• Title/Summary/Keyword: u-Agriculture

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Quantitative Screening of Insect Cell Transformants Stably Expressing $GFP_{uv}-{\beta}1$, 3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 Fusion Protein

  • Deo Vipin Kumar;Kato Tatsuya;Asari Naoko;Park Enoch Y.
    • Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.275-279
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    • 2005
  • Insect cell transformants, stably expressing human $GFP_{uv}-{\beta}1$, 3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 $({\beta}3GnT2)$ as the green fluorescent protein $(GFP_{uv})-fused$ protein, were efficiently isolated on Western blot by the quantification of the densitometric intensity of the fusion protein. From almost 150 transformants containing the fusion gene linked to three different types of signal sequence, two transformants, Tn-pXme4a and -pX28a, were successfully selected, showing 8.3 and 8.6 mU/mL ${\beta}3GnT$ activity, respectively. This method requires a screening time almost one-half that required in the isolation of stably transformed cells with high expression levels, and at the same time allows the handling a large number of transformants.

A System Dynamics Analysis on Use Diffusion of Rice Wet Direct Seeding Technology - Focused on a Case of Pilot Village - (벼 무논직파재배기술 사용확산의 시스템 다이내믹스 동태분석 -시범단지 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Seongsup;Jeong, U Seok;Ha, Jihee;Seo, Sangtaek
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.99-115
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze potential adoption rates and reusing patterns of the new rice direct seeding technology. The model constructed and employed in this study is a system dynamics model of farmer adoption and reusing patterns for this new technology over time. The model incorporates a causal loop diagram that explains interactions among rice cultivation subsystems with feedback loops and further attempts to build a causal loop model with stock-flow diagram for computer simulation. As one example of how the model can be used to provide insight to rice farmers, simulations are run over varying levels on the cultivation process of rice. The major finding is to demonstrate the utility of system dynamics simulation methodology in aiding the rice wet direct seeding farmers' decision making.

The Role of the Spatial Externalities of Irrigation on the Ricardian Model of Climate Change: Application to the Southwestern U.S. Counties

  • Bae, Jinwon;Dall'erba, Sandy
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.212-235
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    • 2021
  • In spite of the increasing popularity of the Ricardian model for the study of the impact of climate change on agriculture, there has been few attempts to examine the role of interregional spillovers in this framework and all of them rely on geographical proximity-based weighting schemes. We remedy to this gap by focusing on the spatial externalities of surface water flow used for irrigation purposes and demonstrate that farmland value, the usual dependent variable used in the Ricardian framework, is a function of the climate variables experienced locally and in the upstream locations. This novel approach is tested empirically on a spatial panel model estimated across the counties of the Southwest USA over 1997-2012. This region is one of the driest in the country, hence its agriculture relies heavily on irrigated surface water. The results highlight how the weather conditions in upstream counties significantly affect downstream agriculture, thus the actual impact of climate change on agriculture and subsequent adaptation policies cannot overlook the streamflow network anymore.

Organic Swine Production and Marketing in the Central United States -Present Situation and Farm Level Decision Factors-

  • Boessen, Christian R.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Organic Agriculture Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.192-206
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    • 2001
  • A major challenge in the transition from conventional to organic production in a grain intensive region such as the Com Belt legion of the U.S.A. is how to profitably select and manage a crop relation. The opportunity cast of forgoing grain production for forage and green manure crops is significant. Many organic researchers and writers emphasize the need to bring an animal enterprise into the farming system for diversification and enhanced labor utilization. Livestock also add value to grain and forage crops to offset decreased grain production and can recapture nutrients used in crop production that can be recycled through manure. In grain intensive regions, organic farmers should consider swine production as a natural fit for the farming system. Swine are very efficient and adaptable animals that can add value to both grain and forage crops. While somewhat lacking, there is a reasonable body of literature on organic and sustainable swine production. However, there is relatively little specific information available to organic farmers to assist in the initial decision to enter organic swine production and to evaluate marketing alternatives. The primary focus of this paper is to give some background on organic animal production(emphasis on swine) in the Central United States and outline production and marketing decisions and considerations, relative to market trends, demographics and standards(U.S.). At the farm level, decisions must be made regarding resources, such as land, labor, financial and social capital, all relative to opportunities, all in the context of the standards and market forces beyond the farm. At the personal level the farmer must also make decisions about convictions regarding organic or environmentally friendly agriculture, willingness to change, impacts on lifestyle and family, and the transition to organic methods within the planning horizon of the farmer and the family business.

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Effects of Mixtures of Tween80 and Cellulolytic Enzymes on Nutrient Digestion and Cellulolytic Bacterial Adhesion

  • Hwang, Il Hwan;Lee, Chan Hee;Kim, Seon Woo;Sung, Ha Guyn;Lee, Se Young;Lee, Sung Sill;Hong, Hee Ok;Kwak, Yong-Chul;Ha, Jong K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.1604-1609
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    • 2008
  • A series of in vitro and in vivo experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of the mixture of Tween 80 and cellulolytic enzymes (xylanase and cellulase) on total tract nutrient digestibility and rumen cellulolytic bacterial adhesion rates in Holstein steers. Ground timothy hay sprayed with various levels of Tween 80 and cellulolytic enzymes was used as substrates in an in vitro experiment to find out the best combinations for DM degradation. The application level of 2.5% (v/w) Tween 80 and the combination of 5 U xylanase and 2.5 U cellulase per gram of ground timothy hay (DM basis) resulted in the highest in vitro dry matter degradation rate (p<0.05). Feeding the same timothy hay to Holstein steers also improved in vivo nutrient (DM, CP, CF, NDF and ADF) digesibilities compared to non-treated hay (p<0.05). Moreover, Tween 80 and enzyme combination treatment increased total ruminal VFA and concentrations of propionic acid and isovaleric acid with decreased acetate to propionate ratio (p<0.001). However, adhesion rates of Fibrobacter succinogenes and Ruminococcus flavefaciens determined by Real Time PCR were not influenced by the treatment while that of Ruminococcus albus was decreased (p<0.05). The present results indicate that a mixture of Tween 80 and cellulolytic enzymes can improve rumen environment and feed digestibility with variable influence on cellulolytic bacterial adhesion on feed.

Herbicidal Phytotoxicity of Early Rice Seedlings as Affected by Cultural Practices - I. Screening of Promising Herbicides (재배조건(栽培條件)의 차이(差異)가 수도(水稻)어린묘(苗)의 제초제(除草劑) 약해발생(藥害發生)에 미치는 영향(影響) - I. 유망제초제(有望除草劑) 선발(選拔))

  • Han, S.U.;Guh, J.O.;Chon, S.U.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 1990
  • Seventeen different herbicides were screened to select promising ones for the control of weeds, which may be used in paddy fields transplanted with 8 days old young rice seedlings. Four classes of herbicides were chosen and tested with seedlings grown under different cultivating conditions. Contact herbicides such as diphenyl-ether and oxadiazol showed severe growth retardation of rice seedlings. Carbamate class(dimepiperate), quinoline class (quinclorac), pyrazol class(pyrazolate), acid amide class(mefenacet and pretilachlor), addition of safener (pretilachlor+fenclorim and mefenacet+bensulfuron+dymuron) and unknown class (KC-7079) exhibited normal growth of seedlings. Sulfonyl urea herbicide class(cimosulfuron, bensulfuron, pyrazosulfuron), and oxarane class(tridiphane) showed the slight growth inhibition but recovered shortly.

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Differential Growth Response of $A_1\;and\;A_2$ Mating Types of Phytophthora infestans on Rye A and V-8 Juice Agar Media Supplemented with Rhizome Powder of Cyperus rotundus

  • Singh, U.P.;Sarma, B.K.;Nishimura, Ruo;Kobayashi, Kiroku;Ogoshi, Akira;Zinkernagel, Volker;Schlenzig, Alexendra;Schober-Butin, Barbel;Aust, H.J.
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.164-169
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    • 2001
  • A new medium for studies of diversity among populations of $A_1\;and\;A_2$ mating types of Phytophthora infestans has been evolved. The rye A agar and V-8 juice agar media on which P. infestans grows well have been amended with rhizome powder of Cyperus rotundus. A total of 259 isolates of $A_1\;and\;A_2$ mating types representing Japan, Korea, India, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Nepal, U.K and Medico were screened for their growth response on these two media. Most of the A1 isolates did not grow well on them except Thailand while growth of $A_2$ mating types differed as some grew on it whereas others did not. It is quite likely that the populations of $A_2$ mating types that did not grow well on rhizome-amended medium are of different clonal lineage. This suggests that this medium can be used for the study of diversification among the isolates of the same or both the mating types as well as to detect the newly introduced genetically different isolates of P. infestans in a locality where it was not reported earlier.

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Sorghum Field Segmentation with U-Net from UAV RGB (무인기 기반 RGB 영상 활용 U-Net을 이용한 수수 재배지 분할)

  • Kisu Park;Chanseok Ryu ;Yeseong Kang;Eunri Kim;Jongchan Jeong;Jinki Park
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_1
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    • pp.521-535
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    • 2023
  • When converting rice fields into fields,sorghum (sorghum bicolor L. Moench) has excellent moisture resistance, enabling stable production along with soybeans. Therefore, it is a crop that is expected to improve the self-sufficiency rate of domestic food crops and solve the rice supply-demand imbalance problem. However, there is a lack of fundamental statistics,such as cultivation fields required for estimating yields, due to the traditional survey method, which takes a long time even with a large manpower. In this study, U-Net was applied to RGB images based on unmanned aerial vehicle to confirm the possibility of non-destructive segmentation of sorghum cultivation fields. RGB images were acquired on July 28, August 13, and August 25, 2022. On each image acquisition date, datasets were divided into 6,000 training datasets and 1,000 validation datasets with a size of 512 × 512 images. Classification models were developed based on three classes consisting of Sorghum fields(sorghum), rice and soybean fields(others), and non-agricultural fields(background), and two classes consisting of sorghum and non-sorghum (others+background). The classification accuracy of sorghum cultivation fields was higher than 0.91 in the three class-based models at all acquisition dates, but learning confusion occurred in the other classes in the August dataset. In contrast, the two-class-based model showed an accuracy of 0.95 or better in all classes, with stable learning on the August dataset. As a result, two class-based models in August will be advantageous for calculating the cultivation fields of sorghum.

A Survey on Farming Activities of Graduates for Intensive Major Course of Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries (한국농수산대학 전공심화과정 졸업생의 영농활동실태조사)

  • Hwang, I.U.;Joo, J.S.;Kim, J.S.;Oh, D.G.;Song, C.Y.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.145-162
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    • 2018
  • This is a survey on farming activities of intensive major course's graduates of Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries(KNCAF). Above all, major characteristics of graduates of intensiv major course cases are as follows. First, They make an effort to secure of agriculture competitiveness through an increase in farm size, and then strive for their specialty. Second, They are leading value based agriculture through an innovations in techniques. According to analysis results, intensive major course's examples have the following features: aim at environmentally-friendly agriculture, actively introduction of new technology, continued research activity, community reinvigoration and leading development of agriculture through active network. Finally, This result in various certifications and awards(environment friendly certification, HACCP certification, non antibiotic/pesticide-free certification, organic certification etc.). Therefore, there are necessity of various intitutional and political supports in order that they grow the core people and leader of farm village.

Selective Mode of Action of Naproanilide in Rice and Paddy Weeds- I. Selectivity of Naproanilide between Rice and Paddy Weeds (Naproanilide의 벼와 잡초간(雜草間) 선택성(選擇性) 기작(機作)에 관한 연구(硏究)- I. 벼와 잡초간(雜草間) Naproanilide의 선택성(選擇性))

  • Choi, J.M.;Pyon, J.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 1990
  • Germination test, nutrient culture test and pot experiment were conducted to determine selectivity of naproanilide between rice plants and paddy weeds. Naproanilide more severely inhibited growth of Scirpus juncoides, Sagittaria pygmaea and Cyerus serotinus than that of rice plant and Echinochloa crus-galli at germination stage. Root growth was severely inhibited than that of shoot growth by naproanilide treatment. Naproanilide severely inhibited rice plant and Echinochloa crus-galli at 30 uM, Sagittaria pygmaea at 1 uM and Cyperus serotinus at 10 uM in nutrient culture test, Rice plant and Echinochloa crus-galli did not show the difference of tillers and dry weight, but Scirpus juncoides, Morzochoria vaginalis and Aneilema keisak were severely inhibited at 15g/a and Sagittaria pygmaea and Cyperus serotinus at 30g/a in pot trial.

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