• Title/Summary/Keyword: used trading app's

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The Effects of Authenticity Perception on Used Trading App Service Satisfaction

  • Sangyeon Song;Jeonghoon Lee
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.43-62
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    • 2022
  • As the used trading market grows centered on online platforms, it is evolving from practical consumption to pursuing various forms of consumption value. Consumers purchase rare products, enjoy the transaction itself with consumers with the same preference, and investment or eco-friendly value consumption is also increasing. In this regard, the transaction of the second-hand transaction app service must have sincerity in order to respond to various consumption values. In addition, it is necessary to study what components the second-hand trading app service should aim for to secure authenticity and how the usefulness and ease of second-hand trading apps affect the relationship. The research used a questionnaire method to test hypotheses and surveyed 215 consumers in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who had purchased used clothing online within a year. Among them, 200 responses, excluding outliers, were statistically analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 22.0 as confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation models. This study aims to determine the effect of the authenticity of the online used trading app service on the satisfaction of the used trading app service. To this end, based on the previous research results, the following research hypotheses were established and verified statistically. First, the authenticity of the online used trading app service will significantly impact the satisfaction of the used trading app service. Second, the usefulness of the used trading app service will have a moderating effect on the effect of the authenticity of the used trading app service on the satisfaction of the used trading app service. Third, the ease of the used trading app service will have a moderating effect on the authenticity of the used trading app service on the satisfaction of the used trading app service. As a result of the study, the authenticity of the used trading app service significantly affected the satisfaction of the used trading app service. Appeared to be The results of this study will help understand used transaction app services where consumption of used products occurs from the viewpoint of product circular use behavior and can be used as a strategic plan to promote the use of used transaction apps in the future.

A Study on the Influencing Factors on perceived usefulness and continuous use intention of used trading app's users: Focusing on consumption value and protection motive theory (중고거래 앱(App) 사용자의 지각된 유용성 및 지속적 사용의도에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구: 소비가치와 보호동기 이론을 중심으로)

  • Joung, HyunSuk;Kim, MiSook;Hong, KwanSoo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.143-161
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    • 2022
  • This study examines the effect of used trading app's consumption value and protection motivation and the perceived usefulness and continuous use intention. The proposed research model and developed hypotheses were tested using structural equations modeling based on data collected from 293 customers with experience in used transaction app's. The results of the study confirm the positive effects of the used trading app's consumption value and protection motive theory is perceived usefulness of customer. In addition, there is a positive relationship between a customer's perceived usefulness and continuous use intention of used trading app's. The study provides On a theoretical level valuable insights into the sustainability of transaction app's after post-COVID 19 and the importance of developing used trading app's consumption value and protection motivation, but there is also a limitation that the region is limited.