• Title/Summary/Keyword: wearing behavior

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An Exploratory Study of Energy Conservation Practices in Clothing, Food, and Housing ($\cdot$$\cdot$주별 열에너지 소비절약 실태에 관한 조사연구)

  • 강혜원
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 1981
  • The objectives of the study were to determine 1) if energy consumption and conservation vary in clothing, food, and housing with independent variables-size of household, homemaker's age, employment, and level of education, level of living, type of house, electricity use, and all energy use, and 2) if there is a correlation among energy conservation practices in clothing, food, and housing. Questionnaires wee given to the randomly selected homemakers in Seoul in July, 1980. Data from 620 responses were analyzed by F-test (Analysis of Variance) and Correlation. The results are as follows: 1. Clothing (1) the scores of the conservation practices I clothing were generally high. /However, it was found that a) they did not practice in wearing heavy under clothes and behavior outer clothing to cope with cool room temperature in the winter, b) they did not use bleach for laundry, but they used boiling method, and c) they did not have enough knowledge on Permanent Press finish. (2) energy conservation practices in clothing were significantly related to level of living and homemakrer's level of education. a) The higher the level of living, the higher scores in the knowledge were found. b) the higher the homeakcer's level of education, the higher scores in the knowledge and ironing were obtained. 2. Food (1) The scores of the conservation practices in food were generally high. However, it was found that scientific cooking methods were not performed such as a) to use measuring spoons, cups, and timers, b) to practice a simple method in using solor energy for warming water, c) to use thermos for the hot water tea or coffee, but they boiled water whenever necessary, and b) to use the pressure cooker whenever possible. (2) Energy conservation practices in food were significantly related to homemaker's employment and type of dwellings. a) The scores of full-time homemakers (not gainfully employed) were higher than gainfully employed homemakers. b) Families in traditional Korean dwellings revealed higher scores than those in apartment or western style dwellings. 3. Housing (1) The scores of the conservation practices in housing were generally high. However, it was found that a) they did not install fans in the kitchen, bathroom, and attic in the summer, b) they did not install a humidifier for tolerating a lower room temperature in the winer, c) they did not practice to make plans for the door of the refrigerator remained open for the shortest time, d) they did not install or use a local lighting with a general lighting for reading and cooking, and e) they usedaluminum foil without the knowledge of the heat reaction of its shiny and dull sides. (2) energy conservation practices in housing were significantly related to homemaker's employment and level of education, economic status, types of dwelling, and all energy use, a) Full-time homeakers had higher scores than gainfully employed homeakers. b) the higher the homemaker's level of education and economics status, the higher scores were obtained. c) Homeakers with their own house scored higher points than those with rented houses. And families in apartment or row houses scored higher points than those in traditional korean or western style dwellings. d) The higher the consumption rate of electricity and all energy, the higher scores were revealed. 4. correlation there was a significant correlation among energy conservation practices I clothing, food, and housing.

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A Study on School Uniform Modification According to Lifestyle in High School Girls (여고생의 라이프스타일에 따른 교복변형행동 비교)

  • Wee, Eun-Hah
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.201-213
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    • 2008
  • This study was intended to examine the relationship between lifestyle and school uniform design modification in high school girls and provide basic data for guidance in the wearing of school uniform. The subjects of this study were 585 girls who were in the first and second grades of high schools throughout Gwangju. This study was executed using a questionnaire. The data from this study was processed using SPSS WIN 12.0(Kr). The results were as follows; This study hypothesized that the perception and attitude on school uniform modification would be significantly difference depending on lifestyles in high school girls. The significant differences appeared in a few items. So the results suggested that school uniform modification was a common that appeared in most high school girls. However it was affected by their lifestyle. specifically, a digital-dependence lifestyle group has a few different perceptions and attitudes on school uniform modification than the others. In other words, school uniform modification in high school girls who spend their most time in school is a general and universal clothing behavior by psychological factors rather than the effect of lifestyle. It is considered that rules concerning school uniform modification should allow students to express their individuality within certain limits. Teachers should instruct students to wear appropriate underwear rather than keep students under control with a fixed set of rules. If High school girls have a negative body image as a result of their exposed body, they should receive active educational guidance.

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Analysing Disaster Cases on Construction Sites to Prevent Falling Disaster of Hanging Scaffolding (건설현장 달비계 추락재해 예방을 위한 사례분석 연구)

  • Lim, HyoungChul;Kim, DaeYoung;Jeong, SeongChoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2019
  • Thanks to various efforts to reduce disasters by the government and the Health and Safety Authority, disasters across industries and the construction industry show their reduction trend. However, the falling disasters in the construction industry have not decreased and increased on the contrary. Especially falling disaster caused by Hanging Scaffolding is the most critical disaster which shows low occurrence frequency but is directly connected to death of worker. The working environment for Hanging Scaffolding is poor in domestic construction site. In particular, the Hanging Scaffolding workers in small construction sites are not on the safety control and management by anyone for their works. They are driven to unsafe working condition with mostly uncertified facilities which are made by themselves. Therefore, this study is focused on searching falling disaster factors from the 242 disaster cases caused by Hanging Scaffolding Work in 15 years presented by KOSHA, and trying to provide suggestions for improvement. The improvement of the method of work requires facility improvement and work due to high accident rate caused by unsafe behavior. Analysis of the case of a disaster occurring over the past 15 years shows that no disaster occurred due to problems in the order of operations presented by KOSHA. However, it was found that many accidents resulted from death caused by safety belts not being installed or attached to ropes using safety belts without following the order of work. The most important aspect of improving the work method was the installation and wearing of lifeboats and safety belts.

Effects of EMS Compression Belts with Different Muscular Patterns on Lumbar Stabilization (근육모양의 패턴을 달리한 EMS 복압벨트가 요추 안정화에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Yeon;Park, Jin-hee;Kim, Joo-Yong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we investigated the effects of five EMS lumbar back pressure belts produced on an anatomical basis on lumbar spine stabilization. Five core muscles were selected, including the urinal, vertebral column, endotracheal, external abdominal, and large back muscles, and patterns were designed using a conductive fabric considering the appropriate muscle shape and pain-causing points. We experimented with four motions to examine the effects of different EMS abdominal compression belts on lumbar spine stabilization. Five healthy men in their 20s were selected. The selection conditions include no back pain history for the past three months, no restricted movements through pre-inspection, and the muscular strength of the body should belong to the normal grade. Using SLR, the sequence of experimental actions was chosen from the following but not limited to left-hand, body-hand, and back-line forces. Resting between movements lasted for 2 min, and the experiments were conducted after wearing the EMS abdominal pressure belt. Electrical stimulation was applied for 10 min to increase blood flow and muscle activation. The statistics of the experimental results were analyzed for specific differences by conducting the Wilcoxon and Friedman tests with nonparametric tests. The ranking results of each pattern were successfully assessed in the order of 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 for the five patterns, and we could identify slightly more significant results for experimental behavior associated with each muscle movement. Patterns produced based on anatomy showed differentiated effects when electric stimulation was applied to each muscle in different shapes, which could improve the stabilization of the lumbar spine in everyday life or training to the public. Based on these results, subsequent research would focus on developing smart healthcare clothing that is practical in daily life by employing different anatomical mechanisms, depending on the back pain, to utilize trunk-type tights.

Consumer Motivation for Brand-Switching According to Types of Fashion Products (패션제품 유형에 따른 소비자 상표전환동기 차이)

  • Lim, Eun-Jin;Hwang, Choon-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.1991-2001
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    • 2009
  • This study provides basic information that is needed to build marketing strategies related to consumer brand-switching, through the investigation of consumer motivations for brand-switching, as determined by the types of fashion products. The study was implemented by a descriptive survey method using a questionnaire. The survey was conducted during the period of May $11^{th}$ through July $5^{th}$ 2008. A total of 184 completed responses were analyzed. All respondents were from the Seoul area and between the ages of 20 and 31. Factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficients, one-way ANOVA and Duncan test were employed for the analysis of data. Significant differences were found in brand-switching motives according to the types of fashion products. For clothing, shift behavior occurred more often in conjunction with the attributes of the products itself, such as design, color, price, size, and fiber content. In general, clothes more than shoes, were likely subject to brand-switching most often on the basis of situational factors. On the other hand, for shoes, more brand-switching activities occurred because of non-product attributes, such as discounts, coupons, desire for a change, and wearing of friends. In light of the results, there is a need to differentiate brand related marketing strategies with respect to clothing and shoes. For clothing, efforts focusing on the improvement of the product attributes will be more effective in minimizing brand-switching. There is also a need to improve instructions for increasing the product understanding of salespersons as well as the ability to give advice in accordance with personal consumer characteristics. With regard to shoes, greater efforts should be given to promotional activities, and the desire of consumers for a change in order to prevent brand-switching of customers.

Oral Health and Related Factors for the Elderly (Structural Equation Modeling을 통한 노인(老人)의 구강건강(口腔健康) 관련요인(關聯要因) 분석(分析))

  • Seung, Jeung-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.91-95
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    • 2004
  • This study aims to analyze realities of oral health and related factors, and establish Structural Equation Modeling. The subjects of study were 9,340 elderly over age 65 who took the health examination(the first) for the local insured which National Health Insurance Corporation carried out in the survey area mentioned below from January 2002 to December 2002. The areas surveyed were 4 big cities including Seongbuk-ku, Seoul, 5 medium cities including Wonjusi, Gangwon-do, and 5 Counties including Yeong deok County, Kyeongbuk. Considering location and the scale of population, firstly, big unit areas(metropolitan city, province) were selected according to convenience, secondly, low unit areas(city, county, district) were selected randomly. The subjects were the elderly who took all tests including an oral examination and filled in the questionnaire. Major results from analysis are as follows: 1. Review of Composition Conception Validity As a result of analyzing composition conception validity of SEM including posture test, urine test, blood test, habits of eating, drinking and smoking, oral symptoms, and oral health status, using fit index such as GFI, CFI, TLI, and RMSEA, all were within fit range and composition conception validity was recognized. 2. As a result of analyzing SEM to find the relationship between each factor and oral health status, it was confirmed that all factors except urine test affected oral health status and the synthetic SEM to explain it could be established. In result, we could verify that the elderly of rural areas who had lesser experience of visiting a clinic and oral prophylaxis had a higher rate of caries, missing teeth, and denture need, and drinking and smoking negatively affected the rate of caries, periodontal, and missing teeth. Also, periodontal diseases were observed from 43.2% of the total elderly and much from the lower age. Most of oral disease can be prevented by right oral health behavior. Therefore through oral health professionals from each district public health center of the nation, oral health education for the elderly about right eating habits and oral health care should be carried out systematically and policy change to increase access to dental service is required lest that visiting a dental clinic should be impossible or oral health behaviors such as oral prophylaxis and denture wearing should be neglected by economic, geographical barriers. Also, to establish SEM to explain the relationship between oral health status and systemic health, more accurate test methods and effective index development should be preceded. Because items developed by National Health Insurance Corporation applied to this study without alteration, structuring a model had the uppermost limit. Continual study seems to be needed.

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Exploring Mask Appeal: Vertical vs. Horizontal Fold Flat Masks Using Eye-Tracking (마스크 매력 탐구: 아이트래킹을 활용한 수직 접이형 대 수평 접이형 마스크 비교 분석)

  • Junsik Lee;Nan-Hee Jeong;Ji-Chan Yun;Do-Hyung Park;Se-Bum Park
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.271-286
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    • 2023
  • The global COVID-19 pandemic has transformed face masks from situational accessories to indispensable items in daily life, prompting a shift in public perception and behavior. While the relaxation of mandatory mask-wearing regulations is underway, a significant number of individuals continue to embrace face masks, turning them into a form of personal expression and identity. This phenomenon has given rise to the Fashion Mask industry, characterized by unique designs and colors, experiencing rapid growth in the market. However, existing research on masks is predominantly focused on their efficacy in preventing infection or exploring attitudes during the pandemic, leaving a gap in understanding consumer preferences for mask design. We address this gap by investigating consumer perceptions and preferences for two prevalent mask designs-horizontal fold flat masks and vertical fold flat masks. Through a comprehensive approach involving surveys and eye-tracking experiments, we aim to unravel the subtle differences in how consumers perceive these designs. Our research questions focus on determining which design is more appealing and exploring the reasons behind any observed differences. The study's findings reveal a clear preference for vertical fold flat masks, which are not only preferred but also perceived as unique, sophisticated, three-dimensional, and lively. The eye-tracking analysis provides insights into the visual attention patterns associated with mask designs, highlighting the pivotal role of the fold line in influencing these patterns. This research contributes to the evolving understanding of masks as a fashion statement and provides valuable insights for manufacturers and marketers in the Fashion Mask industry. The results have implications beyond the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of design elements in sustaining consumer interest in face masks.