• Title/Summary/Keyword: ultrasonic inspection

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Condition assessment of aged underground water tanks-Case study

  • Zafer Sakka;Ali Saleh;Thamer Al-Yaqoub;Hasan Karam;Shaikha AlSanad;Jamal Al-Qazweeni;Mohammad Mosawi;Husain Al-Baghli
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.90 no.5
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    • pp.493-504
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    • 2024
  • This paper presents the methodology and results for the investigation of the structural safety of 40 aged underground water tanks to support the weight of photovoltaic (PV) systems that were supposed to be placed on their roof reinforced concrete (RC) slabs. The investigation procedure included (1) review of available documents; (2) visual inspection of the roof RC slabs; (3) carrying out a series of nondestructive (ND) tests; and (4) analysis of results. Out of the 40 tanks, eleven failed the visual inspection phase and were discarded from further investigation. The roof RC slabs of the tanks that passed the visual inspection were subjected to a series of ND tests that included infrared thermography, impact echo, ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), Schmidt hammer, concrete core compressive strength, and water-soluble chloride content. The NDT results proved that eight more tanks were not suitable to support the PV systems. Based on the results of the visual inspection and testing, a probabilistic decision-making criterion was established to reach a decision regarding the structural integrity of the roof slabs. The study concluded that the condition of the drainage filter was essential in protecting the tanks and its intact presence can be used as a strong indication of the structural integrity of the roof RC slabs.

The Research on NAUT Characteristics Evaluation by Defection Image (결함 화상화를 통한 NAUT 특성평가 연구)

  • Na, Sun-Young;Kim, Jae-Yeol
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.341-345
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    • 2010
  • The NAUT(Non contact Air coupled Ultrasonic Testing) is one of the ultrasonic wave inspection methods. It compensates High power ultrasound Pulser Receiver, pre-amp, air probe of high sensitivity in air to generate loss energy by NAUT methods. Generally, in case of ultrasound inspection, it applies contact methods by using couplant. However it can inspect of UT without couplant by this NAUT. The ultrasound transmission reception is composed in stable condition in NAUT. It can inspect high low material or the specimen of rough part, the narrow spot, too. The spot welding is applying the inosculation of automobile component, car body, all boards. The CFRP is necessity of NDE because of the solidity changes material according to lamella tearing. Therefore it checked on realization whether and commercialization in the spot welding and CFRP inspection that the NAUT would be applied them.

A Study on the Evaluation of Weldability in Spot Welding (저항용접에서의 용접성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • 홍민성;김종민
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.301-306
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    • 2003
  • Spot welding is frequently used for industrial purpose, such as automobile and aerospace industries and household appliances due to its high performance. In these day, robotization and systemization of welding process made it possible to produce more precise or smaller electric parts. And when it comes to welding of steel sheet, the size of nugget must be getting smaller. Therefore, welding conditions are limited to avoid defects, such as deformation, damage, weakening of joining area. In this research, the measurement of the nugget size by the nondestructive inspection has been conducted. As a result, the right estimation of the nugget size and void defects, the detection of corona bond near joining area, the selection of the optimum ultrasonic mode, and set up for ultrasonic inspection are studied. From the trustworthy solutions of nugget size estimated by results of measurement, the optimum inspection conditions depending upon the width of welding parts are determined as well.

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Measurement of Sound Speed Following the Fluid Temperature Using Acoustic Inspection Device

  • Jeon, E.S.;Kim, W.T.;Kim, I.S.;Park, H.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.207-211
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, the fluid AID(acoustic inspection device) was developed to measure SOS(speed of sound) since fluids used in most of industrial fields have different properties and its equipment is highly expensive. From AID developed, it is intended to get potentially the capability to distinguish the kind of fluid using the measurement by the SOS at various fields. In order to measure the sound speed of specific fluids, the measurement system and ultrasonic sensors are composed. The fluid used in the experimental work are soybean oil, glycerin, diesel oil and the error of time difference due to the container wall is extracted for preliminary experiment. As results, the variations of sound speed according to the temperature change of target fluid were analyzed and the polynomial equations were proposed.

Review of Rail Inspection Technology (철도 레일 결함 탐상기술 현황)

  • Han, Soon-Woo;Cho, Seung-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.154-161
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    • 2011
  • Rail inspection is very important as damages in rail can bring about a serious railway accident. In this paper, several real-time non-destructive technologies applied or considered to be applied to damage detection of rails are described. Some limits of existing ultrasonic testing method which has been widely used for rail inspection are discussed. Non-contact type NDE methods for rail inspection and their technical problems are also described.

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Advances in Damage Visualization Algorithm of Ultrasonic Propagation Imaging System

  • Lee, Jung-Ryul;Sunuwar, Nitam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.232-240
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents recent advances in damage visualization algorithms of laser generated ultrasonic propagation imaging(UPI) system. An effective damage evaluation method is required to extract correct information from raw data to properly characterize anomalies present in structure. A temporal-reference free imaging system provides easy and rapid defect inspection capability with less computational complexity. In this paper a number of methods such as ultrasonic wave propagation imaging(UWPI), anomalous wave propagation imaging(AWPI), ultrasonic spectral imaging(USI), wavelet ultrasonic propagation imaging(WUPI), variable time window amplitude mapping(VTWAM), time point adjustment(TPA), time of flight and amplitude mapping(ToF&Amp) and ultrasonic wavenumber imaging(UWI) are discussed with instances of successful implementation on various structures.

A Study on Ultrasonic Testing Simulation using the Multi-Gaussian Beam Model (다중-가우시안 빔 모델을 이용한 초음파 탐상 시험 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Sung-Jin;Kim, Hak-Joon
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.553-560
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    • 2001
  • Recently, ultrasonic testing simulation has becomes very important in the field of nondestructive evaluation due to its unique capability of providing testing signals without real inspection. The ultrasonic testing simulation requires three elementary models including the transducer beam radiation model, the flaw scattering model, and the reception model. In the present work, we briefly describe an approach to develop the ultrasonic testing model together with its elementary models with the multi-gaussian beam model. Based on this approach, we developed ultrasonic testing simulation program with MATLAB. The performance of the developed program is demonstrated by the predicting of ultrasonic signals from two types of flaws, circulars crack and spheres.

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Non-Destructive Testing of Damaged Thermoplastic Pipes Electrofusion Joints Using Phased Array Ultrasonic (위상배열초음파를 이용한 손상된 열가소성 플라스틱배관 전기융착부 비파괴검사)

  • Kil, Seong-Hee;Kim, Byung-Duk;Kwon, Jeong-Rock;Yoon, Kee-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.64-68
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    • 2013
  • Non destructive testing(NDT) methods of electrofusion(EF) joints of thermoplastics pipes are required for fusion joint safety and for the long term reliability of a pipe system. Electrofusion joints, which are joined at the proper fusion process and procedures, may encounter defects due to the difference of ovality between pipes and coupling, improper fusion process or porosity result from electrofusion joining. These defects can cause the failure of pipeline and by extension, they can be caused the limit to expand the use of plastics pipes. This paper studies inspection results using ultrasonic imaging method for damaged polyethylene electrofusion joints. Gas was leaking from 250mm diameter polyethylene electrofusion joints at February 2004 which was electrofused at December 1994 and operation pressure was 2.45kPa. First, surface inspection was conducted and then in order to find the types of defects examination using ultrasonic imaging method was performed. Lack of fusion and inappropriate inserting for polyethylene pipes into electrofusion coupling were found and causes of the gas leak were judged that misalignment and insert defect. Cutting inspection was performed and each inspection results were compared to. Results of ultrasonic imaging method and cutting inspection were the same.