• Title/Summary/Keyword: urban modeling

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A Study on the Pro-Environmental Energy Supply Program of Urban Enterprises on the concept of BAT(Best Available Technology): Application of Air Environmental Indices and Benefit-Cost Analysis Based (한 도시 사업체 에너지 수급의 최적화 방안 연구 - 대기오염지수와 경제성 평가를 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, Yong-Sik;Kim, Yong-Bum;Chung, Yong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to seek AEI(Air Environmental Indices), PSI(Pollutant Standard Index) and the urban air quality control goal(the best available alternative energy program) by assessing the best ratio of energy types used in urban enterprises, based on harmful health effect and air quality standard and costs. This study is focused on an urban area(Puchun), where area sourcees are associated with heavy traffic, large population, and its industrial sources with large emissions. In the first step, air modeling, estimation of AEI and PSI, and benefit-cost analysis were carried out. In the second step, we assessed that 660 scenarios about the ratio of B-C oil, light oil and LNG used in urban enterprises with regard to air quality and cost. In the third step, the best available alternative energy program was selected for the ratio of energy species(B-C oil, light oil and LNG) by using the lexicographic method. From the emission analysis, main source of $NO_2$ is identified as industries and air quality is evaluated according to the ratio of B-C oil, light oil and LNG used in urban enterprise. The modeling data of TSP, $SO_2$, $NO_2$, CO, $O_3$, by ISC3 and PBM are respectively $118{\mu}g/m^3$, 0.027ppm, 0.025ppm, 2.0ppm, 0.55ppm in indurstrial area. That data are close to Environmental Air Quality Standard. By means of sensitivity analysis, we obtained the difference in concentration between the areas(Nae-dong, Joong-dong) according to the ratio of B-C oil, light oil and LNG used in the industries. From the result of alternatives assessment the lowest AEI value and cost, the ratio of B-C oil, light oil and LNG are 2.5%, 20%, 77.5%, respectively.

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Exposed Noise Simulation for Urban Planning Alteration Using Spatial Statistical Model (공간통계모형을 이용한 도시계획변경에 따른 소음도 예측)

  • Ryu, Hunjae;Chun, Bum Seok;Park, In Kwon;Chang, Seo Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.948-951
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    • 2014
  • Road traffic noise is closely related with urban forms and urban components, such as population, building, traffic and land-use, etc. Hence, it is possible to minimize the noise exposure problem depending on how to plan new town or urban planning alteration. This paper provides ways to apply for urban planning in consideration of noise through exposed noise estimation for urban planning alteration. Spatial autoregressive model which explains about 81.4% of road traffic noise from the former paper is used. The simulation results by the spatial statistical model are compared with those by the engineering program-based modeling for 5 small-scaled scenarios of urban planning alteration. The error from the limitation of containing informations inside the grid cell and the difficulties of reflecting acoustic phenomena is existed. Nevertheless, in the stage of preliminary design, the use of the statistical models that have been estimated well is useful in time and economically.

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A Spatial Projection of Demand for Green Infrastructure and Its Application to GeoDesign - Evidence-Based Design for Urban Resilience - (융합도시모델링을 통한 그린인프라 수요 예측 및 지오디자인 적용 - 도시 레질리언스를 위한 근거 기반 디자인 -)

  • Kwak, Yoonshin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.30-43
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    • 2023
  • Green infrastructure(GI) is considered a key strategy in establishing sustainable communities. However, research on GI from the perspective of urban system dynamics and resilience lacks depth, as does its integration with physical design. This research addresses two primary causes. First, there is a gap in methods between existing GI planning, which considers static variables, and urban modeling research, which addresses dynamic variables. Second, there is a gap in information between landscape design and urban modeling research. To address these issues, this study proposes an integrated modeling approach in consideration of design decision-making. By combining the LEAM model and MCDA model, this study evaluates the relationship between GI services and socioeconomic growth, while spatially forecasting the geographies of GI demand in 2050. The resulting information reveals a potential degradation in ecosystem services over the region due to Chicago's sub-urbanization. This indicates that there would be a spatial shift in GI demand, emphasizing the need for comprehensive, dynamic GI strategies. This study further discusses the applications of evidence-based design in a studio environment. This study aims to contribute to the GeoDesign literature in terms of the creation of a more resilient urban environment by facilitating efficient evidence-based decision-making.

Assessment of Radionuclide Deposition on Korean Urban Residential Area

  • Lee, Joeun;Han, Moon Hee;Kim, Eun Han;Lee, Cheol Woo;Jeong, Hae Sun
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2020
  • Background: An important lesson learned from the Fukushima accident is that the transition to the mid- and long-term phases from the emergency-response phase requires less than a year, which is not very long. It is necessary to know how much radioactive material has been deposited in an urban area to establish mid- and long-term countermeasures after a radioactive accident. Therefore, an urban deposition model that can indicate the site-specific characteristics must be developed. Materials and Methods: In this study, the generalized urban deposition velocity and the subsequent variation in radionuclide contamination were estimated based on the characteristics of the Korean urban environment. Furthermore, the application of the obtained generalized deposition velocity in a hypothetical scenario was investigated. Results and Discussion: The generalized deposition velocities of 137Cs, 106Ru, and 131I for each residence type were obtained using three-dimensional (3D) modeling. For all residence types, the deposition velocities of 131I are greater than those of 106Ru and 137Cs. In addition, we calculated the generalized deposition velocities for each residential types. Iodine was the most deposited nuclide during initial deposition. However, the concentration of iodine in urban environment drastically decreases owing to its relatively shorter half-life than 106Ru and 137Cs. Furthermore, the amount of radioactive material deposited in nonresidential areas, especially in parks and schools, is more than that deposited in residential areas. Conclusion: In this study, the generalized urban deposition velocities and the subsequent deposition changes were estimated for the Korean urban environment. The 3D modeling was performed for each type of urban residential area, and the average deposition velocity was obtained and applied to a hypothetical accident. Based on the estimated deposition velocities, the decision-making systems can be improved for responding to radioactive contamination in urban areas. Furthermore, this study can be useful to predict the radiological dose in case of large-scale urban contamination and can support decision-making for long-term measurement after nuclear accident.

Application of GML and X3D to 3D Urban Data Modeling: A Practical Approach

  • Kim, Hak-Hoon;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2007
  • In this study, two standard specifications such as GML (Geography Markup Language) from OGC (Open Geo-spatial Consortium, Inc.) and X3D (extensible 3D) from Web3D consortium were dealt with for a web-based 3D urban application without using commercialized tools. In the first step of this study, DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and 3D GIS data sets were converted to GML structure with attribute schema. Then, these GML elements were projected onto a common coordinate system, and they were converted to the X3D format for visualization on web browser. In this work, a 3D urban data model, as a simple framework model, is extended to a framework model having further detailed information, depending upon application levels. Conclusively, this study is to demonstrate for practical uses of GML and X3D in 3D urban application and this approach can be applied to other application domains regarding system integrators and data sharing communities on distributed environments.

Development and Verification of Inundation Model Considering Storm Sewers in Urban Area (도시배수체계와 연계한 침수모형의 개발 및 검증)

  • Han, Kun-Yeun;Lee, Chang-Hee;Kim, Ji-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.159-162
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    • 2005
  • Urban flooding is usually caused by the surcharge of storm sewers. For that reason, domestic studies about urban flooding are concentrated on the simulation of urban drainage system. However these approaches that find the pipes which have insufficient drainage capacity are very approximate and unreasonable ways. In this study, an accurate mathematical modeling is developed to analyze the impacts of an urban inundation for both flood prevention and flood-loss reduction planning and it is verified by using the simulation of July 2001 flooding in Seoul. The result of this study can be used to construct fundamental data for a flood control plan and establish a urban flood forecasting/warning system.

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Establishment of the Measurement Model about the Adequate Urban Development Density using System Dynamics (시스템다이내믹스를 활용한 도시개발밀도의 적정성 평가 모델 구축 연구)

  • 전유신;문태훈
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.71-94
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this dissertation is to build a development density control model and estimate optimum developmental density level for a sustainable urban growth management. To develop the model, system dynamics modeling approach was used. The model was developed to analyze how urban growth, transition, and decay occur depending on the interaction among population, houses, industry structure, land and urban infrastructure such as road, water supply, and sewage treatment facilities. The model was applied to Anyang city to estimate optimum density level. Extensive computer simulation was conducted to find out the maximum numbers of population, industry structure, houses, and cars that can be adequately sustained with the current Anyang city's infrastructure capacity. The computer simulation result shows that the city is overpopulated by some 90,000 people. It nab analyzed that 20% increase of existing capacity of urban infrastructure is necessary to support current population of Anyang city. To reduce the population to the adequate level whereby the current urban infrastructure can sustain, the current city regulation on floor area ratio needs be strengthened at least 20% to 35%.

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Big Data Based Urban Transportation Analysis for Smart Cities - Machine Learning Based Traffic Prediction by Using Urban Environment Data - (도시 빅데이터를 활용한 스마트시티의 교통 예측 모델 - 환경 데이터와의 상관관계 기계 학습을 통한 예측 모델의 구축 및 검증 -)

  • Jang, Sun-Young;Shin, Dong-Youn
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 2018
  • The research aims to find implications of machine learning and urban big data as a way to construct the flexible transportation network system of smart city by responding the urban context changes. This research deals with a problem that existing a bus headway model is difficult to respond urban situations in real-time. Therefore, utilizing the urban big data and machine learning prototyping tool in weathers, traffics, and bus statues, this research presents a flexible headway model to predict bus delay and analyze the result. The prototyping model is composed by real-time data of buses. The data is gathered through public data portals and real time Application Program Interface (API) by the government. These data are fundamental resources to organize interval pattern models of bus operations as traffic environment factors (road speeds, station conditions, weathers, and bus information of operating in real-time). The prototyping model is implemented by the machine learning tool (RapidMiner Studio) and conducted several tests for bus delays prediction according to specific circumstances. As a result, possibilities of transportation system are discussed for promoting the urban efficiency and the citizens' convenience by responding to urban conditions.

Rubbish, Stink, and Death: The Historical Evolution, Present State, and Future Direction of Water-Quality Management and Modeling

  • Chapra, Steven C.
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 2011
  • This study traces the origin, evolution, and current state-of-the-art of engineering-oriented water-quality management and modeling. Three attributes of polluted water underlie human concerns for water quality: rubbish (aesthetic impairment), stink (ecosystem impairment), and death (public health impairment). The historical roots of both modern environmental engineering and water-quality modeling are traced to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when European and American engineers worked to control and manage urban wastewater. The subsequent evolution of water-quality modeling can be divided into four stages related to dissolved oxygen (1925-1960), computerization (1960-1970), eutrophication (1970-1977) and toxic substances (1977-1990). Current efforts to integrate these stages into unified holistic frameworks are described. The role of water-quality management and modeling for developing economies is outlined.

Wind-induced fragility assessment of urban trees with structural uncertainties

  • Peng, Yongbo;Wang, Zhiheng;Ai, Xiaoqiu
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2018
  • Wind damage of urban trees arises to be a serious issue especially in the typhoon-prone areas. As a family of tree species widely-planted in Southeast China, the structural behaviors of Plane tree is investigated. In order to accommodate the complexities of tree morphology, a fractal theory based finite element modeling method is proposed. On-site measurement of Plane trees is performed for physical definition of structural parameters. It is revealed that modal frequencies of Plane trees distribute in a manner of grouped dense-frequencies; bending is the main mode of structural failure. In conjunction with the probability density evolution method, the fragility assessment of urban trees subjected to wind excitations is then proceeded. Numerical results indicate that small-size segments such as secondary branches feature a relatively higher failure risk in a low wind level, and a relatively lower failure risk in a high wind level owing to windward shrinks. Besides, the trunk of Plane tree is the segment most likely to be damaged than other segments in case of high winds. The failure position tends to occur at the connection between trunk and primary branches, where the logical protections and reinforcement measures can be implemented for mitigating the wind damage.