• Title/Summary/Keyword: weight decision

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An Extrapolation Concentration Decision Effect Antihyperlipidemic of Aglycone Isoflavone from Biotransformation Soybean on the Fed High-Fat Diet Rats (생물전환법으로 만들어진 대두 비배당체 이소플라본을 섭취한 고지방 식이 쥐의 항고지혈 효과 및 결과에 의한 외삽적용 농도 결정)

  • Lim, Ae-Kyung;Jung, Mee-Jung;Kim, Dong-Woo;Hong, Joo-Heon;Jung, Hee-Kyoung;Kim, Kil-Soo;Kim, Yong-Hae;Kim, Dae-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.1167-1173
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    • 2009
  • An extrapolation of bioflavone through biotransformation used Phellinus banmill KCTC16882 applied to 6 different rats group were carried out. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with bioflavone free (normal: NO) diet, high-fat diet (control: CO) and diets containing 0.35%, 0.7% and 3.0% isoflavone for 8 week. Hyperlipidemia was induced by adding lard 200 g and cholesterol 10 g to CO and 0.35, 0.7 and 3.0% bioflavone diet. Bioflavone diet arrested increases in body weight without affecting feed intake in the rats. BFP-3.0 treated group showed signigicant reduction in the serum level of TG, TC and LDL-cholesterol (p<0.05) compared to the CO, while HDL-cholesterol was increased (p<0.05). The atherogenic index, ALT and AST were decreased in the BFP treated groups (p<0.05). These results suggest that consumption of BFP may lead to extrapolation of an ameliortaion of metabolic syndromes as well as a reduction of cardiovascular disease and hyperlipidemia through increasing the of HDL-cholesterol, and decreasing the level of TG in serum.

A Study on Development and Application of Evaluation Index for Rail Station Area Development Site Using AHP (AHP 분석을 통한 역세권 개발 입지 평가 지표 개발 및 적용)

  • Shim, Sangwoo;Lee, Kyujin;Choi, Keechoo;Jeon, Seongmin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.447-453
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    • 2015
  • This study proposed evaluation indices and weights for objectively evaluating the validity of rail station area development site. In this study, evaluation indices were selected by quantification, application of a new rail station, sustainability of data collection, correlation of indices and expert decision-making. As a result, 8 indices such as railway and subway demand, the ratio of land price etc. were selected and these indices could be classified into demand, feasibility and regionality. AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) result showed that the weights of demand (0.486) and feasibility (0.369) were more important than that of regionality (0.145). The application result on 75 existing railway stations showed that an important consideration of railway station area development site was a rail and subway demand on Seoul metropolitan area and was a feasibility on local area. Therefore, the selection of a rail station area development site may be determined based on demand and feasibility. In addition, these results are expected to be utilized as basic data for making decisions on the rail station area development at an initial stage.

Evaluation Method of Green Construction Technologies Using Integrated LCC and LCA Analysis (LCC-LCA 통합 분석에 의한 친환경 건설기술 평가방법)

  • Kim, Yoon-Duk;Cha, Hee-Sung;Kim, Kyung-Ra;Shin, Dong-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2011
  • Green technologies of buildings are spreading for saving resource and energy consumption during life cycle of buildings. However, selection of optimized the technologies for applying projects is needed a lot of time and costs. Therefore prioritization is necessary to apply the technologies for buildings. An evaluation of economic value for the technologies is significant for prioritization of the technologies, however, the current evaluation system of economic value for technologies is not reflected the accurate features of the technologies. Green technologies have the objectives for reducing the emission of CO2 and saving the cost during the whole lifecycle of buildings. Thus the evaluation of economic feasibility for green technologies is needed to include the economic value from improving the environment. This paper developed the economic evaluation method integrated with LCC and LCA to accurately analyze the economic value for green technologies. Moreover, this paper drew the priority of the technologies by conducting case studies with the integrated method and analyzing the results with AHP. The conclusion of case studies, Green technologies is worth more if to include the economic value from improving the environment. Then in analysis of priority, Green intelligent component technologies were rated the highest. The conclusion of the study is able to utilize the supporting tool for making decision to select the optimized technologies for the projects and precedence study for developing future research of prioritization for green technologies. The future study for improving the developed method will supplement the various evaluation factors and apply the detailed weight to analyze the priority of green technologies.

A Posterior Preference Articulation Method to the Weighted Mean Squared Error Minimization Approach in Multi-Response Surface Optimization (다중반응표면 최적화에서 가중평균제곱오차 최소화법을 위한 선호도사후제시법)

  • Jeong, In-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.7061-7070
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    • 2015
  • Multi-Response Surface Optimization aims at finding the optimal setting of input variables considering multiple responses simultaneously. The Weighted Mean Squared Error (WMSE) minimization approach, which imposes a different weight on the two components of mean squared error, squared bias and variance, first obtains WMSE for each response and then minimizes all the WMSEs at once. Most of the methods proposed for the WMSE minimization approach to date are classified into the prior preference articulation approach, which requires that a decision maker (DM) provides his/her preference information a priori. However, it is quite difficult for the DM to provide such information in advance, because he/she cannot experience the relationships or conflicts among the responses. To overcome this limitation, this paper proposes a posterior preference articulation method to the WMSE minimization approach. The proposed method first generates all (or most) of the nondominated solutions without the DM's preference information. Then, the DM selects the best one from the set of nondominated solutions a posteriori. Its advantage is that it provides an opportunity for the DM to understand the tradeoffs in the entire set of nondominated solutions and effectively obtains the most preferred solution suitable for his/her preference structure.

Case Research on Educational Needs of Engineering Students about Program Outcomes(PO) (공과대학생들의 학습성과(PO)에 대한 교육요구도 사례 연구)

  • Park, Ki-Moon;Lee, Kyu-Nyo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the information of decision making that can be used to improve curriculum of engineering education by surveying and analyzing that educational needs of ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$ university' engineering students about program outcomes. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, it was found that engineering students surveyed valued much of the necessity of PO2(analysis experiment), PO3(design capability), PO6(teamwork) among program outcomes. In addition, it was found that engineering students surveyed thought their ability was low in PO3(design capability), PO4(problem solving), PO10 (knowledge of current events). Second, it was found that the order of educational needs about program outcomes was PO3(design capability), PO2(analysis experiment), PO1(knowledge application), PO5(practical ability), PO4(problem solving) which suggested that engineering students surveyed had high educational needs for engineering program outcomes. On the other hand, it was found that engineering students surveyed showed lower awareness of PO7, PO10, PO11 which had characteristics of humanities. It is necessary that systematic establishment of course completion system in basic design, element design and comprehensive design by giving weight to design education that aims to strengthen design capability should be made in curriculum of engineering education. It was found that there was considerable difference in educational needs about program outcomes especially in PO1(analysis experiment), PO4(problem solving), PO5(practical ability), PO6(teamwork) according to grade, gender and specialty and therefore this should be considered in designing curriculum. It is judged that operation of flexible education program should be arranged if learning achievement through regular curriculum Is limited.

Risk-Based Performance Evaluation and Prediction Tool by Characterizing Construction Projects in Pre-Project Planning (초기 단계 프로젝트 특성을 고려한 리스크 평가 및 예측 툴 개발)

  • Shin, Kang-Yong;Cha, Hee-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.168-175
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    • 2008
  • Project risk factors are major triggers in cost performance in construction projects. Both owners and contractors are highly concerned in managing their risks in earlier times. As such, it is needed to provide a robust risk evaluation methodology in identifying and assessing the potential risks before project execution. In previous research, risk identification was conducted only in specific phases, i. e., design, procurement, construction. Therefore, the comprehensive approach in risk management was limited and their quantifying method was not well-defined. Since the benefit of planning in earlier times are maximized compared to later times, the risk management should be implemented in earlier planning stage. This study provide a new risk evaluation method by incorporating previous research and extensive literature review. By quantifying each risk factor from an extensive industry survey, the proposed tool can enhance the reliability of each factor weight and also the weights are categorized from a various perspectives, i.e., owners, contractors, lager-scale company, smaller-scale company, building projects. The proposed tool can be also useful in deciding on whether to proceed a particular project and How much the project contingency would be set aside in project execution. The study findings can also expedite the risk management procedure in a more systematic approach.

An ESDA Tool for Time-series Spatial Association (지역분석을 위한 시계열 공간연관성 탐색도구)

  • Ahn Jae-Seong;Park Key-Ho;Lee Yang-Won
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.14 no.1 s.36
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    • pp.163-176
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    • 2006
  • The concept of 'spatial association' explains spatial distribution pattern of geographical phenomenon based on similarity with neighborhoods, as in the Tobler's Law of Geography: 'Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.' In this study, we develop a time-series exploratory analysis tool for discovering temporal patterns of spatial association by combining spatial statistics and geo-visualization, and thus present a possibility to support spatial decision-making process. As for the spatial proximity weight matrix indispensable to measuring global and local spatial association, we employ a variety of flexible weighting schemes using geometric characteristics of areal unit. In addition, we renovate the existing visualization methods for more effective understanding of the procedures and results of time-series analysis on spatial association: for instance, temporal parallel coordinate plot with box plot, animated map for spatial association, and 3D Moran scatterplot. The feasibility of our system is verified by time-series analysis experiments on the spatial association of land price fluctuation rate for all administrative units in Korea, $1995{\sim}2004$.

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A Study on Importance Setting of Activation Elements in Domestic Tourist Destinations Regeneration Consequent on the Cause of Stagnation or Decline (정체·쇠퇴원인에 따른 국내 관광지 재생 활성화 요소의 중요도 설정 연구)

  • Kim, Jung Jae;Lee, Kyung Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2016
  • Currently, 230 domestic tourist destinations have been designated, established, and operated in accordance with the Tourism Promotion Act. According to the results of preceding research, more than 30% of them have been getting into the stagnation or decline stage. This is becoming a burden to local governments operating and managing tourist destinations, making it necessary to seek resolution measures. Thus, this study determined the activation elements of stagnant/declined tourist destinations regeneration to deal with problems of domestic stagnant or declined tourist destinations and also to regenerate rational and sustainable tourist destinations. This study conducted a survey with experts based on causes for stagnation and decline of domestic tourist destinations suggested by preceding research. Based on the survey results, the activation elements of stagnant/declined tourist destinations regeneration were drawn through the Delphi Technique and Analytic Hierarchy Process. And then the priority and weight of the drawn activation elements of stagnant/declined tourist destinations regeneration were drawn for the sake of reasonable project progress of tour site regeneration. In the results of the analysis, as activation elements of stagnant/declined tourist destinations regeneration, a total of seven upper-attributes, 23 sub-attributes, and 66 detailed-elements were drawn. It would be possible to raise the efficiency of projects and rational decision-making when executing future tourist destinations regeneration projects by using the activation elements drawn. Also, the drawn elements could be applied to the actual tourist destinations regeneration projects as measures for the stagnant/declined domestic tourist destinations' contribution to the vitalization of local economy based on sustainability, prohibition of thoughtless development of domestic tourism projects, and also efficient use of tourism resources.

The Weight Decision of Multi-dimensional Features using Fuzzy Similarity Relations and Emotion-Based Music Retrieval (퍼지 유사관계를 이용한 다차원 특징들의 가중치 결정과 감성기반 음악검색)

  • Lim, Jee-Hye;Lee, Joon-Whoan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.637-644
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    • 2011
  • Being digitalized, the music can be easily purchased and delivered to the users. However, there is still some difficulty to find the music which fits to someone's taste using traditional music information search based on musician, genre, tittle, album title and so on. In order to reduce the difficulty, the contents-based or the emotion-based music retrieval has been proposed and developed. In this paper, we propose new method to determine the importance of MPEG-7 low-level audio descriptors which are multi-dimensional vectors for the emotion-based music retrieval. We measured the mutual similarities of musics which represent a pair of emotions expressed by opposite meaning in terms of each multi-dimensional descriptor. Then rough approximation, and inter- and intra similarity ratio from the similarity relation are used for determining the importance of a descriptor, respectively. The set of weights based on the importance decides the aggregated similarity measure, by which emotion-based music retrieval can be achieved. The proposed method shows better result than previous method in terms of the average number of satisfactory musics in the experiment emotion-based retrieval based on content-based search.

Landslide Risk Assessment Using HyGIS-Landslide (HyGIS-Landslide를 이용한 산사태 발생 위험도 평가)

  • Park, Jung-Sool;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Choi, Yun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2012
  • Recently, forest soil sediment disasters resulting from locally concentrated heavy rainfall have been occurring frequently in steep slope areas. The importance of landslide hazard map is emerging to analyze landslide vulnerable areas. This study was carried out to develop HyGIS-Landslide based on Hydro Geographic Information System in order to analyze forest soil sediment disaster in the mountainous river basin. HyGIS-Landslide is one of HyGIS components designed by considering the landslide hazard criteria of Korea Forest Service. It could show the distribution of landslide hazard areas after calculating the spatial data. In this system, the user could reset the weight of hazard criteria to reflect the regional characteristics of the landslide area. This component provided user interface that could make the latest spatial data available in the area of interest. HyGIS-Landslide could be applied to the surveyor's compensation score and it was possible to reflect the landslide risk exactly through it. Also, it could be used in topographic analysis techniques providing spatial analysis and making topographical parameters in HyGIS. Finally the accuracy could be acquired by calculating the landslide hazard grade map and landslide mapping data. This study applied HyGIS-Landslide at the Gangwon-do province sample site. As a result, HyGIS-Landslide could be applied to a decision support system searching for mountainous disaster risk region; it could be classified more effectively by re-weighting the landslide hazard criteria.