• Title/Summary/Keyword: vector fields

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  • Ki, U-Hang;Kurihara, Hiroyuki
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.229-257
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    • 2022
  • Let M be a semi-invariant submanifold of codimension 3 with almost contact metric structure (𝜙, 𝜉, 𝜂, g) in a complex space form Mn+1(c), c ≠ 0. We denote by A and R𝜉 the shape operator in the direction of distinguished normal vector field and the structure Jacobi operator with respect to the structure vector 𝜉, respectively. Suppose that the third fundamental form t satisfies dt(X, Y) = 2𝜃g(𝜙X, Y) for a scalar 𝜃(< 2c) and any vector fields X and Y on M. In this paper, we prove that if it satisfies R𝜉A = AR𝜉 and at the same time ∇𝜉R𝜉 = 0 on M, then M is a Hopf hypersurface of type (A) provided that the scalar curvature s of M holds s - 2(n - 1)c ≤ 0.


  • Yavuz, Ayse;Erdogdu, Melek
    • Honam Mathematical Journal
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.259-270
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    • 2022
  • This paper is devoted to the geometry of vector fields and timelike flows in terms of anholonomic coordinates in three dimensional Lorentzian space. We discuss eight parameters which are related by three partial differential equations. Then, it is seen that the curl of tangent vector field does not include any component in the direction of principal normal vector field. This implies the existence of a surface which contains both s - lines and b - lines. Moreover, we examine a normal congruence of timelike surfaces containing the s - lines and b - lines. Considering the compatibility conditions, we obtain the Gauss-Mainardi-Codazzi equations for this normal congruence of timelike surfaces in the case of the abnormality of normal vector field is zero. Intrinsic geometric properties of these normal congruence of timelike surfaces are obtained. We have dealt with important results on these geometric properties.

Studies on Anopheles sinensis, the vector species of vivax malaria in Korea

  • REE Han-Il
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.43 no.3 s.135
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2005
  • Extensive previous studies on taxonomy, behavior/bionomics and control of Anopheles sinensis are reviewed and summarized. Recent molecular identification revealed that the population of An. sinensis complex includes An. sinensis, An. pullus, An. lesteri and at least two new species, and An. yatsushiroensis is synonmy of An. pullus. An. sinensis is the main vector specie of vivax malaria in Korea. Larvae of An. sinensis breed in wide range of habitats which are naturally-made clean water, stagnant or flowing; main habitats include rice fields, ditches, streams, irrigation cannals, marshes, ponds, ground pools, etc. Their host preferences are highly zoophilic. Human blood rate is very low ($0.7-1.7\%$); nevertheless An. sinensis readily feeds on man when domestic animals are not found near by. They feed on hosts throughout the night from dusk to dawn with a peak period of 02:00-04:00 hours; they are slightly more exophagic (biting outdoors); much larger numbers come into the room when light is on. Main resting places are outdoors such as grasses, vegetable fields and rice fields. A mark-release-recapture study resulted that $37.1\%$ was recaptured within 1 km, $29.4\%$ at 1-3 km, $21.1\%$ at 3-6 km, $10.3\%$ at 6-9 km and $2.1\%$ at 9-12 km distance. An. sinensis hibernate outdoors (mostly under part of dense grasses) during October-March. At the end of the hibernation period (March-April) they feed on cows at daytime. Until today any single measure to effectively control An. sinensis population has not been found. Indoor residual spray with a long-lasting insecticide can not reduce vector population densities, but shorten their life spans in some degree, so contributes to malaria control.


  • Boussekkine, Naima;Zagane, Abderrahim
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.1019-1035
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we introduce the deformed-Sasaki metric on the tangent bundle TM over an m-dimensional Riemannian manifold (M, g), as a new natural metric on TM. We establish a necessary and sufficient conditions under which a vector field is harmonic with respect to the deformed-Sasaki Metric. We also construct some examples of harmonic vector fields.

A note on convexity on linear vector space

  • Hong, Suk-Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 1973
  • Study on convexity has been improved in many statistical fields, such as linear programming, stochastic inverntory problems and decision theory. In proof of main theorem in Section 3, M. Loeve already proved this theorem with the $r$-th absolute moments on page 160 in [1]. Main consideration is given to prove this theorem using convex theorems with the generalized $t$-th mean when some convex properties hold on a real linear vector space $R_N$, which satisfies all properties of finite dimensional Hilbert space. Throughout this paper $\b{x}_j, \b{y}_j$ where $j = 1,2,......,k,.....,N$, denotes the vectors on $R_N$, and $C_N$ also denotes a subspace of $R_N$.

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  • Song, Hyunjung
    • Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.29-48
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    • 2008
  • We deal with the classification problem of real hypersurfaces in a complex hyperbolic space. In order to classify real hypersurfaces in a complex hyperbolic space we characterize a real hypersurface M in $H_n(\mathbb{C})$ whose structure vector field is not principal. We also construct extrinsically homogeneous real hypersurfaces with four distinct curvatures and their structure vector fields are not principal.

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  • Gu, Bonsang;Song, Joonhyuk
    • The Pure and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.211-226
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, machine learning models employed in various fields are discussed and applied to KOSPI200 stock index return forecasting. The results of hyperparameter analysis of the machine learning models are also reported and practical methods for each model are presented. As a result of the analysis, Support Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Network showed a better performance than k-Nearest Neighbor and Random Forest.

Second Order Parallel Tensor on Almost Kenmotsu Manifolds

  • Venkatesha, Venkatesha;Naik, Devaraja Mallesha;Vanli, Aysel-Turgut
    • Kyungpook Mathematical Journal
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.191-203
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    • 2021
  • Let M be an almost Kenmotsu manifold of dimension 2n + 1 having non-vanishing ��-sectional curvature such that trℓ > -2n - 2. We prove that any second order parallel tensor on M is a constant multiple of the associated metric tensor and obtained some consequences of this. Vector fields keeping curvature tensor invariant are characterized on M.

*-Ricci Soliton on (κ < 0, µ)-almost Cosymplectic Manifolds

  • Rani, Savita;Gupta, Ram Shankar
    • Kyungpook Mathematical Journal
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.333-345
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    • 2022
  • We study *-Ricci solitons on non-cosymplectic (κ, µ)-acs (almost cosymplectic) manifolds M. We find *-solitons that are steady, and such that both the scalar curvature and the divergence of the potential field is negative. Further, we study concurrent, concircular, torse forming and torqued vector fields on M admitting Ricci and *-Ricci solitons. Also, we provide some examples.

A study on vector modeling using Preisach and Stoner-Wholfarth Model (Preisach 모델과 Stoner-Wholfarth 모델을 결합한 벡터 모델링 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Woo;Park, Gwan-Soo;Hahn, Song-Yop
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1996.07a
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    • pp.62-64
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    • 1996
  • Two current approaches for modeling the vector magnetic hysteretic process are the vector Preisach models and those models based on a system of noninteracting pseudo-particles. The pseudo-particles are intended to mimic the average behavior of real media particles. The simplest switching mechanisms of pseudoparticles is the Stoner-Wholfarth model. The Preisach models are quite precise in specifying the experimental input to the models. The vector properties of the Preisach models are, however, inadequate. This is partly because of the questionable assumptions used in coupling the various vector hysteresis components. Also these models do not include reversible magnetization changes. Unlike Preisach counterpart, the Stoner-Wholfarth model is inherently vector in nature. This is because spatial distribution and switching mechanisms are imposed on the system of pseudo-particles, so they come closer to representing the physical reality. The lack of interaction between pseudo-particles exclude the usefulness of the Stoner-Wholfarth model for small fields when the medium is traversing minor loops. The present work is an attempt at combining the advantages of above two models into one composite model, including the effect of particle interaction.

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