth ring is fourteen months. From the parameters calculated using the weighted average length of the year ring formation, the growth of S. thompsoni was demonstrated by the von Bertalanffy growth equation as $L_t=34.68(1-e^{-0.2113(t+0.7683)})$ for females and $L_t=29.79(1-e^{-0.2163(t+1.7964)})$ for males, $L_t=32.84(1-e^{-0.25(t+0.57)})$ for combined sex. Comparing with growth performance index(${\Phi}$) from these 4 offshore areas, parameter of S. thompsoni in Ulleungdo area was 2.4087, that of in Tong-yeong was 2.2835, that of in Aomori was 2.4077 and in Niigata was 2.3927. As a result, the value of Dokdo and Ulleungdo areas showed the highest.

한국 남해안 문치가자미, Pleuronectes yokohamae (Günther)의 연령과 성장 (Age and Growth of Marbled sole, Pleuronectes yokohamae (Günther) in the southern waters of Korea)

  • 김희용;허선정;김성태;서영일
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제51권1호
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2015
  • The age and growth of the Marbled sole, Pleuronectes yokohamae were investigated using left sagittal otoliths of 832 individuals collected in the mid-southern waters of Korea from January 2006 to April 2007. The seasonal changes in the ratio of an translucent zone to interval between annular rings revealed that the boundaries between translucent and opaque parts of the otolith were annual growth rings formed between May and June once a year. The spawning period was November to March and therefore the duration from fertilization to the complete formation of the annual growth ring became fifteen months. The parameters of von Bertalanffy growth equations estimated using the average standard length at each age are the $L_{\infty}$ of 48.04cm, K of 0.1406/year and $t_0$ of -0.5116 for female and 26.14cm, 0.3056/year and -0.8202 for male, respectively. Finally, it is suggested that the growth of female is faster than that of male from age-2.

고등어(Scomber japonicus) 이석의 초륜 형성 및 연령 사정 (First Annulus Formation and Age Determination for Otoliths of Chub Mackerel Scomber japonicus)

  • 강수경;정경미;차형기
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제48권5호
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    • pp.760-767
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    • 2015
  • First annulus formation and age determination of otoliths were examined for chub mackerel Scomber japonicus collected in Korean waters over the one year from January to December in 2009. Translucent zone was regarded as an annual mark. Age interpretation criteria was based on the data of the number of translucent zone, capture date, and edge type of the otolith, assuming the nominal birthday to be 1 January. Monthly changes in mean marginal index indicated that translucent zone was formed once a year, mainly in June. The otolith of 0-ring group was detected comparing the progression by month of the smaller fish length, appearing to be a single first opaque zone. The average distance from the core to the first translucent zone was ~1.77 mm, provided as supplementary information to increase ageing accuracy. The ageing criteria for chub mackerel was made to determine correct year-class with the purpose of effective stock assessment. This method using nominal birthdate and edge type analysis could estimate age of fish closer to the true age than purely counting the number of translucent zone on a whole otolith.

외상성 기관 및 기관지 파열: 3례 보고 (Traumatic Rupture Of Tracheobronchial Tree: 3 Cases Report)

  • 한승세
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 1977
  • With the adevance of widespread mechanization and high-speed era, the incidence of traumatic rupture of the tracheobronchial tree has been increased considerably. We have experienced these diseased of the 3 cases in our department. The first case was a 25 year old male who was severe dyspneic and subcutaneous emphysema, hemoptysis, and hemopneumothorax of both side were noted. During tracheostomy, it was found that the 2net ring of the trachea was ruptured. No definitive procedure was made on admission. Corrective surgery was performed with end-to-end anastomosis on 31 post-traumatic day. The second case was a 43 year old female who received multiple stab wounds on the anterior neck and it was found that the cricoid cartilage was transected partially. The injured cartilage was approximated with interrupted suture of No. 600 wire. The third case was a 19 year old male who had sustained a compression chest injury without external wound or rib fracture. At five days after trauma, he had suffered from dyspnea, and obstruction of the left main bronchus due to traumatic bronchial rupture was confirmed by means of bronchoscopy and bronchography at two weeks after the trauma. End-to-end anastomosis of the bronchus was performed and the left lung was aerated well. Mild postoperative stenosis of trachea was remained in the first case. Others were uneventful.

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대동맥판상부협착증: 치험 3례 (Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis - Report of 3 cases -)

  • 전예지
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.280-286
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    • 1991
  • Supravalvular aortic stenosis may be defined as an obstructive congenital deformity of the ascending aorta which originates just distal to the level of the origins of the coronary arteries It may be localized or diffuse. Enlargement of the aorta with a diamond-shaped patch of the noncoronary sinus of Valsalva was reported in 1961 by McGoon and associates But this reconstruction is asymmetric and the aortic obstruction may remain. In 1977, Dotty and associates reported the extended aortoplasty, the supravalvular ring was incised at two points in the noncoronary and in the right coronary sinuses of Valsalva closed with a tubular Dacron prosthesis of inverted Y-shape tailored to reconstruct the aorta We experienced three cases of the supravalvular aortic stenosis. The 11-year-old female and 4-year-old male with localized supravalvular aortic stenosis in William`s syndrome were operated with an inverted Y-shaped aortotomy toward the non-coronary sinus and the right coronary sinus and closed with "Hemashield`s collagen impregnated Dacron" tube graft, fashioned into "pantaloon" form patch. The 12-year-old male with localized supravalvular aortic stenosis and mitral insufficiency in William`s syndrome were operated with same procedure as two other patient above-mentioned for relief of supravalvular aortic stenosis and with mitral valve replacement. Postoperative course has been good.ourse has been good.

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CarboMEdics 기계판막을 이용한 심장판막 치환술의 임상 연구 (Clinical Study of Prosthetic Heart Valve Replacement with CarboMedics.)

  • 장원기;구자홍;조중구;김공수
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2000
  • Background: The CarboMedics prosthetic heart valve was produced in an attempt to improve the existing valve designs and was especially concerned with easily the implantation and further reduction of turbulence. Precise positioning of the valve in situ was achieved by the abilityof the valve to rotate relative to the sewing ring. Improved monitoring is possible due to increased radiopacity and the dacron sewing ring is coated with carbon to reduce pannus overgrowth. The leaflets have an opening angle of 78 degrees that apparently allows a rapid synchronous closure The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical performance of the CarboMedics valve prostheses(45 mitral 13 aortic and 7 double aortic-mitral valve replacement) were implanted in 65 patients(mean age 48.75$\pm$9.74 years) Result: The operative mortality was 3.1%(2/65) causes of death were low cardiac output syndrome. Total follow up was 1831 patient-months and mean follow up was 29.06$\pm$10.97 months/patient. No structural failure hemorrhage valve thrombosis and late death have been observed. Embolism occurred at a rate of 0.65%/Patient-year. Actuarial survival and thrombo-mbolism free rate at 36 months were 96.9% and 98.4% respectively. Consclusions: The CarboMedics valve stands for low valve related complicatons.

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무봉합 위십이지장 문합술 (Sutureless Gastroduodenostomy)

  • 이종인;김진영;정진호
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.29-32
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    • 2002
  • A gastroduodenostomy is the most physiological reconstruction after a distal gastrectomy. However, a gastroduodenostomy with either sutures or staples has many complications. These include bleeding, leakage and stenosis. A sutureless gastroduodenostomy with a biofragmentable anastomosis ring (BAR) in was used adenocarcinoma patients to prevent these complications from 1999. A BAR is composed of polyglycolic acid and Barium sulfate to allow for X-ray visualization. Hardy in first introduced the BAR in 1985. Since then, it has been used in an anastomosis of the colon or small bowel surgery but its use in a gastroduodenostomy is the first trial in the world. A 70 year male patient, old who received a subtotal gastrectomy (Billroth I), underwent a A sutureless gastroduodenostomy with a BAR. The gastroduodenostomy with the BAR was watertight and maintained the initial burst strength in the gastrografin X-ray study performed at the postoperative 1 week. The BAR began to fragment 3 weeks after the operation and disappeared from the digestive tract completely. The diameter of the anastomosis site was sufficient for passed foods. No other secondary changes from remained foreign bodies were found in the endoscopic examination. In a second operation to treat a primary hepatoma, there was no adhesive changes around the gastroduodenostomy site. In conclusion, a sutureless gastroduodenostomy with BAR is a safe, easy and efficient reconstructive method after a distal gastrectomy.

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우측 쇄골하동맥 기시 이상에 의한 동맥-식도루 (Arterioesophageal Fistula Due to an Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery -A case report-)

  • 황경환;황의두
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제30권11호
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    • pp.1142-1144
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    • 1997
  • 혈관륜이 있는 경우 드물게 동맥 식도루가 발생하여 대출혈이 발생할 수 있다. 42세 남자환자가 교통사고 후 7주간 비위관을 삽입하고 있던 중 상부 위장관 출혈이 발생하여 응급수술을 하였다. 수술 소견상 우측 쇄골하동맥 기시이상이 있었으며 오랜 비위관 상관으로 발생된 것으로 생각되는 동맥-식도루가 있어 이를 수술교정 하였다. 술후 환자상태는 안정 되었으나 술후 5일째 흉관 자극과 염증에 기인 하는 대동맥 봉합부위의 출혈이 발생하여 재수술을 하였고 의식불명 상태로 술후 8일째 사망하였다.

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개선된 동작 주파수 특성을 갖는 차동 전압 클램프 VCO 설계 (A Design of Differential Voltage Clamped VCO for Improved Characteristics of Operating Frequency)

  • 김두곤;오름;우영신;성만영
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2000년도 하계학술대회 논문집 D
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    • pp.3181-3183
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    • 2000
  • As the fact that the simple data of text and sound in early year have been changed to be high quality images and sounds. PLL(Phase-Locked Loop) system plays an important role in communication system. VCO(Voltage Controlled Oscillator) is the most important part in PLL system because it can have critical effects on operation of PLL. Recently, it has been raised the necessity of high speed and high accuracy circuit application. In this paper, a new differential voltage clamped VCO using negative-skewed path is suggested. Using a dual-delay scheme to implement the VCO, higher operation frequency and wider tuning are achieved simultaneously. The dual-delay scheme means that both the negative skewed delay paths and the normal delay paths exist in the same ring oscillator. The negative skewed delay paths decrease the unit delay time of the ring oscillator below the single inverter delay time. As a result, higher operation frequency can be obtained. The whole characteristics of VCO are simulated by using HSPICE. Simulation results show that the resulting operating frequencies are 50% higher than those obtainable from the conventional approaches.

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