• Title/Summary/Keyword: urgent data

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Communication and Security Technology Trends in Drone-assisted Wireless Sensor Network (드론 기반 무선 센서 네트워크의 통신 및 보안 기술 동향)

  • Wang, G.;Lee, B.;Ahn, J.Y.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2019
  • In drone-assisted wireless sensor networks, drones collect data from sensors in an energy-efficient manner and quickly distribute urgent information to sensor nodes. This article introduces recent communication and security schemes for drone-assisted wireless sensor networks. For the communication schemes, we introduce data collection optimization schemes, drone position and movement optimization schemes, and drone flight path optimization schemes. For the security schemes, we introduce authentication and key management schemes, cluster formation schemes, and cluster head election schemes. Then, we present some enhancement methodologies for these communication and security schemes. As a conclusion, we present some interesting future work items.

University Students' Thoughts on Artifical Abortion

  • Kim, Jungae
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2022
  • This study is a phenomenological qualitative study that confirms the structure of college students' thoughts on artificial abortion. The data collection period was from 5 March to 10 April 2022. To this end, a total of three interviews were conducted on seven college students aged 20 to 25. Interview data were conducted through analysis and interpretation using the phenomenological research method, the Giorgi method, and as a result, 40 semantic units were derived, grouped into six sub-components, and divided into three categories. As a result of the analysis, college students' thoughts on artificial abortion consisted of fetal rights, respect for women's rights, and choices for a healthy life. Based on the above meaning, college students' thoughts on artificial abortion were, in conclusion, that considering the happiness of the baby and the quality of life of the woman, consideration for non-marriage mothers was more urgent than legal sanctions, and that abortion was not irresponsible. Accordingly, this study suggests that understanding and consideration for pregnant women should be prioritized over legal sanctions.

An Exploratory Study for Utilization of Copyrighted Public Records and Provision of Customer-Centered Services (공공저작물 활용 및 수요자 중심의 서비스 제공을 위한 탐색적 연구 : 공공저작물 제공사이트를 중심으로)

  • Ryu, Me Ae;Ahn, Tae Ho
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.223-245
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    • 2016
  • This study defines copyrighted public records in broad sense including open government data and public domain except for some private records. Additionally, this study aims to investigate improvement plan for maximizing utilization of copyrighted public records in web-sites using customer side, without consideration of supplier side. For this purpose, qualitative study method was used with grounded theory on analyzed problems from literature review and case study. Literature review was concentrated on definition of open data and abroad utilization indicators whereas case study analyzed current situation of four web-sites providing copyrighted public records. Converged opinions from in-depth interview and various statistical data was analyzed as a basis for grounded theory, then a paradigm model was constructed and future improvement plans were presented. The findings imply that opening of copyrighted public records is not just important for quantitative results, rather it requires qualitative improvement providing latest credible information that is consistent with the demand of the customer. Thus, development of service platform and business models for copyrighted public records are urgent task.

Role and Prospective of Reference Standards for Integrity Controls of Large-scale Structure and Facilities (대형 설비/구조물 안전성에 있어서 국가참조표준의 역할과 전망)

  • Nahm, Seung-Hoon;Lee, Yun-Hee;Baek, Un-Bong;Chung, In-Hyun;Lee, Hae-Moo
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.84-89
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    • 2007
  • In order to guarantee the safety of the facility systems, one of the essential components is information on mechanical properties of materials used for the construction. However, acquisition or accumulation of the mechanical property data in industrial fields is limited because this operation does not yield profit, excepting few materials production companies. Corresponding to the urgent needs and poor economical features, the MOCIE has founded the National Center for Standard Reference Data in the KRISS and also designated the Data Center of Mechanical Properties for Metallic Materials (DCMP) as a principal operating section. The DCMP plays roles of collection, edition and evaluation of the mechanical data and development of reference standards. In this study, several functions of the DCMP and standardization procedures of mechanical properties data will be introduced the prospective of standard reference researches will be discussed based on active feedbacks from industrial fields.

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Panic Disorder Intelligent Health System based on IoT and Context-aware

  • Huan, Meng;Kang, Yun-Jeong;Lee, Sang-won;Choi, Dong-Oun
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2021
  • With the rapid development of artificial intelligence and big data, a lot of medical data is effectively used, and the diagnosis and analysis of diseases has entered the era of intelligence. With the increasing public health awareness, ordinary citizens have also put forward new demands for panic disorder health services. Specifically, people hope to predict the risk of panic disorder as soon as possible and grasp their own condition without leaving home. Against this backdrop, the smart health industry comes into being. In the Internet age, a lot of panic disorder health data has been accumulated, such as diagnostic records, medical record information and electronic files. At the same time, various health monitoring devices emerge one after another, enabling the collection and storage of personal daily health information at any time. How to use the above data to provide people with convenient panic disorder self-assessment services and reduce the incidence of panic disorder in China has become an urgent problem to be solved. In order to solve this problem, this research applies the context awareness to the automatic diagnosis of human diseases. While helping patients find diseases early and get treatment timely, it can effectively assist doctors in making correct diagnosis of diseases and reduce the probability of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.

Implementation of a Regression Analysis System for the Control of Supplying Halibuts (넙치 공급량 조절을 위한 회귀분석 시스템 구현)

  • Ahn, Jinhyun;Kang, Jungwoon;Kim, Mincheol;Park, So-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.321-324
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    • 2022
  • The Korean halibut farming industry suffer from price instability and demand decrease due to various environmental and social issues. It is urgent to predict the appropriate amount of halibut production. However, it is not easy for employments working in the halibut farming industry to handle statistical tools in order to perform the prediction. In this paper, we implemented a Excel-based regression analysis tool that allows users to get a regression analysis result by just entering historical data in a sheet. Our tool will reduce workloads of employments working in the halibut farming industry by enabling them to perform a regression analysis with Excel on-the-fly. This study expect that by using the tool the halibut farming industry cope actively with the real-time change in the industry.

A Study on the Space Composition for Department of Delivery in Regional Public Hospital (지역거점 공공병원의 분만부 공간구성에 관한 연구(1))

  • Park, Kyeong Hyeon;Shin, Hwa Kyoung;Chai, Choul Gyun
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study presents the analysis on space usage of delivery departments in regional public hospitals. The results intention is to achieve improvement of the delivery environment for the mothers and newborns regarding exposure prevention and efficient infection control. The purpose of this study is to provide fundamental data for architectural plans and guidelines for the delivery department. Method: The investigation and analysis were based on research papers, legal systems, public medical statistical data, and the architectural floor plan drawing. For research, 20 regional public hospitals with an operating delivery room were excluded. Regarding data accessibility, 15 regional public hospitals were selected. Results: To overcome the increased vulnerability of the delivery department, the research results of basic data is provided for the establishment to address urgent needs and rapid response. Thus, the research results are as follows: Firstly, the delivery department needs to respond promptly according to the type of patients. For example, in a case of emergency surgery, a connected circulation plan with the related departments is needed. Secondly, for the environment of the delivery area, alleviating anxiety is imperative for pregnant patients and guardians, labor, childbirth, and recovery. Therefore, these needs must be addressed for treatment space and circulation. Lastly, the delivery department is classified into three areas for analysis: access area, treatment area, and support area. In most of the delivery departments of the 15 selected hospitals, there is no space for the access and support area except for the labor and delivery rooms in the treatment area. For the access area, a waiting area, changing room for pregnant women and guardians, and a storage space for contaminated linens are required for infection prevention, safety, and efficiency. For the treatment area, childbirth processes and circulation should have space reserved for labor, delivery, recovery, examination, and treatment. In preparation for an emergency during childbirth, emergency response measures and supporting space needs to be established. For the support area, circulation and rooms are to be designed for medical staff support, activity space, storage and transportation of equipment, and urgent medical treatment. Implications: Along with the low fertility rate and the decrease of medical institutions that operate delivery departments, for the purpose of establishing a public medical service system and a healthy medical environment for mothers and newborns, the researched information demonstrates basic data on space plan of delivery departments in regional public hospitals.

Analysis of Semantic Relations Between Multimodal Medical Images Based on Coronary Anatomy for Acute Myocardial Infarction

  • Park, Yeseul;Lee, Meeyeon;Kim, Myung-Hee;Lee, Jung-Won
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.129-148
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    • 2016
  • Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is one of the three emergency diseases that require urgent diagnosis and treatment in the golden hour. It is important to identify the status of the coronary artery in AMI due to the nature of disease. Therefore, multi-modal medical images, which can effectively show the status of the coronary artery, have been widely used to diagnose AMI. However, the legacy system has provided multi-modal medical images with flat and unstructured data. It has a lack of semantic information between multi-modal images, which are distributed and stored individually. If we can see the status of the coronary artery all at once by integrating the core information extracted from multi-modal medical images, the time for diagnosis and treatment will be reduced. In this paper, we analyze semantic relations between multi-modal medical images based on coronary anatomy for AMI. First, we selected a coronary arteriogram, coronary angiography, and echocardiography as the representative medical images for AMI and extracted semantic features from them, respectively. We then analyzed the semantic relations between them and defined the convergence data model for AMI. As a result, we show that the data model can present core information from multi-modal medical images and enable to diagnose through the united view of AMI intuitively.

Density Aware Energy Efficient Clustering Protocol for Normally Distributed Sensor Networks

  • Su, Xin;Choi, Dong-Min;Moh, Sang-Man;Chung, Il-Yong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.911-923
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    • 2010
  • In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), cluster based data routing protocols have the advantages of reducing energy consumption and link maintenance cost. Unfortunately, most of clustering protocols have been designed for uniformly distributed sensor networks. However, some urgent situations do not allow thousands of sensor nodes being deployed uniformly. For example, air vehicles or balloons may take the responsibility for deploying sensor nodes hence leading a normally distributed topology. In order to improve energy efficiency in such sensor networks, in this paper, we propose a new cluster formation algorithm named DAEEC (Density Aware Energy-Efficient Clustering). In this algorithm, we define two kinds of clusters: Low Density (LD) clusters and High Density (HD) clusters. They are determined by the number of nodes participated in one cluster. During the data routing period, the HD clusters help the neighbor LD clusters to forward the sensed data to the central base station. Thus, DAEEC can distribute the energy dissipation evenly among all sensor nodes by considering the deployment density to improve network lifetime and average energy savings. Moreover, because the HD clusters are densely deployed they can work in a manner of our former algorithm EEVAR (Energy Efficient Variable Area Routing Protocol) to save energy. According to the performance analysis result, DAEEC outperforms the conventional data routing schemes in terms of energy consumption and network lifetime.

Design and Implementation of an Electrocardiogram Measurement System Using Sensor Network (센서네트워크를 이용한 심전도 측정시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Jeong-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.186-194
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    • 2008
  • This paper has implemented a ubiquitous healthcare system that can measure and check the electrocardiogram of a human body in anytime and anywhere. The implemented prototype is composed of electrocardiogram measurement terminal, data gathering base node, and medical information server. The implemented node constructs a sensor network using the Zigbee protocol and the TinyOS is installed on each node. The data gathering base node is linux-based node that can transfer sensed medial data through wireless LAN. And, the medical information server stores the processed medical data and can promptly notify the urgent status to the connected medical team. Through experiment, we confirmed the possibility of ubiquitous healthcare system based on sensor network using the Zigbee.