• Title/Summary/Keyword: unbalanced mass

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Obesity-related Stress, Food Group Intake, and Physical Activity in Mothers and Their Children (어머니의 비만 스트레스와 어머니 및 유아 자녀의 비만도, 식품 섭취 및 활동량에 대한 연구)

  • Ha, Ae-Wha;Kim, Jong-Hwa;Yoo, Kyong-Suk
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.651-661
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    • 2008
  • The mother's obesity-related stress and it's association with obesity, food intake, and physical activity in both mothers and their children were determined. Based on self-reports from 470 mothers, obesity stress of mothers were scored by using a five-point Likert scale; only low and high stress scores were used in this study. The perceptions of mothers' weights and their children's weights, mothers' Body Mass Indices (BMI), and preschoolers' Weight-Length Indices (WLI)(%) were also determined. The obesity stress of mothers was significantly associated with the mothers' BMI (high stress: $23.5{\pm}2.4$ vs. low stress: $19.6{\pm}1.7$, p<0.05), but not with their children's obesity. Mothers with a high obesity stress reported a higher percentage of family history of obesity (62.1% vs. 38.3%, p<0.001) than mothers with low obesity stress. Compared to mothers with low obesity stress, mothers with high stress had lower correct-perceptions about their weights (p<0.05) but higher correct-perceptions for their children's weights. Almost 54.5% of mothers with high stress reported watching television 2 or more extra hours per day, compared with 32.2% of mothers with low stress (p<0.05). More children of mothers with high stress had long hours of daily TV viewing than children of mothers with low stress (36.0% vs. 15.3%, $X^2=10.491$, p<0.05). Mothers with high stress reported lower intake of protein-rich foods (p=0.01) and vegetables (p=0.039), but a higher intake of snacks (p=0.009), compared to mothers with low stress. More children of mothers with high stress reported eating high fat snacks or high sugar snacks everyday, but this was not statistically significant. In conclusion, high obesity stress in mothers were greatly associated with their BMI and their inactive life style, including long TV viewing hours per day and unbalanced food intakes, which can lead their children becoming inactive and obese. Special attention is recommended for overstressed mothers and their children, especially those who enjoy long hours of TV viewing.

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A Study on Rhetorical Expression of Public Information Design -Focus on Information Design Case for Seoul Public Transportation- (공공정보디자인의 수사학적 표현에 관한 연구 - 서울시 대중교통 정보디자인 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Seung-Ju
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2005
  • Although the volume and complexity of available information have increased, our ability to process such volume of complex information has not been met with corresponding development. Information designers have been given the responsibility to address such unbalanced progress by developing effective visual systems to deliver and communicate such information to the masses in a manner that is quick and easy to process and understand. This study originated in recognition of these issues. This study seeks to find a solution to these issues in rhetorics in order to proliferate visual communications in recognition of the increasing importance of information and visual communication. Rhetorics, a field of study with a long history of analyzing the delivery of communication, provides numerous possibilities for the re-establishment of importance placed on visual information communication. Included in this study are (i) a thorough analysis of the principals of expression and logic offered by rhetorics, as applicable to information design (ii) a proposal to the solution to the above-mentioned issues encompassing the rhetoric process and methods of expression of information design and (iii) the practical application of these design principals to social activities. In order to provide an example of the practical use of the rhetoric methodology Presented in this study, we applied the rhetoric methodology to the 'Information Design for Public Transportation of Seoul.' and developed a new map and a guidebook. The raw data necessary for the foregoing were obtained through the analysis of the information designs that are currently in use in connection with mass transportation in Seoul and the survey evaluation conducted among Seoul residents. We modulated the infrastructure of Seoul by using 48 TAZs, computed the routes that are most likely to be used, and proposed the predictable information analysis process. The design proposed on this study encompasses color coding and use of combined information, and application of style and sequential information analysis process.

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Anthropometry, Blood Pressure, Serum Lipid Levels and Nutrient Intakes in People with Impaired Fasting Glucose and with Diabetes (공복혈당장애군 및 당뇨군의 비만도, 혈압, 혈청 지질 농도 및 영양소 섭취 상태)

  • 김은경;권숙정
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.303-313
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the anthropometry, blood pressure, blood lipid levels, and nutrient intakes in three groups: a group with an impaired fasting blood glucose (IFG) condition (62 males and 30 females); a group with normal blood glucose (73 males and 50 females); and a group with diabetes mellitus (DM) (79 males and 49 females). In male subjects, body mass index (BMI) and obesity index values were significantly higher in the IFG group than in normal and DM groups, but waist/hip ratio (WHR), systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure were not significantly different from those of the DM group. In female subjects, there was no difference in body weight, BMI, obesity index and WHR values between the IFG and the DM groups. The prevalence of obesity in the IFG group (males 43.6%, females 76.7%) was the highest among the three groups. The percentage of high SBP (40.0%) and high DBP (52.0%) in male subjects of the IFG group was significantly greater than in the DM group or the normal group. In the male subjects, the serum triglyceride concentration was significantly higher in the DM group than in the normal and IFG groups. There was no difference in various nutrient intakes(energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, calcium, iron, vitamin A and cholesterol) among the three groups. In male subjects, the percentage of energy intake from alcohol was higher in the IFG group (7.0%) than that of the normal (4.5%) and the DM (5.6%) groups. The fasting blood glucose level had a positive correlation with WHR, TG, the athrogenic index and LDL-cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol. This study suggested that the IFG group had a higher obesity index, BMI, blood pressure and serum lipid levels (TG, cholesterol) than the normal or the DM group; furthermore, the IFG group had higher levels of alcohol intake and habits of taking unbalanced diets. Therefore, guidelines for IFG group should emphasize weight control, diet therapy, physical activities and regular balanced diets, in order to prevent diabetes in this group.