• Title/Summary/Keyword: workfare program

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An Analysis on the Low- income Unemployed and a Policy Development for the Self-supporting Program on Gender-mainstreaming Perspective (성 주류화의 관점에서 본 저소득 실업자에 대한 분석과 자활사업 정착을 위한 정책 제안)

  • Baek, Sun-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.43
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    • pp.76-105
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    • 2000
  • In the last two decades, the welfare states have undergone the changes of restructuring towards two ways. One is a restructuring of workfare and the other is a restructuring of the gender model of welfare state. In Korea, the workfare is reflecting on the DJ Welfarism 'Productive Welfare', but the gender model has a little effect on the public policies. By the way, It is imported that has the gender perspective in approaching the self-supporting program in the public assistance representing of the DJ Welfarism. Because almost 60% of the beneficiaries of the program are women. The Gender-mainstreaming strategy criticizes for the laws, the public policies, the public programs that considered gender-neutral or gender-blinded, and then complete the equality between women and men through the modification or development of those. The approach of Gender-mainstreaming is very important strategy for not only women who are self-reliance recipient but also successful settlement of self-supporting program. Nowadays that program is not execute yet. Then we hardly have information about recipients and the results that expected from that. At this point of gender-mainstreaming, this report suggest the strategy to development and settlement of the self-supporting program in the basics of analysis for the low-income unemployed and the government policy response to unemployment. For the gender models of the self-supporting program, the most important thing is throwing the male breadwinner model and adoption the dural-earner model (the gender model) about that program. Then we must produce gender-statistics data, develop programs for public work, job replacement, job training, evaluating system, etc. with gender perspective.

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The Comparison of Workfare in UK and Australia from the View Point of Social Contract Theory (사회계약론적 관점에서 본 영국과 호주의 근로연계복지 비교연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Ha
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.169-193
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    • 2006
  • The Purpose of this paper is to compare workfare system in UK with in Australia from the view point of social contract theory. There are two kinds of social contract theory - Hobbesian and Kantian theory. In view of these two types, this paper makes a comparative study of New Deal in UK and Mutual Obligation in Australia. The results of analysis can be summarized as follows. Firstly, in this respect of compulsive program formation background, Mutual Obligation and New Deal is all similar with Hobbesian social contract theory. Secondly, With regard to concern for the disadvantaged, Mutual Obligation is among Hobbesian social contract but New Deal is among Kantian social contract. Lastly, concerning orientation of compulsion, Mutual Obligation is close to Hobbesian social contract but New Deal is close to Kantian social contract.

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Who are the Assistant Cooks at the Community Child Centers in South Korea? Focus Group Interviews with Workfare Program Participants

  • Park, Jiyoung;Park, Chongwon;Kim, Sanghee;Hoor, Gill A. Ten;Hwang, Gahui;Hwang, Youn Sun
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.445-453
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Community child centers (CCCs) were introduced to provide after-school activities and care, including meal services to children from low-income families. The assistant cooks, who have the main responsibility for making and serving food at CCCs, are a major factor influencing the eating habits of children using CCCs. In this study, we tried to identify and understand who the assistant cooks are, what their job responsibilities are, and what they need in order to be able to provide children with healthy meals. Methods: Three focus group interviews were held with 17 workfare program participants who worked as assistant cooks at CCCs, and content analysis methods were applied using the NVivo 12 qualitative data analysis software. Results: The assistant cooks reflected on their perceptions of the children's health at the CCCs, their own cooking style, and their role at the CCCs. Additionally, barriers to the optimal provision of their services were pointed out, and improvements were suggested. Conclusion: The results of this study can be used as a fundamental resource for the development of tailored interventions that consider a child's unique environment to address health disparities, specifically with respect to childhood obesity.

A Study on the Effects of the Antipoverty Policy in Local Community : Focusing on the Self-Support System In Korea (지역사회 탈빈곤 정책의 효과 분석 : 경남, 전북지역 자활후견기관 운영의 성과 및 한계 분석과 개선방안의 모색)

  • Lee, Sang-Rok;Jin, Jae-Moon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.52
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    • pp.241-272
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    • 2003
  • The Self-Support Program was introduced as an antipoverty policy at 2002 year in Korea. But, the Self-Support Program's negative or positive effects have been debated from diverse perspectives to the present. Thus, in this paper, we analyzed the effects of the Self-Support Program using the survey data from program participants. Even though the effects of Workfare Programs can be evaluated by various indicators(ex. income, employment status, poverty status, etc.), in our analysis the effects of the Self-Support Program are evaluated by participants' self-reliant attitudes and behaviors. Major findings are as follows. First, we found that some kinds of self-reliant attitudes(ex. work commitment, self-esteem, etc.) were build up through participation on the Self-Support program, but some kinds of self-reliant factors(job competence and skill, self-sufficiency prospect, etc.) which are more relevant to the self-sufficiency were not build up thorough it. Second, we found the positive effects of the program among people who are females, olders, less educated, more healthy, and the participants who have acquired more certificate of qualifications. Third, we also found that self-support center's job training program, adequate task matching, agency climates and intra-networks influence on the positive effects of the Self-Support Program. These findings suggest that the Self-Support Program has not been successful up to now and it's reformations are required. It means that objectives of the Self-Support Program as an anti-poverty policy must be obvious and program contents must be diverse. And also program administration systems need to be reformed in oder to raise the effectiveness of the Self-Support Program.

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Study on the Field Perceptions on Self-Support Performance Indicators using ISA(Importance-Satisfaction Analysis): Focusing on Regional Types (ISA 기법을 활용한 자활사업 성과지표에 대한 현장 인식 연구 : 지역 유형을 중심으로)

  • Jo, Joon-Yong;Kim, Kyoung Huy
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.447-456
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    • 2022
  • Korea's self-support program has constituted one of the most important workfare policy for the past 25 years. However, many pointed out the lack of field perceptions in the performance indicators of self-support program, such as overemphasis on the economic performance and uniform application regardless of regional types. This research intends to derive policy implications to improve performance indicators of self-support program by analyzing field perceptions, utilizing ISA(Importance-Satisfaction Analysis) method. Analysis on the difference between importance and satisfaction shows that the procedure was perceived more important than the consequences. It also reveals that current indicators were not satisfactory enough to reflect field practices. Finally, ISA matrix classified indicators into keep, improve, policy reconsideration area, and obvious differences were found by regional type. These findings suggest the importance of field-orientation in performance indicators, and by which, can serve as an exploratory study for the improvement of performance indicators.

A Study on the Optimal EITC Program (근로장려세제의 최적 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Hanwook
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.131-170
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    • 2008
  • Korea's public assistance system, represented by NBLS(National Basic livelihood Security), has disclosed critical problems despite the rapid increase in its budget, such as decreasing work incentive and deepening welfare trap. These typical problems of classical welfare system have been commonly witnessed in many other advanced countries. Therefore a number of efforts have been exerted to correct these problems by transferring the existing welfare system into a welfare-to-work(or workfare) system, and the most common one of such efforts is introducing the EITC(Earned Income Tax Credit)-type programs. They have already been implemented in many countries such as the USA, the UK and France, also Korean government decided to launch EITC program in 2009. This paper aims to propose some measures to improve Korean EITC program. For this, an optimization problem is constructed from the government's viewpoint. Optimal EITC program is defined to be a solution to the problem - a combination of phase-in rate, phase-out rate, and maximum credit that maximizes labor supply increase under a exogenously given budget constraint. Using a mechanism design analysis, we derive and characterize the optimal EITC program. Analysis results implies that Korean EITC structure needs to be modified so that phase-in rate is larger than phase-out rate and the upper limit of phase-out range becomes larger. Comparative static analysis results show that the feature of the optimal EITC program is sensitive to the change of income distribution, suggesting that if beneficiaries are categorized into different income groups, then it is desirable to apply distinctive EITC programs to each group.

An exploratory study on practice-oriented reconceptualization of self-sufficiency : Service providers' reflections on their own experiences from the field (현장의 시각으로부터 구조화된 자활 개념 탐색 연구 : 자활사업 실무자의 이해를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Sangmi;Hong, Song-Iee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.5-33
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    • 2018
  • A self-sufficiency service has worked as a typical workfare policy combined with public assistance in Korea since 2000. Despite of its long history, three core pillars in administrating the self-sufficiency service, policy, research, and practice, have respectively understood the meaning of self-sufficiency in terms of their own interests. As a result, the self-sufficiency service has recently faced with its own identity issues by showing failures to its environmental changes. The current situation makes it necessary to reconceptualize the definition of self-sufficiency by exploring its in-depth understanding perceived by service providers. Specifically, we analyzed practical reflections on 35 service providers' experiences which were collected via focus group interviews for two hours. The study findings presented that service providers had two antithetical approaches towards self-sufficiency. While a dominant approach to self-sufficiency has been concentrated on improving clients' economic outcomes such as employment, job retention, the escape from welfare trap, and increasing earnings and assets, the other approach has been extended to empower clients and achieve their well-being and quality of life. Yet, these contrary perspectives have led to suffer from their role confusions and identity crisis between the work-ready process and the employment-oriented outcomes. Specifically, they described self-sufficiency in terms of psychological, social, and integrated aspects. The psychological aspect included a process of developing inner strengths, intensifying job motivation, and coping with barriers of employment. The social aspect meant a path toward social integration through recovering human relationships. The integrated aspect covered more comprehensive support for their recovery of daily life and autonomy to make a decision for their own life. In conclusion, the study findings suggest that self-sufficiency should be more extensively considered as a stepwise process towards work-ready preparations beyond ultimate economic outcomes. Such an extended concept of self-sufficiency could contribute to restructuring the whole practice of self-sufficiency including organizational and program changes in the fields.