• Title/Summary/Keyword: wooden construction

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Structural Performance of Beam-to-Column Joint Types in Dapo-style Buildings of the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 다포계 건축물의 결구형태별 구조성능 평가)

  • Yoon, Jeong-Hoon;Choi, Yun-Chul;Lee, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2019
  • In Korean traditional wooden architecture, joint performance varies with the material characteristics of timber, the form of joint, the precision of timber-trimming and the like. Case studies prove that the beam-to-column joint type has large influence on the degrees of deformation and spacing. This is not only true of single-story buildings, but also of large-scale multi-story buildings more apparently. Therefore, this study followed the process of examining to joint types, producing their specimens and testing their structural performance. As a consequence of structural test, the dovetail joint specimen showed the best outcomes of the maximum load and rigidity. Synthesizing the structural performances by respective forms of joints, the Doraegeoji dovetail joint specimen showed the higher performance, followed in order by the Doraegeoji mortise joint specimen and the Tongneoko dovetail joint specimen. The structural performance of a building varies with the characteristics by the shouldering forms of penetrating beams and with the joint types within the columns. This should be considered for the new construction or restoration of multi-story buildings, and be continuously researched henceforth.

Development of Ply-Lam Composed of Japanese Cypress Laminae and Korean Larch Plywood

  • FUJIMOTO, Yoshiyasu;TANAKA, Hiroshi;MORITA, Hideki;KANG, Seog Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2021
  • In recent years, the use of cross laminated timber (CLT) has been evolving. In addition, CLT manufactured with various species such as Japanese cedar has been developed to utilize the local resources in each country. However most factories in Japan produce CLT by bonding the laminae in width direction for orthogonal layers, where grain of element is perpendicular to the grain of outer layer, and this process is considered to be one of the factors that reduce productivity. A new wood based material (hereinafter referred to as Ply-lam) using wooden panel such as plywood for the orthogonal layer was developed in order to improve productivity in CLT manufacturing and improve quality. Japanese cypress lamina was used for the parallel layer, where grain of element is parallel to the grain of outer layer, of CLT and Korean larch plywood was used for the orthogonal layer, in order to effectively use Korean larch and expand the utilization of Japanese cypress. The cross-sectional construction of the Ply-lam was 5-layers 5-plies, and the dimensions were 1000 mm (width) × 150 mm (depth) × 4000 mm (length). As a performance evaluation of the manufactured Ply-lam, strength tests such as out-of-plane bending, in-plane bending, out-of-plane shearing and in-plane shearing tests were carried out. As the result of this study, Ply-lam composed of Japanese cypress lamina panels and Korean larch plywood showed very higher out-of-plane bending strength compared to the standard strength of CLT. And the result obtained in other tests seems to show a sufficiently high value.

A Study on Estimating Recycling Potential of Demolition Waste Generated in End-of-Life of Buildings by Structural Type Considering Economic Efficiency (경제적 효율성 측면에서 건축물 구조를 고려한 해체폐기물의 재활용가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Gi-Wook;Kim, Jin Ho;Moon, Hyeun Jun;Kim, Young-Chan;Hong, Won-Hwa
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2020
  • This study investigates the recycling potential of demolition waste (DW) according to building structure, while considering economic aspects. For that, this study surveyed 1,034 residential buildings to collect reliable information on demolition waste generation rates (DWGRs). This study suggested a method for operational cost calculation for each stage and carried out an inventory analysis. The economic value of recycled DW materials was also calculated. And then, the recycling potential(RP) was calculated by building structures and waste types. RP by building structure was low (27-40%), and RP was found in the order of masonry-block, wooden, RC and concrete-brick. By type of DWs, the RP of aggregates was considerably lower than 7%, and DWs such as wood, plastics, and metals showed more than 100% RP. Considering the results of this study, In order to improve the RP of buildings and DWs, the diversification of products that recycled waste like aggregates (i.e., mortar, concrete, bricks, blocks, tiles) and the development of high value-added products are considered to be the most urgent problems. Based on the above RP results, this study proposed a more advanced method for life cycle assessment of buildings and demolition waste.

Success Factors of the Supdari(A Wooden Bridge) Restoration in Jeonju-River through Citizens' Initiative (적극적 주민참여를 통한 전통문화시설 복원 성공요인 분석 - 전주천 섶다리 놓기 사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sang-Wook;Kim, Gil-Joong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2010
  • This paper aims to analyze success factors for the construction of Supdari(a traditional wooden bridge to connect small streams temporarily), which is a citizens' initiative project to revitalize local community in Jeonju-River, Jeonju City. Recently Supdari has been restored for the use of belongings in local festivals. But Jeonju-River Supdari was designed and built to unite local citizens and connect river-divided villages. This project shows how investing social capital like Supdari makes the community vitalize through citizen's active participation. As a citizen leading project, there were several critical factors for sucess. At first, there were some noticeable ways to encourage local citizen's participation in online and offline. In the online, the Supdari internet cafe introduced what is a Supdari, how to make it and where we build using various media of UCCs and photos. In the offline, the small scaled model of Supdari was made and exhibited in the entrance of the village and related several seminars were hosted to discuss how to construct Supdari with citizens, local assembly men and public officials together. The Second is the movement to restore traditional and cultural resources for the community recovery triggered the supports from local councils and many civic groups. Civic groups supported ecological and structural expertise to guarantee environment friendly and stable construction. And local councils mediated citizen's and administrative office's opinions. The third is flexible administrative management to help citizen's ideas to be realized. Officials extended setting period of Supdari on the condition with the civic-control safety management.

A study on the Changes in form and spatial uses of Urban Hanok in Bukchon, Seoul (서울 북촌한옥의 변화양상에 관한 연구 - 북촌 가꾸기 사업에 따른 2002~2007 한옥 대수선 사례를 대상으로 -)

  • Song, In-Ho;Kim, Young-Soo;Cho, Eun-Joo
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 2009
  • This study focused on changes in form and spatial uses of Urban Hanok in Bukchon, Seoul. There are 10 representative cases which have been renovated through the policy of 'Preservation & Regeneration of Bukchon' by Seoul metropolitan government and other experts. Changes in form and spatial uses of Urban Hanok in Buckon are as follows. First, Changes of scale. Trough removing extension parts, facade of renovated Hanoks are 'transformed' into recovering their identity. Using basements or lofts, intensive application of spaces is transformation which promotes the vitality of Hanoks. Second, changes of space organization. As Hanok changes its function from residence to commercial or cultural use, il a1so changes space character or reorganizes space organization. It is important that deciding function of Hanok has to adjust its scale and organization. Third, changes of construction performance. Through introducing new material and constructing method, performance of wall has been changed respecting its wooden structure and interior-exterior figure. However, technical studies must back it up not to destroy its value of eco-friendly architecture. Fourth, changes of facility systems, like floor heating system. They changes floor level of Hanok equally, and then sections of Hanok have became simple. Furthermore, inserting new facility space, such as boiler room, stand-up kitchen, bathroom and toilet, organization of space also changed. It is necessary that wise alternative proposal through the method of transformation or mutation must be presented. These four changes can be classification into method of 'transformation' and 'mutation'. Changes of scale are method of transformation and changes of space organization are method of mutation. Also, while changes of construction performance are mutation, changes of facility systems are transformation. Recently, as price of lots have been increased, a lot of Hanoks have been commercialized. Thc commercial energy threat 'the identity of Bukchon as residential area'. From now on, to operate 'identity' and 'vitality' complementary, it is necessary to make up for the preservation policy of Hanok and consolidate renovating standards of Hanok which correspond to character of particular region and building usage.

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A study on the name of the walls in YeonggeonUigwe Based on the gap wall of the Main Hall and Yeongnyeongjeon Hall of Jongmyo Shrine in the Joseon Dynasty (영건의궤로 살펴본 벽(壁)의 명칭에 관한 고찰 - 종묘 정전·영녕전의 갑벽(甲壁)을 중심으로 -)

  • HONG, Eunki;KWAK, Leera;HAN, Wook
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.4-21
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the names and types of walls constructed in the late Joseon Dynasty in YeonggeonUigwe, a record of construction works of the Joseon Dynasty, and to examine the current status and name of walls constructed in the main hall and the Yeongnyeongjeon Hall of Jongmyo Shrine. The results of the study are as follows. First, the name of the wall can be divided into four types depending on the characteristics, including direction, location, shape, function, material, and complexity, and was used as a compound word in front of the wall. Second, some of the wall types related to the material were found to have differences in the timing of theypes of walls. Since the 18th century, the use of earthen walls has been reduced, and the use of wooden walls and paper walls are often used. Third, the walls of the Jongmyo Shrine were composed of a mud wall and a fireproof wall. A fireproof wall was installed in the main hall, including a pillar, while the Yeongnyeongjeon Hall was installed only between the pillar and the pillar. Fourth, the Gap Wall can be defined as the "wall constructed at the upper part of the chamber used in the construction of the building in Jongmyo." This study is meaningful in that it attempted to clarify the definition of a wall in the late Joseon Dynasty by examining the names and examples of walls used in the late Joseon Dynasty, focusing on walls that lacked research in familiarity.

A Study on the Location and Spatial Composition of Pihyang-jeong Zone (피향정(披香亭) 일원의 입지 및 공간구성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2010
  • This research studied the location and the spatial composition of Pihyang-jeong zone. Pihyang-jeong is regarded as one of the five great pavilions in Chollabuk-do. Located in Taein-myeon of Jeongeup-si, Pihyang-jeong is also called as 'the number one pavilion in Honam area'. 1. There is no record regarding the first construction of Pihyang-jeong. There is only transmitting by word of mouth that the scholar Choi Chi-won had an excursion to here and composed some poetry during the age of King Heon-gang of Shilla dynasty. However, there are records that Lee Ji-gweng had expanded the humble structure in 1618, Park Sung-go repaired it in 1664 and Yoo Geun repaired it again in 1715. 2. The location of Pihyang-jeong is 'high in north and low in south' and typical 'mountain in rear and water in front'. It has Seong-hwang Mountain(189m) in the north, Hang-ga Mountain(106m) in the south, Tae Mountain(33m) in the south and an open field in the northwest. 3. The spatial composition around Pihyang-jeong is as following. Pihyang-jeong faces 'Hayeonji'(the lower side lotus pond) in the south-south-west direction. 4. The buildings around Pihyang-jeong are; Pihyang-jeong, which was the pavilion of the government official not directly in charge of government office, Hambyeok-lu in the Hayeonji and the facility for the caretaker. Pihyang-jeong is a rectangular building with double eaves and hipped-and-gabled roof. It has five rooms in the front and four rooms in the side. Hambyeok-lu had been first built in 1918 as two-storey wooden pavilion with dancheong, traditional multicolored paintwork on wooden buildings. Then it was modified into rectangular single-storey pavilion with hipped-and-gabled roof and five rooms in 1971. In 2010, it was rebuilt as a hexagonal pavilion; therefore, the present shape is completely different one from the original shape. 5. The scenic features around Pihyang-jeong are as following. There are 21 stone monuments in Pihyang-jeong zone. The fence surrounding Pihyang-jeong is a traditional Korean style crude stone fence. There are three gates in three-gates-style, each gate made with two posts and one 'matbae'(gabled) roof. Also, a stepping stone for mounting/dismounting was found in the east of Pihyang-jeong outer perimeter. 6. The water scenic feature around Pihyang-jeong is a representative case of drawing in the water from the natural pond nearby government office and building a pavilion around the water. 7. The planting around Pihyang-jeong is as following. There are Zelkova trees in the boundary perimeter. In the southern small park, there are Zelkova trees, Crape-myrtie trees, Bushy young pine trees, Pine trees, Satuki, Purple azalea and Grass field. Around Hambyeok-lu in the Ha-yeonji, Elm trees, Zelkova trees and Pine trees are growing in good condition.

The Characteristics of Dolmen Culture and Related Patterns during the End Phase in the Gyeongju Region (경주 지역 지석묘 문화의 특징과 종말기의 양상)

  • Lee, Soohong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.216-233
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    • 2020
  • This study set out to review tomb culture in the Gyeongju region during the Bronze Age, and also examine the patterns of dolmens during their end phase. For these purposes, the study analyzed 18 tomb relics from the Bronze Age and nine from the early Iron Age. Gyeongju belongs to the Geomdan-ri cultural zone. Approximately 120 tombs from the Bronze Age have been excavated in the Gyeongju region. There are fewer tombs than dwellings in the region, which is a general characteristic of the Geomdan-ri cultural zone. Although the number of tombs is small, the detailed structure of the dead body is varied. During the Bronze Age, tombs in the Gyeongju region were characterized by more prolific construction of pit tombs, dolmens with boundaries, and stacked stone altars than were the cases in other areas. There is a great possibility that the pit tombs in the Gyeongju region were influenced by their counterparts in the northeastern parts of North Korea, given the spindle whorl artifacts buried at the Dongsan-ri sites. Dolmens with boundaries and stacked stone altars are usually distributed in the Songguk-ri cultural zone, and it is peculiar that instances of these are found in large numbers in the Gyeongju region as part of the Geomdanri cultural zone. Even in the early Iron Age, the building of dolmens with boundaries and stacked stone altars continued in the Gyeongju region under the influence of the Bronze Age. A new group of people moved into the area, and they crafted ring-rimmed pottery and built wooden coffin tombs. In the early Iron Age, new rituals performed in high places also appeared, and were likely to provide venues for memorial services for heavenly gods in town-center areas. The Hwacheon-ri Mt. 251-1 relic and the Jukdong-ri relic are ruins that exhibit the aspect of rituals performed in high places well. In these rituals performed in high places, a stacked stone altar was built with the same form as the dolmens with boundaries, and a similar rock to the cover stone of a dolmen was used. People continued to build and use dolmens with boundaries and stacked stone altars while sustaining the Bronze Age traditions, even into the early Iron Age, because the authority of dolmens was maintained. Some dolmens with boundaries and stacked stone altars, known as being Bronze Age in origin, would have continued to be used in ritual practices until the early Iron Age. Entering the latter half of the second century B.C., wooden coffin tombs began to propagate. This was the time when the southern provinces, including the Gyeongju region, were included in the East Asian network, with the spread of ironware culture and the arrival of artifacts from central China. Around this time, dolmen culture faded into history with a new era beginning in its place.

Determinants of Consumer Preference by type of Accommodation: Two Step Cluster Analysis (이단계 군집분석에 의한 농촌관광 편의시설 유형별 소비자 선호 결정요인)

  • Park, Duk-Byeong;Yoon, Yoo-Shik;Lee, Min-Soo
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2007
  • 1. Purpose Rural tourism is made by individuals with different characteristics, needs and wants. It is important to have information on the characteristics and preferences of the consumers of the different types of existing rural accommodation. The stud aims to identify the determinants of consumer preference by type of accommodations. 2. Methodology 2.1 Sample Data were collected from 1000 people by telephone survey with three-stage stratified random sampling in seven metropolitan areas in Korea. Respondents were chosen by sampling internal on telephone book published in 2006. We surveyed from four to ten-thirty 0'clock afternoon so as to systematic sampling considering respondents' life cycle. 2.2 Two-step cluster Analysis Our study is accomplished through the use of a two-step cluster method to classify the accommodation in a reduced number of groups, so that each group constitutes a type. This method had been suggested as appropriate in clustering large data sets with mixed attributes. The method is based on a distance measure that enables data with both continuous and categorical attributes to be clustered. This is derived from a probabilistic model in which the distance between two clusters in equivalent to the decrease in log-likelihood function as a result of merging. 2.3 Multinomial Logit Analysis The estimation of a Multionmial Logit model determines the characteristics of tourist who is most likely to opt for each type of accommodation. The Multinomial Logit model constitutes an appropriate framework to explore and explain choice process where the choice set consists of more than two alternatives. Due to its ease and quick estimation of parameters, the Multinomial Logit model has been used for many empirical studies of choice in tourism. 3. Findings The auto-clustering algorithm indicated that a five-cluster solution was the best model, because it minimized the BIC value and the change in them between adjacent numbers of clusters. The accommodation establishments can be classified into five types: Traditional House, Typical Farmhouse, Farmstay house for group Tour, Log Cabin for Family, and Log Cabin for Individuals. Group 1 (Traditional House) includes mainly the large accommodation establishments, i.e. those with ondoll style room providing meals and one shower room on family tourist, of original construction style house. Group 2 (Typical Farmhouse) encompasses accommodation establishments of Ondoll rooms and each bathroom providing meals. It includes, in other words, the tourist accommodations Known as "rural houses." Group 3 (Farmstay House for Group) has accommodation establishments of Ondoll rooms not providing meals and self cooking facilities, large room size over five persons. Group 4 (Log Cabin for Family) includes mainly the popular accommodation establishments, i.e. those with Ondoll style room with on shower room on family tourist, of western styled log house. While the accommodations in this group are not defined as regards type of construction, the group does include all the original Korean style construction, Finally, group 5 (Log Cabin for Individuals)includes those accommodations that are bedroom western styled wooden house with each bathroom. First Multinomial Logit model is estimated including all the explicative variables considered and taking accommodation group 2 as base alternative. The results show that the variables and the estimated values of the parameters for the model giving the probability of each of the five different types of accommodation available in rural tourism village in Korea, according to the socio-economic and trip related characteristics of the individuals. An initial observation of the analysis reveals that none of variables income, the number of journey, distance, and residential style of house is explicative in the choice of rural accommodation. The age and accompany variables are significant for accommodation establishment of group 1. The education and rural residential experience variables are significant for accommodation establishment of groups 4 and 5. The expenditure and marital status variables are significant for accommodation establishment of group 4. The gender and occupation variable are significant for accommodation establishment of group 3. The loyalty variable is significant for accommodation establishment of groups 3 and 4. The study indicates that significant differences exist among the individuals who choose each type of accommodation at a destination. From this investigation is evident that several profiles of tourists can be attracted by a rural destination according to the types of existing accommodations at this destination. Besides, the tourist profiles may be used as the basis for investment policy and promotion for each type of accommodation, making use in each case of the variables that indicate a greater likelihood of influencing the tourist choice of accommodation.

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1910's Tap-gol Park Construction Process through Design Document Interpretation (설계도서를 중심으로 본 1910년대 탑골공원의 성립과정)

  • Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Kim, Young-Soo;Yun, Hye-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.103-117
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    • 2013
  • This research analyzed the spatial components and establishment of the Tap-gol Park according to the plans between 1897 to 1916 when the discussions on the construction of the park began and it was accomplished as an urban park. The results are as follows. The establishment of Tap-gol Park can be divided by three period. Firstly, Tap-gol Park was owned by the royal family from 1987 to 1904. The discussions on construction of Tap-gol Park as a first urban park of Gyeongseong(京城) in 1897, and the private houses were tear down in order to secure land for the park in 1899. Gates and fences surrounding of Tap-gol Park were organized and it was opened in 1902 based on park plane of turtle - shaped. The octagonal pavilion for 'Lee-Wang-Jik musical band(李王職音樂隊)' was relocated in the southwestern part of the park in 1903. Secondly, Tap-gol Park was used actively by the public between 1910 to 1913, because it was opened for individuals. Also The boundary of Park were changed by surrounding facilities and recreational facilities and benefits was complemented for users. Tap-gol park was opened at nighttime in August 1913. Tap-gol Park was used as a place of amusement park. Thirdly, commercial facilities were made as the park facility between 1914 to 1916. The purpose of 'Kkikdajeom(喫茶店)' was similar to the one of modern cafes. It was built as a typical Japanese tea-house with a small pond having an island and a bridge constructed inside. With the increase of usage of Tap-gol Park as a recreational area by the citizens in 1916, the pavilion as a rest area and toilet as amenities were supplemented. Superintendent's office was equipped too. Simple chairs made from the wooden logs were installed around greenhouse, concert hall, the Wongaksa Buddhist temple(圓覺寺址十層石塔), and the flower garden was fenced round. After the relocation of Yongsan music band to Tap-gol Park, the existing concert hall was demolished. The shape of the park which was seen from the pictures of the magazines of 1920s were achieved as early as 1916. The importance of this research includes the basis to revise the errors of the preexistence researches and value of historical material of the design plan reference of the park which was accomplished during the Japanese colonial era. Also this research is to study on the spatial components of the modern landscape architecture and parks.