• Title/Summary/Keyword: user survey

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An Analysis of the Service Quality and Satisfaction Perceived by Users and Librarians on the Foreign Research Information Center (이용자와 상호대차담당자가 인식하는 외국학술지지원센터(FRIC)의 서비스품질과 고객만족도 분석)

  • Oh, Dong-Geun;Hwang, Jae-Young;Yeo, Ji-Suk
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.23-42
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    • 2012
  • This study is to investigate and analyze the service quality and satisfaction perceived by users and librarians of the Foreign Research Information Center (FRIC). The survey results reveal that three groups of in-campus (internal) user group, external user group and interlibrary loan librarian group has highly perceived the service quality and satisfaction of the FRIC. Two user groups have statistically significant different perceptions on the service quality, loyalty, and satisfaction. Internal user group perceived more highly than external user group, in 6 items of satisfaction, 1 item of loyalty, and 7 items of service quality. Structural equation models of satisfaction and loyalty on two user groups were proved to be appropriate. Material factor including success rate of copied text and general physical status of the copy influences significantly on the user satisfaction in both groups.

A study on action cam user experience design for leisure activities (레저활동을 위한 액션캠 사용자 경험 디자인 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Joon;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.373-378
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    • 2021
  • The study is a user experience design study on the function of action cams used for leisure activities that have been on the rise recently. Along with the video platforms that are developing in a user-friendly way, the size of the action cam market is also growing. However, there is a lack of research on the quality of a function that enhances the user experience. Thus, this study classified action cam functions according to user experience elements by using Kano Model's analysis method and in-depth interview, and analyzed how the quality of action cam functions affects the user experience by conducting a satisfaction survey by function. The results of the study have shown which functions should be improved first and which functions should be continuously researched and invested. I hope this study will contribute useful information to developing user-centered action cams.

Analyses of Public Library User Experiences using Customer Experience Management (CEM) Perspective: Focused a Public Library in Goyang City (고객 경험 관리(CEM)를 활용한 공공도서관의 이용자 경험 분석 - 고양시립도서관을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Go-Eun;Park, Ji-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.135-159
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to analyze communication and experiences between public libraries and to identify these factors affect user satisfaction. Customer experience management (CEM), which is currently used in various fields of management and marketing, was applied to segment and analyze user experiences. After reviewing CEM research in marketing and management to derive user experience points, set physical environment, human factors, communication, and service as independent variables, emotional pleasure as parameters, and user satisfaction as dependent variables. Based on this, questionnaire items were constructed. The survey method was conducted in two ways, online and offline (face-to-face), and statistical analysis was performed based on a total of 60 questionnaires collected. The results indicate the higher the user's experience with the physical environment and convenience, the higher the satisfaction level, but library accessibility had no significant effect. In addition, library staff attitude and problem-solving ability had a great influence on user satisfaction, and problem-solving ability had a more important influence than kindness and emotional pleasure was found to have an mediating effect.

A Study on the Moderating Effect of Perceived Voluntariness in the Organizational Information System Usage and Performance (정보시스템 사용과 성과에 있어서 자발성의 조절효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Chang;Lee, Ho-Geun;Jung, Chang-Wook;Chung, Nam-Ho;Suh, Eung-Kyo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.195-221
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    • 2009
  • According to an industry report, a large number of organizations have invested in Organizational Information System(OIS) in the past few years. Several research results indicate that successful investments in OIS lead to productivity enhancement, while failed ones result in undesirable consequences such as financial losses and dissatisfaction among employees. In spite of huge investments, however, many organizations have failed in achieving the hoped-for returns from OIS. Thus, understanding user acceptance, adoption, and usage of new IS(Information Systems) is an important issue for IS practitioners. Indeed, study of the user acceptance of new information system has been one of the most important research topics in the contemporary IS literature. Several theoretical models are tested to examine 'user acceptance' and 'usage behavior' in IS context. While many research models incorporate 'ease of use' or 'usefulness' as important factors in explaining user acceptance, Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) has been one of the most widely applied models in user acceptance and usage behavior. Even in recent IS studies that employ theories of innovation diffusion in the area of IS implementation, a major focus has been on the user's perception of information technologies. In this research, we study 'voluntariness' as an important factor in IS acceptance by users. Voluntariness is defined as "the degree to which the use of the innovation is perceived as being voluntary, or of free will" When examining the diffusion of accepting OIS, a thoughtful consideration should be given to 'perceived voluntariness.' Current article has following research questions: 1) What models are appropriate to explain the success of OIS? and 2) How does the 'voluntariness' affect the success of OIS? In order to answer these questions, a research model is proposed to describe the detailed nature of association among three independent variables (IT usage level, task interdependency, and organizational support), a mediating variable (IS usage), a dependent variable (perceived performance), and a moderating variable(perceived voluntariness). The central claim of this article is that organizations hardly realize expected returns from OIS investments unless perceived voluntariness is effectively managed after operating OIS. As an example of OIS in this study we have selected the Intranet of Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF). ROKAF has implemented the Intranet in an attempt to improve communication and coordination within the organization. To test our research model and hypotheses, survey questionnaires were first sent out to 400 Intranet users. With the assistance of ROKAF, Intranet users were initially identified among its members, and subjects were randomly drawn from the pool. 377 survey responses were finally returned. The unit of measurement and analysis in this research is a personal level. Path analysis based on structural equation modeling was used to test research hypotheses. Construct validity represents accordance between the theoretical base concept of constructs and its measurement items. Tests for the reliability and discriminant validity are accepted, thus verifying our survey instrument. In this research, we have proposed a conceptual framework to highlight the importance of perceived voluntariness after organization deploys OIS. The results of our analysis present several key finding. First, all three independent variables (IT usage level, task interdependency, and organizational support) have significant effects on IS usage, which will eventually improve performance. Thus, IS usage plays a mediating role between antecedent variables (IT usage level. task interdependency, and organizational support) and performance improvement. Second, the effect of the task dependency was the highest for IS usage among the three antecedent variables. This is highly plausible since one of the Intranet's major capabilities is to facilitate communication among members within an organization. Accordingly, we conclude that the higher the task dependency, the higher Intranet usage. The effect of user's IT usage level was the second, while the effect of the organizational support was the third. Finally, the perceived voluntariness plays a pivotal role in enhancing perceived performance in personal level after launching the Intranet. Relationships among investigated variables were significantly different between groups with a high level and a low level of voluntariness. The impact of the Intranet usage on the performance was greater in the higher level voluntariness group than in the lower one. For the lower level voluntariness group, the user's IT usage had the highest effect on the Intranet usage among the three antecedent variables. In short, our study suggests that the higher the perceived voluntariness is the more IS usage will be. Perceived voluntariness was found to have a moderating effect on the relationships among user IT usage level, task interdependency, IS usage, and perceived performance, supporting all the hypotheses on the moderating effect. Most of all, user IT usage level has the strongest influence on IS usage, indicating that users with superior IT usage are more likely to enjoy a high level of perceived performance.

Development of an Android-based App for Total Station Surveying and Visualization using Smartphone and Google Earth (스마트폰과 Google Earth를 이용한 TS 측량 및 가시화 안드로이드 앱 개발)

  • Park, Jinwoo;Lee, Seongkyu;Suh, Yongcheol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 2013
  • Current surveying and spatial information technology incorporates information and communication technology and is user friendly. However, it is not convenient to use in the field because a connection to a computer, such as a laptop, tablet PC, or desktop PC, is needed to obtain the survey results and the coordinates of the surveyed points. To solve this problem, we developed an app that can display surveyed data on a map and the current survey results through a connection between a total station and smartphone using a Bluetooth wireless communication device. The app allows users to perform field work simultaneously with office work in the field, because it consists of Bluetooth, closed traverse survey, current status survey, and coordinate conversion modules. The proposed app should increase user convenience and the operational capability of the total station in the field.

A Study on Use of Bioinformatics Infrastructure (생명정보인프라 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, bu-young;Lee, sang-ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.3-6
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    • 2007
  • KISTI(Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information) CCBB(Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics) Website has been providing bioinformatics contents(databases and analysis tools) services to construct IT-based bioinformatics infrastructure. It also carries out the services to support domestic bioinformatics R&D activity and to construct the infrastructure. But, these services are not actively available because this CCBB website is not wellknown to users. Therefore, we performed the user survey for the researchers who are studying in the field of biological science. The items of this survey consist of subjects on bioinformatics databases, analysis tools and BioInfoNet. After the user survey is rearranged and analyzed, the result of survey will be used to provide the good service to the users who are need of bioinformatics infrastructure such as databases and analysis tools etc.

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Valuation of Use Value on Environmental Goods (환경자원의 이용가치 평가)

  • 박용치
    • Survey Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.83-107
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    • 2001
  • The contingent valuation method uses survey questions to elicit people's preferences for public goods by finding out what they would be willing to pay for specified improvement in them. The method is thus aimed at eliciting their willingness to pay in money amounts. It circumvents the absence of markets for public goods by presenting consumers with hypothetical markets in which they have the opportunities to buy the good In question. The hypothetical markets may be modeled after either a private goods market or a political market. Respondents are presented with material, often in the course of a personal interview conducted face to face. An on-site survey was conducted to 1107 randomly selected P-mountain users using a dichotomous choice questionnaire for the contingent valuation method. Seventeen different bid sets were chosen ranging from the lowest bid of 300won to the highest bid of 2, 100won to elicit a reasonable entrance fee in the hypothetical market. The probability of an individual user's willingness to pay for the suggested bid had been determined, and the expected value of willingness to pay was estimated using binary-1ogit model. The average public value of P-mountain per individual user was estimated to be 1,055.92won ~ 1,995.61won according to the binary-logit model. The economic value of this P-mountain which includes both use value and existence value can be determined by aggregating the average value giving total willingness to pay for the entire population, in this case 5.491 billion ~ 10.377 billion.

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Internet Survey for Cultural Design (문화적 디자인을 위한 인터넷 조사방법에 관한 연구)

  • 이건표
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Design Studies Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.24-25
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    • 1999
  • 근래 들어 소위 지구화 현상(Globalization)이 가속화되면서 문화가 새로운 경쟁적 우위의 수단으로서 자리잡아 가고 있다. 특히 냉전시대의 이데올로기가 종식되면서 문화는 모든 분야에서 중요한 하나의 화두로서 자리잡고 있는 실정이다. (중략)

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Effects of Perceived Quality of TikTok on User Satisfaction and Continuance Intention: and the Role of Commercial Viability (틱톡(TikTok) 서비스에 대한 품질 인식이 이용자 만족과 지속 사용 의도에 미치는 영향과 상업성 인식의 효과)

  • Chung, Yongkuk;Wei, Xin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2020
  • This study examined how the quality of TikTok service affects user satisfaction and continuance intention. This study classified the quality of Tiktok service as service quality, information quality, and system quality, and examined the effect of each dimension on user satisfaction and continuous intention. In addition, the role of perceived commercial viability was also examined. In this study, we conduced an online survey on 237 Chinese TikTok users and analyzed the data with the SEM and a moderated regression analysis. Results are as follows. First, information quality and system quality are positively associated with user satisfaction. Second, information quality is positively associated with continuance intention. Third, user satisfaction fully mediates system quality and continuance intention, and it partially mediates information quality and continuance intention. Fourth, although user satisfaction is positively associated with continuance intention, commercial viability does not function as a moderating variable.