• Title/Summary/Keyword: working age

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Employment Structure in Korea: Characteristics & Problems (우리나라 고용구조의 특징과 과제)

  • Jang, Keunho
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.66-122
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    • 2019
  • As the Korean economy grew, employment expanded steadily, with the number of economically active people increasing and the employment-to-population rate also increasing. However, the working age population started to decline in 2017, and the employment of women and young people has been sluggish. The proportion of non-salaried workers in Korea is much higher than in other OECD countries, and is also excessive, considering Korea's income levels. In addition, the proportion of non-regular workers and the proportion of workers employed at small companies are particularly high among salaried workers. In light of these characteristics of Korean employment, the urgent problems facing the employment structure can be summarized by the deepening dual structure of the labor market, the increase in youth unemployment, sluggish female employment figures, and an excessive share of self-employment. Overall, it is seen that labor market duality is the main structural factor of the employment problems in Korea. Therefore, in order to fundamentally address this employment problem, it is necessary to concentrate policy efforts on alleviating labor market duality.

The History of the History of Religions and Intellectual History : Concerning with the Work of Hans G. Kippenberg (서구 종교학의 역사에 대한 지성사적 재조명: 키펜베르크의 논의를 중심으로)

  • Jo, Hyeon-Beom
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.17
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    • pp.113-134
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    • 2004
  • According to Hans Kippenberg, the foundation of an academic study of religions coincided with the beginnings of modernization. Since the second half of the nineteenth century most European countries were involved in a process of rapid social change. The repercussions that this had for daily life were momentous. Instead of working for their traditional needs, people now had to produce goods for a market. Old customs ceded to private contracts and political laws. The superior knowledge of science replaced the inherited worldview. This deep changed severed societies from their ties to the past. Many educated people in Europe believed in an imminent end of all religions. Had not the scientific progress superseded the religious worldview? Historians had to come to terms with that expectation when they directed their attention to historical religions. Friedrich Max Muller introduced a new science, so-called Religionswissenschaft through the study of the ancient Vedic sources. He thought that genuine religion was a taste for, and sense of, the infinite. From his point of view, the Indian sources confirm that nature is more than mechanical laws. Thus his interpretation sought to contradict the materialist ideology of his day. Edward Burnett Tylor described religions as a kind of natural philosophy. His notion of 'soul' functioned to explain natural events. This legacy of the past cannot be missed even in modern society. Only the concept of the soul may preserve human dignity in an age of materialism. Gerardus van der Leeuw, also tried to perform the same function of the cultural critique for the renewal of the religious imagination in modern, rationalized Europe imprisoned in the iron-cage. In this respect, we could think that the interpretations of the history of the History of Religions in the light of the intellectual history are very suggestive for the korean student of religion. It helps them to describe the early history of the study of religion in Korea. For example, Yi Neung Wha(李能和) is regarded as 'a father of korean religious studies, but no one could present a proper answer for the question of why and through which connection of his intellectual milieu he was interested in the religious history and the study of religion. We would discover its signification in his confrontation of the prevailing social thought, such as social evolutionism.

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Relationships among Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Learning Organization Culture in One Korean Private Organization

  • LIM, Taejo
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.17-39
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships among organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and learning organization culture. This study was conducted in five sub-organizations of one Korean conglomerate company. One thousand employees were randomly and proportionately selected, with 669 useable cases obtained, for a response rate of 67%. The organizational commitment instrument used from the "affective, continuance, and normative commitment" scale (ACNCS) of Allen and Meyer (1990). The "Dimensions of Learning Organization Questionnaire" of Watkins and Marsick (1997) was used to measure learning organization culture. The short form MSQ (Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire), developed by Weiss, Dawis, England, and Lofquist (1967), was the third instrument used. Descriptive statistics, correlational statistics, and inferential statistics (ANOVA and t-tests) were used. Organizational commitment (except for continuance) is moderately and positively related to job satisfaction and moderately and positively related to learning organization culture. In addition, learning organization culture is weakly to moderately and positively related to job satisfaction. No differences by age were found. Four-year college graduates are more likely to have higher creating continuous learning opportunities in learning organization culture than graduate school degree holders. Males are likely to have higher affective and continuance organizational commitment than females. Employees working in R&D, Engineering, and Manufacturing (REM) are likely to have higher continuance organizational commitment than do other types of jobs. Employees are more likely to have higher learning organization culture and job satisfaction than assistant managers. Assistant managers have higher continuance organizational commitment than managers. Managers generally have higher organizational commitment, learning organization culture, job satisfaction than assistant managers. They also have higher learning organization culture than employees. Employees who had worked for less than four years in their current job and organization have higher promoting inquiry and dialogue in learning organization culture than those who have worked for ten years or more. Employees in the insurance organization have higher affective organizational commitment, learning organization culture, and job satisfaction than those of the other organizations. Finally, employees of the electronic company have higher continuance organizational commitment in learning organization culture than those of other companies. In summary, this research enables CEOs and HRD and HRM practitioners to view organizational commitment, learning organization culture, and job satisfaction as important variables in exploring diverse ranges of topics related to the workplace. And then, they can diversely apply their management, interventions and practices to fit these diverse characteristics.

Effect of Role Stress on Career Commitment and Turnover Intention of Hospital Workers (의료기관 종사자의 역할 스트레스가 경력몰입과 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Sang-Sik Lee;Dong-Il Choi;Duk-Young Cho
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the impact of role stress (role conflict, role ambiguity, and role overload) on career commitment and turnover intention in small and medium-sized hospital workers in Busan. The subjects of the study were 418 nursing and administrative workers engaged in hospitals and general hospitals in Busan. Frequency analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were conducted for empirical analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, significant differences in some research variables were identified according to gender, age, educational background, marital status, and working years. Depending on the job type, there were significant differences in all variables such as role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload, career commitment, and turnover intention. Second, role stress was found to have a significant negative effect on career commitment and a significant positive effect on turnover intention. Among the role stress, it was confirmed that the role overload had the strongest influence on career commitment and turnover intention. This study is meaningful in that it analyzed the influence of role stress, including workers in all occupations, including nursing jobs, and empirically revealed the meaning of role stress as an explanatory variable of career commitment and turnover intention.

Important Social Issues in Korea: Continuity and Change over 10 Years (한국 사회문제의 변화: 지난 10년간 세 시점의 비교)

  • Doun-Woong Hahn;Hoon-Seok Choi
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.103-128
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    • 2006
  • The present study investigated individuals' perception of important social issues in Korea. Based on previous research(Hahn, 1994; Hahn & Kang, 2000), a checklist containing 370 social issues was created. This checklist was administered to 1600 Koreans(812 college students, 788 adults) residing in 5 regional areas in Korea during the period of December 2004 and February 2005. Data were analyzed by the respondents' age, sex, and residing areas, and findings were compared to those of the two previous studies conducted in 1994 and 1999. Major findings of the study are as follows. First, across the three surveys, over 50% of the respondents consistently indicated the following four items as important social issues in the Korean society: political corruption, environmental pollution, the education system that is driven too much for college entrance, employment difficulty for local college graduates. Second, more than 50% of the respondents in the current survey indicated the following 12 items as important social issues that must be resolved: high unemployment rate, political corruption, environmental pollution, education system, overall difficulty of getting jobs, the nation's distrust in politics, hardships of life among the working classes, political incompetence, people with defective personal credit standings, employment difficulty for local college graduates, political instability, corruption of public servants. Third, analyses on the top 30 social issues across the three surveys revealed a positive and significant rank-order correlation for a five-year period(i.e., 1994-1999, 1999-2004), but not for a ten-year period(i.e., 1994-2004). Implications of the study and directions for future research are discussed.

The Effect of Emotional Labor, Resilience on Performance of Long-term Care Hospital Employee (요양병원 직원의 감정노동, 회복탄력성 등이 업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jong-won
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2021
  • This was empirical research aimed at determining the effects of emotional labor, Resilience and service environment, on the performance of Long-term Care Hospital Employee. The participants were 180 employees working in long-term care hospitals in Gyeonggi-do. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS statics19.0 program. The study were analyzed by frequency analysis and descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Scheffe? test, Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise regression. As a result of the study, age, marriage status, career, and position affected performance among the general characteristics.tion coefficients, and stepwise regression. As a result of the study, the average performance was 91.25 (±12.46) points, emotional labor was 41.25 (±4.21) points, Resilience was 52.89 (±6.37), and the service environment was 78.93(±15.3) points. The performance showed a positive correlation with emotional labor(r=.326, p<.001) service environment (r=.384, p=.005) and Resilience (r=.417, p<.001) of Long-term Care Hospital Employee. Service environment was the biggest factor affecting performance, and the second was resilience. The explanatory power of this regression model was 48.2% and was statistically significant (F=58.249, p<.001).

A Study on the Effect of Job Stress, Self-Leadership and Social Supports of Long-Term Care Hospital Nurses on Nursing Performance (요양병원 간호사의 직무스트레스, 셀프리더십, 사회적 지지가 간호업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Park So-Young;Cho, Jeong-Lim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1159-1172
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    • 2023
  • Through this study, we aim to investigate the impact of job stress, self-leadership, and social support on nursing performance among nurses in long-term care hospitals. Our objective is to identify specific measures to enhance nursing performance by understanding how these factors influence overall nursing work outcomes. Participants were nurses working at long-term care hospitals in B city and G city. Data were collected with structured questionnaires from February 1 to February 25, 2018. Data were analyzed SPSS 22.0 program for descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression. Factors which had effect on nursing performance were self-leadership(β=.415, p<.001), age(β=.251, p=.001), social supports(β=.206, p<.001), job stress(β=-.159, p=.001) and position(β=.102, p=.047). We anticipate that the findings of this study, which reflects the job characteristics of nurses in long-term care hospitals, can serve as foundational data for the development of intervention programs related to nursing performance. These results can contribute to the creation of programs aimed at improving nursing outcomes in accordance with the unique work characteristics of nurses in long-term care settings.

Comparative Analysis of Low Fertility Response Policies (Focusing on Unstructured Data on Parental Leave and Child Allowance) (저출산 대응 정책 비교분석 (육아휴직과 아동수당의 비정형 데이터 중심으로))

  • Eun-Young Keum;Do-Hee Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.769-778
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    • 2023
  • This study compared and analyzed parental leave and child allowance, two major policies among solutions to the current serious low fertility rate problem, using unstructured data, and sought future directions and implications for related response policies based on this. The collection keywords were "low fertility + parental leave" and "low fertility + child allowance", and data analysis was conducted in the following order: text frequency analysis, centrality analysis, network visualization, and CONCOR analysis. As a result of the analysis, first, parental leave was found to be a realistic and practical policy in response to low fertility rates, as data analysis showed more diverse and systematic discussions than child allowance. Second, in terms of child allowance, data analysis showed that there was a high level of information and interest in the cash grant benefit system, including child allowance, but there were no other unique features or active discussions. As a future improvement plan, both policies need to utilize the existing system. First, parental leave requires improvement in the working environment and blind spots in order to expand the system, and second, child allowance requires a change in the form of payment that deviates from the uniform and biased system. should be sought, and it was proposed to expand the target age.

Associations of chronotype and insomnia with menstrual problems in newly employed nurses at university hospitals in the Republic of Korea

  • Han-Na Jung;Dongwhan Suh;Woo Chul Jeong;Jia Ryu;Yu-Mi Kim;Seohyun Yoon;Hyunjoo Kim
    • Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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    • v.35
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    • pp.30.1-30.13
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    • 2023
  • Background: Dysmenorrhea and menstrual cycle changes occur in women working shifts. Circadian rhythm disruption and sleep disturbances associated with shift work leads to health problems. We identified chronotypes and the occurrence of insomnia among newly employed university hospital nurses and investigated the association of these factors with menstrual problems. Methods: We conducted pre-placement health examinations for shift workers using self-reported questionnaires between 2018 and 2020. A total of 463 nurses were included in the study. Sociodemographic data, shift work experience, and information on insomnia were collected from health examination data. In addition, details regarding chronotype, dysmenorrhea, irregular and abnormal menstrual cycles, amenorrhea, and contraceptive use were obtained from the questionnaire. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to study the association between chronotype, insomnia, and menstrual problems after controlling for age, body mass index, contraceptive use, amenorrhea, and prior shift work. Results: The prevalence rates of dysmenorrhea, irregular menstrual cycles, and longer menstrual cycles were 23.8%, 14.9%, and 4.1%, respectively. The risk of dysmenorrhea increased in the evening-type (odds ratio [OR]: 3.209; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.685-6.113) and those with insomnia (OR: 1.871; 95% CI: 1.074-3.261). Additionally, the risk of an irregular menstrual cycle (OR: 2.698; 95% CI: 1.167-6.237) increased in the evening-type, and the risk of a longer menstrual cycle (OR: 4.008; 95% CI: 1.354-11.864) increased in individuals with insomnia. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that dysmenorrhea is promoted in the evening-type and insomnia individuals. There may be an increased risk of irregular menstrual cycles among evening-type nurses and an increased risk of longer menstrual cycles among those with insomnia. Therefore, factors such as evening-type and insomnia should be considered for the prevention of menstrual problems in women performing shift work.

Field Perceptions on the Staffing Situation of Academic Libraries (대학도서관 인력 현황에 관한 현장 인식 조사)

  • Eun Youp Rha;Sangoh Na;Jongwook Lee
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.123-143
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we analyzed the trends in staffing changes in academic libraries over the past ten years and surveyed staff working there to assess their perceptions of staffing levels and the current criteria for staffing allocation in academic libraries. We utilized statistical data from academic libraries to analyze staffing changes from 2014 to 2023. The survey was conducted through an online questionnaire targeting library staff, and responses from 216 respondents from 4-year universities and junior colleges were analyzed. The analysis of staffing changes revealed a decrease in the average number of employees in large 4-year universities and junior colleges, with a decrease in regular positions and an increase in non-regular positions. Survey results suggest causes such as declining school-age population and admissions quotas, budget shortages in universities, and structural adjustments. The perception of staff from 4-year universities and junior colleges regarding the criteria for staffing allocation was mainly negative, suggesting improvements such as increasing and refining criteria numbers, specifying standards for full-time librarians, clarifying criteria for compliance, and enhancing enforcement of standards. The results of this study can enhance understanding of staffing situations in academic libraries and serve as fundamental data for improving staffing criteria in the future, based on an understanding of librarians' perceptions on the ground.