• 제목/요약/키워드: vertical dispersion

검색결과 166건 처리시간 0.021초

A CFD Study of Roadside Barrier Impact on the Dispersion of Road Air Pollution

  • Jeong, Sang Jin
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2015
  • This study evaluated road shape and roadside barrier impact on near-road air pollution dispersion using FLUENT computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. Simulated road shapes are three types, namely at-grade, depressed, and filled road. The realizable k-${\varepsilon}$ model in FLUENT CFD code was used to simulate the flow and dispersion around road. The selected concentration profile results were compared with the wind tunnel experiments. The overall concentration profile results show good agreement with the wind tunnel results. The results showed that noise barriers, which positioned around the at-grade road, decrease the horizontal impact distance (In this study, the impact distance was defined as the distance from road surface origin coordinate to the position whose mass fraction is 0.1.) lower 0.33~0.65 times and change the vertical air pollution impact distance larger 2.0~2.27 times than those of no barrier case. In case of filled road, noise barriers decrease the horizontal impact distance lower 0.24~0.65 times and change the vertical air pollution impact distance larger 3.33~3.55 times than those of no barrier case. The depressed road increase 1.53~1.68 times the vertical air pollution impact distance. It contributes the decrease of horizontal air pollution impact distance 0.32~0.60 times compare with no barrier case.

Analysis of Stem Wave due to Long Breakwaters at the Entrance Channel

  • Kwon, Seong-Min;Moon, Seung-Hyo;Lee, Sang-Heon;Yoo, Jae-Woong;Lee, Joong-Woo
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2017
  • Recently, a new port reserves deep water depth for safe navigation and mooring, following the trend of larger ship building. Larger port facilities include long and huge breakwaters, and mainly adopt vertical type considering low construction cost. A vertical breakwater creates stem waves combining inclined incident waves and reflected waves, and this causes maneuvering difficulty to the passing vessels, and erosion of shoreline with additional damages to berthing facilities. Thus, in this study, the researchers have investigated the response of stem waves at the vertical breakwater near the entrance channel and applied numerical models, which are commonly used for the analysis of wave response at the harbor design. The basic equation composing models here adopted both the linear parabolic approximation adding the nonlinear dispersion relationship and nonlinear parabolic approximation adding a linear dispersion relationship. To analyze the applicability of both models, the research compared the numerical results with the existing hydraulic model results. The gap of serial breakwaters and aligned angles caused more complicated stem wave generation and secondary stem wave was found through the breakwater gap. Those analyzed results should be applied to ship handling simulation studies at the approaching channels, along with the mooring test.

대기 경계층 연직방향 확산의 지면 거칠기에 따른 변화에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on the Variation of Vertical Dispersion within Boundary Layer with Surface Roughness)

  • 박옥현;윤창옥
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 2000
  • An experimental study has been carried out using a rotating water channel in order to investigate the effect of surface roughness on the vertical dispersion of plume within boundary layer. Dispersion measurements of tracers released from two sources with different height at neutral conditions over various rough terrain ranging from rural to urban have been performed. Various values of roughness length were simulated by combining of 4 stream velocities and 3 roughness element conditions. Dispersion measurements have also been made for rough terrain where high buildings are locally concentrated. Values of $\sigma$z increase with roughness and this tendency appears to apply both cases of with and without locally concentrated high buildings. The comparisons of the Bowne's nomogram on $\sigma$2 vs x relationship and the measurements of $\sigma$2 with roughness show good accordance in $\sigma$2 distribution at stability D class over rural, suburban and urban terrain. For constant roughness length the $\sigma$2 values of plumes from lower source height are smaller than those of plumes from higher source at short downwind distance, but this relationship becomes reverse as distance increases. Crossing appears to be made before about 2km. The value of constant I in McMullen's equation $\sigma$2=exp [I+J(In x) + K(In x)2] appears to increase with roughness length, however, the relationships between other constants and roughness have been confirmed. The values of $\sigma$2 for various downwind distances, estimated by using an equation which is employed in ISC (Industrial Source Complex) dispersion model for areas where high buildings are locally assembled, are in accordance with measurements from water channel experiments.

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Estimation Of Vertical Structure Of Dispersion Coefficients Off Wolsong

  • Hagn, Sangbok
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.58-61
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    • 1980
  • Water movements at nine different layers were observed from July 31 to August 2, 1976 at station H, which has water depth 42 meters and 3km far from the coast of Wolsong, and dispersion coefficients were computed from these current data, then relative magnitudes of dispersion coefficients were calculated at each layers. Relative magnitudes of dispersion coefficients based on the surface value are 62% at 5m layer, 24% at 10m layer, 20% at 15m and 20m layers, 17% at 25m layer, 24% at 30m layer, 28% at 35m layer and 15% at bottom layer, respectively.

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DNAPL Pool의 용해실험에 의한 분산계수 산정 (Calculation of the Dispersion Coefficient by the Dissolution Experiment of DNAPL Pool)

  • 정경영;배열호;최상일
    • 한국토양환경학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 1996
  • 물에 쉽게 용해되지 않고 분리된 유체면을 갖는 액체를 NAPO(nonaqueous phase liquids)이라 한다. 유기용제와 석유탄화수소와 같은 NAPL에 의한 지하수 오염은 지하에서의 장기간의 지속성 및 다량의 지하수를 오염시키는 능력 때문에 주요 관심 대상물질이다 누출된 DNAPU(denser- than-water NAPL)은 궁극적으로 포화 대수층을 통과하여 바닥에 DNAPL pool을 이루게 된다. 이러한 pool로부터의 용해는 분자확산계수, 연직분산도, 지하수유속, 용해도 및 pool의 길이에 지배된다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 DNAPL pool의 용해를 모사하기 위해 DNAPL용해실험을 하여 연직 횡분산계수를 산정하였다. 본 연구에서 사용된 실험조건하에서 수행한 실험결과 산정된 연직 횡분산계수는 침투유속이 59.2cm/day, 94.3cm/day 및 158.0cm/day인 경우 각각 1.86$cm^2$/day, 2.90$cm^2$/day 및 4.51$cm^2$/day 이었고, 연직 횡분산도는 0.03024cm 이었다.

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장대 수직 환기구를 통한 매연 확산의 모델링 연구 (Modeling of Smoke Dispersion through a Long Vertical Duct)

  • Yoon, Sung-Wook
    • 터널과지하공간
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2003
  • 장대 수직 환기구는 지하공간에서 화재 발생시 매연을 지상으로 배출해 내기 위한 필수적 설치물이다. 현재 널리 사용되는 이층 존(zone) 모델은 기본 가정이 제한적임으로 인해 장대 수직 환기구에서의 매연유동을 해석하는데 부적합하다. 그러므로 그 대안으로서 전산유체역학에 기초한 필드 모델의 적용성이 검토되었다. 전산모델의 유효성을 조사하기 위해 이미 발표된 기존의 실험과 유사한 구조를 선택하여 모델링 하였고 그 결과를 서로 비교하였다. 모델링에서 일정한 기준의 질량분율을 일관되게 적용하여 얻어진 매연의 확산 상단면은 실험결과를 바탕으로 구한 매연확산의 경험적 상관관계식과 거의 유사한 속도로 환기구내에서 상승함이 관측되었다. 이것은 다른 연구자들이 수학적 이론으로부터 구한 상관관계식의 결과보다 더 우수한 결과이며 전산유체역학에 기초한 수치모델이 장대형 수직 환기구를 통한 매연확산 연구에 효과적인 도구가 될 수 있음을 보여준다.

도심 확산 모의를 위한 대표 기상장 산출 방안 (Methodology for Producing Representative Meteorological Fields for Urban Dispersion Modeling)

  • 서담원;김주완;우주완;이상현
    • 대기
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.371-383
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    • 2024
  • To simulate dispersion of atmospheric pollutants in urban areas, representative meteorological fields were calculated by classifying various meteorological data based on surface wind direction/speed and atmospheric stability obtained from the 5-year (2015~2019) record of ERA5 reanalysis data. Wind direction and speed were divided into 16 and 4 categories, respectively. Pasquill-Gifford (P-G) method is used to classify atmospheric stability into 3 categories for surface meteorological fields and Bulk Richardson number is used to classify atmospheric stability into 3 categories for vertical profiles. The atmospheric profiles of temperature, humidity, wind speed, and potential temperature for a given point (Seoul in this study) were grouped into the 192 (16 × 4 × 3) categories for each season. The classified atmospheric profiles represent the similarity of the group relatively well. These profiles can serve as input data for atmospheric dispersion modeling under various wind and stability conditions, providing more accurate and improved results. This approach ensures that vertical profiles accurately reflect the properties of surface data, enhancing correlation and reliability in simulation outcomes.

Assessment of Dispersion Coefficients and Downward Positions of Water Spray for Small-Scale Release of Chlorine Gas

  • Jang, Seo-Il;Kim, Youngran;Yu, Wooyun;Shin, Dongil;Park, Kyoshik;Kim, Tae-Ok
    • 한국가스학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2015
  • To assess downward positions of water spray for the small-scale release of chlorine gas, dispersion coefficients for the Gaussian dispersion model were validated at the small-scale release experiment. And the downwind distances of water spray were assessed with the simulated results. As results, the Gaussian plume model using the Briggs' dispersion coefficient well estimated the dispersed characteristics for small-scale release of chlorine gas. The best adequate downwind position of water spray is the position of the maximum concentration of chlorine at the ground level. And the adequate vertical and horizontal dimensions of water spray consider the maximum width and height of cloud.

굴뚝의 우수유입방지 특성 (Characteristics of Rainfall Protection for Stacks)

  • 김종철;김태형
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.18-31
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    • 2000
  • A stack must be designed to 1) reduce or eliminate rainfall or snowfall into a industrial exhaust system, 2) minimize a resistance to flow, 3) maximize the vertical dispersion of the contaminated air and 4) minimize maintenance. The weather cone stacks and the elbow-type stacks are very popular in Korea. But they add some resistance to the exhaust system resulting in reduction of air flow rate, but also deflect the noxious contaminants downward in undiluted form. To solve these problems, ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists) suggested the vertical discharge stack with concentric space between the upper stack with larger diameter and the lower stack with smaller diameter. The preliminary test showed that the vertical discharge stacks did not have the good rainfall protection. The reversed cone were newly devised to satisfy the requirements for the good stack. Subsequently, the amount of rain being penetrated through the stacks was measured while the stacks were simultaneously and naturally exposed to rain in the same area outside. Test results indicate that none of the stacks tested completely exclude rain. The efficiency of rainfall protection and the pressure loss coefficient were compared. The temporary conclusion was reached to the point that the reversed cone stack is the best one. Further research is underway.

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라그랑지 입자 모델을 이용한 k-ε Algebraic Stress Model과 Mellor-Yamada Model의 비교 연구 (A Comparative Study of k-ε Algebraic Stress Model and Mellor-Yamada Model Applied to Atmospheric Dispersion Simulation Using Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model)

  • 김상백;오성남
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2004
  • The $textsc{k}$-$\varepsilon$ algebraic stress model (KEASM) was applied to atmospheric dispersion simulation using the Lagrangian particle dispersion model and was compared with the most popular turbulence closure model in the field of atmospheric simulation, the Mellor-Yamada (MY) model. KEASM has been rarely applied to atmospheric simulation, but it includes the pressure redistribution effect of buoyancy due to heat and momentum fluxes. On the other hand, such effect is excluded from MY model. In the simulation study, the difference in the two turbulence models was reflected to both the turbulent velocity and the Lagrangian time scale. There was little difference in the vertical diffusion coefficient $\sigma$$_{z}$. However, the horizontal diffusion coefficient or calculated by KEASM was larger than that by MY model, coincided with the Pasquill-Gifford (PG) chart. The applicability of KEASM to atmospheric simulations was demonstrated by the simulations.s.