• Title/Summary/Keyword: visually impaired person

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The Design and Implementation Android OS Based Portable Navigation System For Visually Impaired Person and N : N Service (시각 장애인을 위한 Android OS 기반의 Portable Navigation System 설계 및 구현 과 N : N Service)

  • Kong, Sung-Hun;Kim, Young-Kil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.327-330
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    • 2012
  • In the rapid growth of cities, road has heavy traffic and many buildings are under constructions. These kinds of environments make more difficulty for a person who is visually handicapped to walk comfortable. To alleviate the problem, we introduce Android based Portable Navigation System to help walking for Visually Impaired Person. It follows, service center give instant real time monitoring to visually impaired person for their convenient by this system. Android based Portable Navigation System has GPS, Camera, Audio and WI-FI(wireless fidelity) available. It means that GPS location and Camera image information can be sent to service center by WI-FI network. To be specific, transmitted GPS location information enables service center to figure out the visually impaired person's whereabouts and mark the location on the map. By delivered Camera image information, service center monitors the visually impaired person's view. Also, they can offer live guidance to visually impaired person by equipped Audio with live talking. To sum up, Android based Portable Navigation System is a specialized navigation system that gives practical effect to realize more comfortable walking for visually impaired person.

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The Design and Implementation Navigation System For Visually Impaired Person (시각 장애인을 위한 Navigation System의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kong, Sung-Hun;Kim, Young-Kil
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.2702-2707
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    • 2012
  • In the rapid growth of cities, road has heavy traffic and many buildings are under constructions. These kinds of environments make more difficulty for a person who is visually handicapped to walk comfortable. To alleviate the problem, we introduce Navigation System to help walking for Visually Impaired Person. It follows, service center give instant real time monitoring to visually impaired person for their convenient by this system. This Navigation System has GPS, Camera, Audio and Wi-Fi(wireless fidelity) available. It means that GPS location and Camera image information can be sent to service center by Wi-Fi network. To be specific, transmitted GPS location information enables service center to figure out the visually impaired person's whereabouts and mark the location on the map. By delivered Camera image information, service center monitors the visually impaired person's view. Also, they can offer live guidance to visually impaired person by equipped Audio with live talking. To sum up, Android based Portable Navigation System is a specialized navigation system that gives practical effect to realize more comfortable walking for visually impaired person.

Communications System between Android Platform and PC for the Visually Impaired Person (시각 장애인을 위한 Android Platform과 PC간의 1:1 통신 구현)

  • Lee, Jon-Hwey;Kim, Young-Kil;Oh, Jae-Gyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.213-215
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    • 2012
  • The current Navigation System for the Visually Impaired Person has a short and limited communication distance and can't receive enough information from Visually Impaired Person to assist directly. In addition, because the path is dangerous and incomplete for the Visually Impaired Person, moving with White Stick is still inconvenient and dangerous. To solve this problem we implement communication that can send and receive video, voice, location information between the Visually Impaired Person's Android platform and assistant's PC.

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Smart Portable Navigation System Development and Implementation of 1:N service for Visually impaired person (Smart Portable Navigation System 개발 및 1:N 서비스 구현)

  • Kim, Jae-Kyung;Seo, Jae-Gil;Kim, Young-Kil
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.2424-2430
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    • 2012
  • The current Navigation System for the Visually Impaired Person has a short and limited communication distance and can't receive enough information from Visually Impaired Person to assist directly. In addition, because the path is dangerous and incomplete for the Visually Impaired Person, moving with White Stick is still inconvenient and dangerous. To solve this problem we implement communication that can send and receive video, voice, location information between the Visually Impaired Person's Smart Portable Navigation System Development and assistant's PC.

Design of CC2540-based Route Guidance System for Visually Impaired Person (CC2540을 이용한 시각장애인용 길안내 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Yoo, Hyun-Ho;Choi, Byung-Jae
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2016
  • There are many assistive devices for the visually impaired. They are becoming smart. In this paper, we propose a device that help route guidance for a visually impaired person. It is composed of a smart phone, cane, and hands-free devices. The smart phone helps a route guidance. The cane detects an obstacle and transmits it to the hands-free device. The hands-free device communicates with a visually impaired person. We here present their architecture, signal flow, configuration, and their circuit diagrams.

Design of Cane Mechanism for Walking Aid of Visually Impaired Person (시각장애인의 보행 보조를 위한 지팡이 메커니즘 설계)

  • Kim, Byoung-Ho
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.108-114
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a sensor-based cane mechanism for walking aid of the visually impaired person. We also describe an approach to decide properly the length of the specified cane mechanism. The cane mechanism has some sensors to identify the possibility of a collision between the cane user and an object and/or a person, and a signal processing unit that enables the user to recognize such a collision is attached in the mechanism. Thus, the walker using this cane can recognize in advance the possibility of such a collision in his walking process. Consequently, it is helpful for the visually impaired person to walk on a pedestrian road safely. The feature of the proposed cane mechanism and its availability have been shown through experimental works in a typical walking environment.

Indoor Positioning System for Moving Objects on an Indoor for Blind or Visually Impaired Playing Various Sports

  • Lee, Young-Bum;Lee, Myoung-Ho
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.131-134
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    • 2009
  • We have proposed an indoor positioning system for moving objects and/for the blind or visually impaired to play various sports. [ for a blind or visually impaired playing various sports.] This system consists of a wireless heart rate monitor, wireless sensor network and / 4 ultrasound satellites [ configuration with four ultrasound satellite modules) at the corners of the room. This system provides / the real-time measurement of the location and heart rate of the person in the room[ non-invasive measurement method of the heart rate and the location of a person in real time ], and will help the [a] blind or visually impaired enjoy sports more easily.

Requirements Analysis and Verification of Guiding Robots for Visually Impaired Person (시각장애인을 위한 길안내 로봇의 요구사항 분석과 검증)

  • Rhew, Sung-Yul;Kim, Duck-Un
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.189-198
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    • 2006
  • This study assumed that the best road guidance system for the vision impaired is a robot and analyzed and verified the requirements of road guidance system. In order to do so, the characteristics and inconveniences of the vision impaired as passengers and pedestrians were examined and their reactions to warnings and dangerous situations were analyzed. Users' needs and robots' functional requirements were applied to analyze the requirements of road guidance system. To verify whether the proposed requirements would be applied to robots effectively, a service scenario was used.

Position and Heading Estimation System for the Visually Impaired Person (시각장애인을 위한 위치 및 헤딩 추정 시스템 연구)

  • Choi, Ka Hyung;Cheon, Hyo Seok;Park, Jin Bae;Yoon, Tae Sung
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.62 no.3
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    • pp.387-394
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    • 2013
  • A travel aid system for the visually impaired person is proposed by providing the position and heading information. The position and heading information is obtained from range difference localization estimator, and the information is notified to the visually impaired person by using braille display system. For the precise estimation of the position and heading information, we apply recently developed linear localization estimator which utilizes the instrumental variable method and the state augmentation method. The estimation results are compared with well-known Kalman filter through experiment.

Walking Aid System for Visually Impaired People by Exploiting Touch-based Interface (촉각 인터페이스를 이용한 시각장애인 보행보조 시스템)

  • Lee, Ji-eun;Oh, Yoosoo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.522-525
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose a walking aid system that guides route to visually impaired people in order to recognize uncertain obstacles based on tactile stimulation. The proposed system is composed of the touch-based obstacle detection module, the obstacle height detection module, and the route guidance algorithms. The touch-based obstacle detection module detects each obstacle, which is located at left, right, and front of a visually impaired person by stimulating his thumb with the rotational force of the servomotor. The obstacle height detection module integrates detected data by the linear arrangement of ultrasonic sensors to identify the height of an obstacle about 3 of-phase(i.e., high, medium, low). The proposed route guidance algorithm guides an optimized path to the visually impaired person by updating his current position information based on the signal of the built-in GPS receiver in smartphone. In addition, the route guidance algorithm delivers information with speech to a visually impaired person through Bluetooth commuination in the developed route guidance app. The proposed system can create a path to avoid the obstacles by recognizing the placed situation of the obstacles with exploring the uncertain path.

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