• Title/Summary/Keyword: x-radiation

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6 MV X-band linear accelerator for stereotactic body radiation therapy

  • Donghyup Ha;SeungHyun Lee;Mitra Ghergherehchi;Hyojeong Choi;Ho Namgoong;Jongchul Lee;Jong-Seo Chai
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.4502-4511
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    • 2024
  • This paper presents the development process of a high-dose X-band linear accelerator (LINAC) for radiotherapy machines, specifically focusing on stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). The development process includes a multi-physics design, approach for the radio frequency cavity in the LINAC, with an emphasis on minimizing beam size and maximizing shunt impedance of the LINAC. Commissioning tests were conducted to evaluate the performance of the LINAC, which involved measurements of beam energy, beam size, beam current, and X-ray dose rate.

Radiation exposure to the eyes and thyroid during C-arm fluoroscopy-guided cervical epidural injections is far below the safety limit

  • Choi, Eun Joo;Go, Gwangcheol;Han, Woong Ki;Lee, Pyung-Bok
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2020
  • Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate radiation exposure to the eye and thyroid in pain physicians during the fluoroscopy-guided cervical epidural block (CEB). Methods: Two pain physicians (a fellow and a professor) who regularly performed C-arm fluoroscopy-guided CEBs were included. Seven dosimeters were used to measure radiation exposure, five of which were placed on the physician (forehead, inside and outside of the thyroid protector, and inside and outside of the lead apron) and two were used as controls. Patient age, sex, height, and weight were noted, as were radiation exposure time, absorbed radiation dose, and distance from the X-ray field center to the physician. Results: One hundred CEB procedures using C-arm fluoroscopy were performed on comparable patients. Only the distance from the X-ray field center to the physician was significantly different between the two physicians (fellow: 37.5 ± 2.1 cm, professor: 41.2 ± 3.6 cm, P = 0.03). The use of lead-based protection effectively decreased the absorbed radiation dose by up to 35%. Conclusions: Although there was no difference in radiation exposure between the professor and the fellow, there was a difference in the distance from the X-ray field during the CEBs. Further, radiation exposure can be minimized if proper protection (thyroid protector, leaded apron, and eyewear) is used, even if the distance between the X-ray beam and the pain physician is small. Damage from frequent, low-dose radiation exposure is not yet fully understood. Therefore, safety measures, including lead-based protection, should always be enforced.

Nested Case-control Study of Occupational Radiation Exposure and Breast and Esophagus Cancer Risk among Medical Diagnostic X Ray Workers in Jiangsu of China

  • Wang, Fu-Ru;Fang, Qiao-Qiao;Tang, Wei-Ming;Xu, Xiao-San;Mahapatra, Tanmay;Mahapatra, Sanchita;Liu, Yu-Fei;Yu, Ning-Le;Sun, Quan-Fu
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.4699-4704
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    • 2015
  • Medical diagnostic X-ray workers are one occupational group that expose to the long-term low-dose external radiation over their working lifetime, and they may under risk of different cancers. This study aims to determine the relationship between the occupational X-ray radiation exposure and cancer risk among these workers in Jiangsu, China. We conducted Nested case-control study to investigate the occupational X-ray radiation exposure and cancer risk. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaire, which includes but not limits to demographic data, personal behaviors and family history of cancer. Retrospective dose reconstruction was conducted to estimate the cumulative doses of the x-ray workers. Inferential statistics, t-test and 2 tests were used to compare the differences between each group. We used the logistic regression model to calculate the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of cancer by adjusting the age, gender. All 34 breast cancer cases and 45 esophageal cancer cases that detected in a cohort conducted among health workers between 1950~2011 were included in this presented study, and 158 cancer-free controls were selected by frequency-matched (1:2). Our study found that the occupational radiation exposure was associated with a significantly increased cancer risk compared with the control, especially in breast cancer and esophageal cancer (adjusted OR=2.90, 95% CI: 1.19-7.04 for breast cancer; OR=4.19, 95% CI: 1.87-9.38 for esophageal cancer, and OR=3.43, 95% CI: 1.92-6.12 for total cancer, respectively). The occupational X-ray radiation exposure was associated with increasing cancer risk, which indicates that proper intervention and prevention strategies may be needed in order to bring down the occupational cancer risk.

Effect of X-ray Irradiation on the Pulmonary Surfactant in Rabbits (흉부(胸部) X-선조사(線照射)가 가토폐포(家兎肺胞) 표면활성물질(表面活性物質)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Chull
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 1968
  • It is well known that mammalian alveolar membrane is covered with a very thin layer of surfactant film which characteristically reduces surface tension of alveolar membrane, and maintains alveolar stability. Since Clements in 1957 demonstrated that the surfactant is extractable by mincing the lung tissue in saline, various studies on the subject have been succeeded by many workers. However, the effect of radiation on the surfactant is not well clarified. Present study was attempted to observe the effect of x-irradiation on the activity of surfactant in rabbits. X-ray in dose of 300 r, 600 r or 900 r was irradiated to the chest of rabbits. The lung was removed from normal or irradiated rabbits sacrificed by arterial blood shedding, and lung-saline extract, adding 3 grams of lung tissue to 50 mili-liters of saline, was prepared by means of Vertis homogenizer. Tension-area diagram of lung extract was recorded automatically by a modified Langmuir-Wilhelmy balance with a synchronized recording system designed in this department. The surface tension of lung extract was measured at 1st, 2 nd, 3 rd, 7 th and 15 th post-radiation day in 300 r irradiated group, at 3 rd, 7 th and 15 th post-radiation day in 600 r irradiated group, 3 rd and 7 th post-radiation day in 900 r irradiated group respectively. For the histo-pathological study, lung tissue preparations were made in all irradiatiated groups on the day of experiment and in normal group. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The minimal surface tension, maximal surface tension and stability index of normal rabbits lung extracts were 7.68 dynes/cm, 38.84 dynes/cm, and 1.39 respectively. 2. The activity of surfactant was depressed prominently by x-irradiation. However, increase in the dose of x-irradiation did not show any significant change in the degree of surfactant activity suppression. The most marked depression in surfactant was observed at the third post-radiation day in all irradiated groups. 3. Activity of surfactant depressed by x-irradiation showed a tendency of recovering to normal on 15 th post-radiation day. 4. The tendency of change in activity of surfactant following x-irradiation was somewhat correlative with histo-pathological changes. But the degree of depression of surfactant by x-irradiation did not correspond to the degree of histo-pathological changes, and recovery of lung tissue from radiation damage, tissue edema and congestion, seemed to be followed by restoration of surfactant activity. 5. The width of the tension-area diagram was measured at the surface area of 40% in lung extract of normal and x-irradiated rabbits. And it was found that the changes of the width corresponded well with that of minimum surface tension and of stability index in all normal and x-irradiated groups.

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Development of Radiation Free Soft X-Ray Ionizer with Ion Control (완전차폐 및 이온조절형 연X선식 정전기제거장치의 개발)

  • Jeong, Phil Hoon;Lee, Dong Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2016
  • The Electrostatic Charge Prevention Technology is a core factor that highly influences the yield of Ultra High Resolution Flat Panel Display and high-integrated semiconductor manufacturing processes. The corona or x-ray ionizations are commonly used in order to eliminate static charges during manufacturing processes. To develop such a revolutionary x-ray ionizer that is free of x-ray radiation and has function to control the volume of ion formation simultaneously is a goal of this research and it absolutely overcomes the current risks of x-ray ionization. Under the International Commission on Radiological Protection, it must have a leakage radiation level that should be lower than a recommended level that is $1{\mu}Sv/hour$. In this research, the new generation of x-ray ionizer can easily control both the volume of ion formation and the leakage radiation level at the same time. In the research, the test constraints were set and the descriptions are as below; First, In order not to leak x-ray radiation while testing, the shielding box was fully installed around the test equipment area. Second, Implement the metallic Ring Electrode along a tube window and applied zero to ${\pm}8kV$ with respect to manage the positive and negative ions formation. Lastly, the ion duty ratio was able to be controlled in different test set-ups along with a free x-ray leakage through the metallic Ring Electrode. In the result of experiment, the maximum x-ray radiation leakage was $0.2{\mu}Sv/h$. These outcome is lower than the ICRP 103 recommended value, which is $1{\mu}Sv/h$. When applying voltage to the metallic ring electrode, the positive decay time was 2.18s at the distance of 300 mm and its slope was 0.272. In addition, the negative decay time was 2.1s at the distance of 300 mm and its slope was 0.262. At the distance of 200 mm, the positive decay time was 2.29s and its slope was 0.286. The negative decay time was 2.35s and its slope was 0.293. At the distance of 100 mm, the positive decay time was 2.71s and its slope was 0.338. The negative decay time was 3.07s and its slope was 0.383. According to these research, the observation was shown that these new concept of ionizer is able to minimize the leakage radiation level and to control the positive and negative ion duty ratio while ionization.

In Situ Observation of Initial Rusting Process of Steel Containing Al Using Synchrotron Radiation X-Rays

  • Morimoto, J.;Yamashita, M.;Uchida, H.;Doi, T.;Kamimura, T.;Miyuki, H.;Konishi, H.;Mizuki, J.
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.112-118
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    • 2008
  • We observed initial rusting process of steel containing Al under wet/dry cyclic condition with NaCl solution film using in situ X-ray diffraction spectroscopy at SPring-8 synchrotron radiation facility. It was found that mass fraction of iron oxides such as ${\alpha}-FeOOH$, ${\beta}-FeOOH$ and ${\gamma}-FeOOH$ varied with Al content. Some kinds of Al oxides were also found at the initial stage of corrosion. Those corrosion products might affect the corrosion process and corrosion rate of the steel.

Betatron Radiation of an Off-axis Injected Electron in a Laser Wakefield Accelerator

  • Hwang, Seok-Won;Lee, Hae-June
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.86-91
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    • 2009
  • The electrons injected into a laser wakefield undergo betatron oscillation and give rise to the emission of intense X-ray radiation. To investigate the generation conditions of the X-rays, the relativistic motion of an electron injected in an off-axis position has been simulated with wakefield profiles which are pre-calculated with a two-dimensional particle-in-cell code. The wakefield with a plasma density of $1.78{\times}10^{18}\;cm^{-3}$ is generated by the laser with an intensity of $1.37{\times}10^{18}\;W/cm^2$ and a pulse width of 30 fs. From the calculation of the single particle motion, the characteristics of the betatron radiation are investigated in the time domain. As the transverse injection position increases, the power and the duration time of the radiation increase, but the width of each pulse decreases.

A Study on Radition-Induced Current in Insulating Oil during X-ray Irradiation (방사선(放射線) 조사(照射) 중(中) 절연유(絶緣油)의 유기전류(誘起電流)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Young-Il;Lee, Duck-Chool;Chung, Yon-Tack
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 1988
  • This study was measured the radiation-induced current - X-ray dose, dose rate, X-ray quality, time, temperature, electric field characteristics and the dependence of gap length in insulating oil under of D.C. Voltage before, during and after X-ray irradiation. The obtained results can be summarized as following. 1. The radiation - induced current is more the dependence of X-ray quality (tube voltage) than quantity (tube current), the dependence of quantity is appeared at the high than low X-.ay tube voltage. 2. The dependence of dose rate is appeared at the more dose rate, and ${\triangle}\;=\;0.64{\sim}0.74$. 3. The higher temperature of insulating oil and X-ray tube voltage (X-ray quality) is increased, at the low electric field, the more radiation-induced current. 4. $G_{eq}-G_{o}(={\triangle}G)$ is increased at the low than high temperature, high than low X-ray quality. 5. The dependence of temperature is appeared before than during X-ray irradiation. 6. The RIC saturation region is appeared at the high than low insulating oil temperature during (1000 V/cm above) than before (4000 V/cm above) X-ray irradiation.

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KCl Crystal Growth and High Energy X Ray Expose of Properties (KCl 단결정의 성장 및 고 에너지 X선 조사 특성)

  • Park, Cheol-Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: X ray irradiates material for dose distribution confirmation through material color variation to evaluate about possibility. Materials and Methods: That is rare earth material to pure KCl and KCl impurity Eu adding 0.5mol% by Czochralski method each single crystal grow and observed color variation of KCl X ray irradiation use of linear accelerator. Results: High energy X ray irradiation KCl:Eu show the blue fluorescence with purple color that pure KCl single crystal can confirm by show was not observed, but was colored violet. Conclusion: Colors variation of KCl founds stable color center from radiation and this color variation will be used usefully to X ray measurement material and phantom.

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