• Title/Summary/Keyword: vision plan

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Determining priorities for evaluation accreditation to assess dental hygiene education programs (치위생교육인증평가를 위한 평가인증 우선순위 결정)

  • Kim, Chang-Hee;Seong, Mi-Gyung;Lee, Sun-Mi
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.643-652
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to review the systems used to evaluate dental hygiene education and to establish priorities for the evaluation index for accreditation to enhance competitiveness and facilitate quality control of dental hygiene education. Methods: A survey of priorities for accreditation evaluation was developed based on input from professors at 43 universities. Data were analyzed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process method with Expert Choice 2000 software. Results: The relative importance of each evaluation area, ranked in descending order, was as follows: vision and operating system; administration and finances; facilities and equipment; educational outcomes; professors; educational process; and students. The importance of the evaluation part was highest in field training at the education process part and scholarship at the student part. The importance after applying complex weights was highest in establishing a development plan for the vision and operating system. Conclusions: Practical accreditation evaluation based on objectivity and validity is needed to control the quality of dental hygiene education. Therefore, priorities in accreditation evaluation standard must be determined to establish a basis for quality improvement in education at dental hygiene departments.

Financial Analysis and Validity Study for the Introduction of Liquid Hydrogen in Changwon City (창원시 액화수소 도입에 따른 재무성 분석 및 타당성 검토)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.293-300
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    • 2022
  • The Changwon city which announced 2040 hydrogen policy vision is planning to establish the new hydrogen-centered city. The building of plant which is available to produce the 5 ton/day of liquid hydrogen is promoted as one of the projects in order to achieve the vision. However, the analysis in terms of local economic and environmental aspects is insufficient because this liquid hydrogen plant is the first in Korea. Therefore, in this study, the financial feasibility of the liquid hydrogen plant project was analyzed by reviewing the benefits of liquid hydrogen supply and environmental improvement, and the feasibility of this project has been investigated which is being built based on the hydrogen industrial plan of Changwon city.

Outcome and Implication of Establishment and Practice of Action Plan for the Elderly Care Facility in Establishing Risk Management System (노인요양시설의 위험관리시스템 구축활동에서 액션 플랜의 수립과 실행에 따른 성과와 시사점)

  • Youn, Ki-Hyok;Park, Kyung-Il;Kwon, Jin-A
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.308-320
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    • 2016
  • This research is an empirical case study that suggests the practical practice and output of action plan, the actual performing activity of risk management system established to prevent and respond to risk of the elderly care facility. For this, this research analyzed the action plan practice process and outcome upon 2 years' practice (2014~2015) by A Elderly care facility which has conducted performance activity by establishing risk management system to prevent and respond to danger for the first time in Korea. As the research result, first, risk management system action plan was established in the choice and performance stage of risk prevention and response handling method, the 3rd among 4 staged process of risk management system establishment. Second, as the outcome along with risk management system action plan performance, as the result of comprehending the investigation on risk change for 2 years(2014~2015), risk decreased by 28% in 2015 compared to 2014, displaying effect in risk management activity along with performing action plan. Based on this result, it was determined that action plan for the effective action plan establishment and practice in the elderly care facility should be established with systematic promotion schedule to be well connected with its strategy, achievement goal, and achievement project, etc. based on vision and strategy, instead of being established individually, based on clear matter of responsibility, utilizing such technique as Gantt chart, etc., composing concretely by schematizing in order to view all contents to be practiced clearly.

Impact on Internalization of Management Strategy in Public Organization (경영전략 내재화가 공공기관의 발전에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hyang-Soo;Lee, Seong-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2016
  • New systems and management strategies have been successfully settled in order to be linked to enhancing organizational performance internalization process. The most successful methods for internalization are training and communication strategies. However, the organization must be supported by trust and cooperation cultures for successful education and communication. In this study, we measured the degree of internalization of organized vision, and core values. And then, a successful convergence business strategy internalization plan was presented. Strengthening training plan, communication strategies and management strategies must be internalized in parallel with seeking a change of organizational culture. First, iterative learning is very effective in order to strengthen education and management strategies through talking frequently. Second, chief executive officer should pay attention to communication with employees for the internalization. Finally, in order to change the organizational culture, organizational leaders will establish strategic plan to build open and collaborative culture among colleagues and quantitative and qualitative expansion of the human network.

A Study on the Development of a GIS Master Plan based on the Analysis of the Information Master Plan for a Municipality (지역정보화 추진과 연계된 GIS기본계획의 수립방안에 관한 연구 (천안시를 중심으로))

  • Kim, Seong Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.9 no.1 s.17
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2001
  • One of the biggest problems found from the results of the various GIS-related projects which have been fulfilled by many local self-governing bodies is as follows. Many GIS projects have been undertaken without the proper review on National Standards on GIS, the information master plans for the development of the municipalities, and the GIS master plans which should be followed by the former ones with the relatively detailed implementation planning. Because these projects were to be done at most with little considerations of the formerly mentioned materials such as vision, goals, strategies, and the implementation planning, it is quite doubtful that a GIS project could play a proper role as an element in the integrated information system. As an effort to solve this problem, this paper first analyzes the types of the GIS projects done by many municipalities, proposes a recommended procedure for a life cycle of a GIS project and for a GIS master plan based on the information master plan for a municipality.

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Science and Technology Innovation Policy for Solving Social Problems in Korea: Transformative Innovation Policy Perspective ('전환적 혁신정책'의 관점에서 본 사회문제 해결형 R&D정책: '제2차 과학기술기반 사회문제 해결 종합계획'을 중심으로)

  • SONG, Wichin;SEONG, Jieun
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.85-116
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    • 2019
  • This research examines the characteristics of the newly emerging 'transformative innovation policy' and discusses the current status and issues of the Korean social problem solving R & D policy. Transformative innovation policy is a new paradigm that aims to transform socio-technical systems to address societal challenges. In this study, we analyzed 'the policy plan for solving social problems based on science and technology'. In the "Policy Plan", efforts are being made to establish new direction of science and technological innovation activities such as emphasis on social values, network formation of innovation actors, and spreading of social impact. But in this "Policy Plan", the perspective of transformative innovation policy is weakly reflected. The Policy Plan refers to system improvement that adds new elements to existing system, but it is not discussing system transformation. In order to develop social problem solving R & D policy from the viewpoint of the transformative innovation policy, it is necessary to construct the innovation platform deliberating vision and prospect for the socio-technical transformation.

The Study of development on Space Construction - Focus on foreign research trends - (우주건설의 향후 개발방향에 대한 연구 - 해외 우주건설 동향을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Zia, Ud-Din;Koo, Ja-Kyung;Lee, Tai-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.828-832
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    • 2008
  • In 2004, The U.S president Bush announces space Exploration Vision included in Lunar outpost plan. Following the Space Exploration Vision announced by Bush, NASA made Construction Roadmap and studied space construction varietly to construct Lunar Outpost in 2025. The purpose to construct Lunar outpost is to develop space science and hitech industry and to secure the lunar materials. Especially, Lunar has more than 5billion ton He-3. In this reason, The countries advanced in Space Industry like U.S., Japan, Europe and China is studying space construction to mine Lunar materials and shelter to live. In this paper, We will make definition and necesarity of space construction and research Space Construction research trends to use for the preparation of Korea's space construction roadmap.

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A review of ground camera-based computer vision techniques for flood management

  • Sanghoon Jun;Hyewoon Jang;Seungjun Kim;Jong-Sub Lee;Donghwi Jung
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.425-443
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    • 2024
  • Floods are among the most common natural hazards in urban areas. To mitigate the problems caused by flooding, unstructured data such as images and videos collected from closed circuit televisions (CCTVs) or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been examined for flood management (FM). Many computer vision (CV) techniques have been widely adopted to analyze imagery data. Although some papers have reviewed recent CV approaches that utilize UAV images or remote sensing data, less effort has been devoted to studies that have focused on CCTV data. In addition, few studies have distinguished between the main research objectives of CV techniques (e.g., flood depth and flooded area) for a comprehensive understanding of the current status and trends of CV applications for each FM research topic. Thus, this paper provides a comprehensive review of the literature that proposes CV techniques for aspects of FM using ground camera (e.g., CCTV) data. Research topics are classified into four categories: flood depth, flood detection, flooded area, and surface water velocity. These application areas are subdivided into three types: urban, river and stream, and experimental. The adopted CV techniques are summarized for each research topic and application area. The primary goal of this review is to provide guidance for researchers who plan to design a CV model for specific purposes such as flood-depth estimation. Researchers should be able to draw on this review to construct an appropriate CV model for any FM purpose.

Performance Indicators Analysis and Development Plans of K University's Professional Graduate School for the Training Professionals in the Human Resources (인적자원 분야 전문인력 양성을 위한 K대 전문대학원의 성과지표 분석 및 발전방안 연구)

  • Ju-il Kim;Moon-hwan Oh;Se-chan Kim;Ji-hwan Park
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.681-701
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is propose performance indicators analysis and development plans for K University professional graduate school for the training of human resource professionals. Specifically, the main research includes the derivation of performance indicators for K University's professional graduate school, PR plan, academic establishment plan, name change, vision proposal, and curriculum improvement plan for each major. To this end, a survey was conducted on a total of 132 current and former students of K University's professional graduate school. FGI was also conducted with 29 participants. The results of the research are as follows. In the case of key performance indicators, 15 indicators were proposed, taking into account previous research, the characteristics of professional graduate school, surveys, and FGI surveys. Promotion should be continuous, not one-time, and the advantages and benefits of the graduate school should be actively informed to target customers. The proposed name of the professional association is the Korean Association for Employment and Vocational Competency Development. It was found that operating as a convergence society and focusing on convergence research were appropriate. The names of K University's professional graduate school were HR (Human Resources), HRD, and employment and vocational competency development graduate school. As for the vision, it was suggested that a balance between identity and differentiation is needed to flexibly respond to new changes while maintaining existing strengths. As for the proposed improvement of the curriculum by major, it is proposed to reform in a stepwise and gradual manner while maintaining the existing framework to some extent rather than being radical.

Wind Resource Assessment for Green Island - Dokdo (녹색섬 풍력자원평가 - 독도)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kim, Keon-Hoon;Kang, Young-Heaok
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2012
  • A Dokdo wind resource map has been drawn up for the Green Island Energy Master Plan according to Korea's national vision for 'Low Carbon Green Growth'. The micro-siting software WindSim v5.1,which is based on Computational Flow Analysis, is used with MERRA reanalysis data as synoptic climatology input data, and sensitivity analysis on turbulence model is accompanied. A wind resource assessment has been conducted for the Dokdo wind power dissemination plan, which consists of two 10kW wind turbines to be installed at the Dongdo dock and Dokdo guard building. It is evaluated that the capacity factors at Dongdo dock and Dokdo guard building are about 20% and 30% respectively, and annual and hourly variations of wind power generation have been analyzed, but summertime energy production is predicted to be only 40% of wintertime energy production.