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Dynamic behavior of submerged floating tunnels at the shore connection considering the use of flexible joints

  • Seok-Jun Kang;Minhyeong Lee;Jun-Beom An;Dong-Hyuk Lee;Gye-Chun Cho
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2023
  • When a submerged floating tunnel is connected to the ground, there is a risk of stress concentration at the shore connection owing to the displacement imbalance caused by low confinement pressures in water and high confinement pressures in the ground. Here, the effects of the boundary condition and stiffness of the joints installed at the shore connection on the behaviors of a submerged floating tunnel and its shore connection were analyzed using a numerical method. The analysis results obtained with fixed and ground boundaries were similar due to the high stiffness of the ground boundary. However, the stability of the shore connection was found to be improved with the ground boundary as a small displacement was allowed at the boundary. The effect of the joint stiffness was evaluated by investigating the dynamic behavior of the submerged floating tunnel, the magnitude of the load acting on the bored tunnel, and the stress distribution at the shore connection. A lower joint stiffness was found to correspond to more effective relief of the stress concentration at the shore connection. However, it was confirmed that joints with low stiffness also increase the submerged floating tunnel displacement and decrease the frequency of the dynamic behavior, causing a risk of increased resonance when wave loads with low frequency are applied. Therefore, it is necessary to derive the optimal joint stiffness that can achieve both stress concentration relief and resonance prevention during the design of shore connections to secure their dynamic stability.

Deformation analysis of shallow tunneling with unconsolidated soil using nonlinear numerical modeling (비선형 수치모델링을 이용한 미고결 지반 저토피 터널의 변형해석)

  • Lee, Jae-Ho;Kim, Young-Su;Yoo, Ji-Hyeung;Jeong, Yun-Young
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2010
  • The estimation of surface settlement, ground behavior and tunnel displacement are the main factors in urban tunnel design with shallow depth and unconsolidated soil. On deformation analysis of shallow tunnel, it is important to identify possible deformation mechanism of shear bands developing from tunnel shoulder to the ground surface. This paper investigated the effects of key design parameter affecting deformation behavior by numerical analysis using nonlinear model incorporating the reduction of shear stiffness and strength parameters with the increment of the maximum shear strain after the initiation of plastic yielding. Numerical parametric studies are carried out to consider the reduction of shear stiffness and strength parameters, horizontal stress ratio, cohesion and shotcrete thickness.

Behavior of piled rafts overlying a tunnel in sandy soil

  • Al-Omari, Raid R.;Al-Azzawi, Adel A.;AlAbbas, Kadhim A.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.599-615
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    • 2016
  • The present research presents experimental and finite element studies to investigate the behavior of piled raft-tunnel system in a sandy soil. In the experimental work, a small scale model was tested in a sand box with load applied vertically to the raft through a hydraulic jack. Five configurations of piles were tested in the laboratory. The effects of pile length (L), number of piles in the group and the clearance distance between pile tip and top of tunnel surface (H) on the load carrying capacity of the piled raft-tunnel system are investigated. The load sharing percent between piles and rafts are included in the load-settlement presentation. The experimental work on piled raft-tunnel system yielded that all piles in the group carry the same fraction of load. The load carrying capacity of the piled raft-tunnel model was increased with increasing (L) for variable (H) distances and decreased with increasing (H) for constant pile lengths. The total load carrying capacity of the piled raft-tunnel model decreases with decreasing number of piles in the group. The total load carrying capacity of the piles relative to the total applied load (piles share) increases with increasing (L) and the number of piles in the group. The increase in (L/H) ratio for variable (H) distance and number of piles leads to an increase in piles share. ANSYS finite element program is used to model and analyze the piled raft-tunnel system. A three dimensional analysis with elastoplastic soil model is carried out. The obtained results revealed that the finite element method and the experimental modeling are rationally agreed.

Experimental Study on the Ground Behavior around a Tunnel due to the Sidewall Deformation of Shallow Tunnel in Longitudinal Direction Excavated under the Slope (사면 하부지반에 종단 방향으로 굴착한 얕은 터널에서 측벽변형에 따른 터널 주변지반의 거동에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Na, Yong Soo;Lee, Sang Duk
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2019
  • While the study of the shallow tunnel has been mainly on the longitudinal load transfer and horizontal surface conditions, the study of the ground behavior of shallow tunnel under the slope is not sufficient. Therefore, in this study on the ground behavior around a tunnel due to the sidewall deformation of shallow tunnel under the slope that is excavated in longitudinal direction, a scale-down model test has been performed. The model tunnel has the dimension of 320 mm wide, 210 mm high and 55 mm long with enough material strength in aluminum and the model ground has the uniform ground conditions by 3 types of carbon rods. The model test has been performed with the variables of slopes and the cover depths by controlling the tunnel sidewall deformation, and the change of sidewall-load, load transfer, ground subsidence was monitored and analyzed. According to the increase of the slope, the maximum ground subsidence increased by 20~39% compared to the horizontal surface. The load ratio increased by maximum 20% in the tunnel crown and decreased in sidewall according to the surface slope. The load transfer shows maximum 128% of increase at the cover depth of 1.0D, while at the 1.5D cover depth it shows non-critical difference from horizontal surface. The slope has major effects on load transfer at the cover depth of 1.0D.

Groundwater control measures for deep urban tunnels (도심지 대심도 터널의 지하수 변동 영향 제어 방안)

  • Jeong, Jae-Ho;Kim, Kang-Hyun;Song, Myung-Kyu;Shin, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.403-421
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    • 2021
  • Most of the urban tunnels in Korea, which are represented by the 1st to 3rd subways, use the drainage tunnel by NATM. Recently, when a construction project that actively utilizes large-scale urban space is promoted, negative effects that do not conform to the existing empirical rules of urban tunnels may occur. In particular, there is a high possibility that groundwater fluctuations and hydrodynamic behavior will occur owing to the practice of tunnel technology in Korea, which has mainly applied the drainage tunnel. In order to solve the problem of the drainage tunnel, attempts are being made to control groundwater fluctuations. For this, the establishment of tunnel groundwater management standard concept and the analysis of the tunnel hydraulic behavior were performed. To prevent the problem of groundwater fluctuations caused by the construction of large-scale tunnels in urban areas, it was suggested that the conceptual transformation of the empirical technical practice, which is applied only in the underground safety impact assessment stage, to the direction of controlling the inflow in the tunnel, is required. And the relationship between the groundwater level and the inflow of the tunnel required for setting the allowable inflow when planning the tunnel was derived. The introduction of a tunnel groundwater management concept is expected to help solve problems such as groundwater fluctuations, ground settlement, depletion of groundwater resources, and decline of maintenance performance in various urban deep tunnel construction projects to be promoted in the future.

Methodology to Quantify Rock Behavior in Shallow Rock Tunnels by Analytic Hierarchy Process and Rock Engineering Systems (계층 분석적 의사결정과 암반 공학 시스템에 의한 저심도 암반터널에서의 암반거동 유형 정량화 방법론)

  • Yoo, Young-Il;Kim, Man-Kwang;Song, Jae-Joon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.465-479
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    • 2008
  • For the quantitative identification of rock behavior in shallow tunnels, we recommend using the rock behavior index (RBI) by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the Rock Engineering Systems (RES). AHP and RES can aid engineers in effectively determining complex and un-structured rock behavior utilizing a structured pair-wise comparison matrix and an interaction matrix, respectively. Rock behavior types are categorized as rock fall, cave-in, and plastic deformation. Seven parameters influencing rock behavior for shallow depth rock tunnel are determined: uniaxial compressive strength, rock quality designation (RQD), joint surface condition, stress, pound water, earthquake, and tunnel span. They are classified into rock mass intrinsic, rock mass extrinsic, and design parameters. An advantage of this procedure is its ability to obtain each parameter's weight. We applied the proposed method to the basic design of Seoul Metro Line O and quantified the rock behavior into RBI on rock fall, cave-in, and plastic deformation. The study results demonstrate that AHP and RES can give engineers quantitative information on rock behavior.

Experimental study on the behavior of the adjacent ground due to the sidewall failure in a shallow tunnel (얕은터널에서 측벽파괴시 주변지반 거동에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Park, Chan Hyuk;Lee, Sang Duk
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.871-885
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    • 2017
  • Nowadays, the construction of tunnels with a shallow depth drastically in urban areas increases. But the effect of sidewall displacement in shallow tunnel on its behavior is not well known yet. Most studies on the shallow tunnel have been limited to the stability and the failure of the tunnel and the adjacent ground in plane strain state. Therefore, the model tests were conducted in a model ground which was built with carbon rods, in order to investigate the impact of the tunnel sidewall displacement on the lateral load transfer to the adjacent ground. The lateral displacement of the tunnel sidewall and the load transfered to the adjacent ground were measured in model tests for various overburdens (0.50D, 0.75D, 1.00D, 1.25D). As results, if the cover depth of tunnel was over a constant depth (0.75D) in a shallow tunnel, the tunnel sidewall was failed with a constant shape not depending on the tunnel cover depth and also not affected by the opposite side of the wall. But, if the cover depth of tunnel was under a constant depth (0.75D), the failure of the tunnel sidewall could affect the opposite sidewall. In addition, if the displacement of tunnel sidewall with 50% of the critical displacement occurred, the tunnel failure was found to be at least 75%. However, additional studies are deemed necessary, since they may differ depending on the ground conditions.

A study on a reasonable modeling method of fully grouted rockbolt (전면접착형 록볼트의 거동 특성을 고려한 합리적인 모델링 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Hong-Joo Lee;Kyung-Nam Kang;Ki-Il Song;Sang-Don Lee
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2024
  • Rockbolts are the primary-supports in NATM tunnels and are widely used at tunnel construction sites. Among the rockbolts methods applied in domestic tunnel design, fully grouted rockbolts are the most representative and frequently used. Fully grouted rockbolts exhibit relative behavior between the bolt and the ground due to the grout material. However, during numerical analysis for tunnel design, fully grouted rockbolts are often modeled in a way that does not reflect their behavior characteristics. This may result in underestimating or overestimating the force of the supports. Based on a literature review, it was analyzed that fully grouted rockbolts are modeled using truss element or cable element. To analyze the effect of grout properties of cable elements on rockbolts behavior, this paper compared the behavior of rockbolts in two models: one estimating grout properties based on rockbolt pull-out test data, and another assuming complete adhesion between the rockbolts and the ground by applying large grout properties. Under identical tunnel conditions, the numerical analysis was conducted by modeling the fully grouted rockbolts differently using truss and cable elements, and the tunnel behavior was analyzed. The research results suggest that modeling fully grouted rockbolts as a function of the interface effect between the bolts and the ground, specifically considering grout, is desirable. The use of pull-out test data to simulate the behavior of actual fully grouted rockbolts was considered as a valid approach.

A study on the relationship between initial and final convergence in NATM tunnels (NATM 터널 굴착시 초기 내공변위와 최종 내공변위의 상관관계 연구)

  • Kim, Bum-Joo;Hwang, Young-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.233-243
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    • 2008
  • A tunnel behavior predicted in the investigation and design stage is often different from its actual behavior due to mainly the complexity of ground conditions. In a tunnel construction, therefore, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the tunnel by predicting the behaviors of the ground and the supports through observations and measurements, and modifying immediately excavation and reinforcing methods when necessary. To do so, it is important to be able to predict the final tunnel behavior based on the initial tunnel behavior as early as possible. In this study, the correlations were obtained between the initial and the final convergence by analyzing statistically the convergence measurement data, collected from two domestic road tunnels under construction using NATM. In order to estimate the unknown displacements, occurred during the period between the excavation and the first measurement, two methods were used - one is the method by means of regression analysis using a modified exponential function and the other the method by a simple linear regression analysis using the data measured within the distance from tunnel face equal to the tunnel diameter (D). Finally, the relationships were obtained between the initial and final convergence, including the non-measured displacements estimated from the two different methods, by performing linear regression analyses. The regression analysis results showed that there are clear linear relationships between the initial and final convegence and the difference between the two linear regression equations was not that large for when using the exponential function and the simple linear function to estimate the non-measured displacements.

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Reinforcement of Shotcrete Lining on the Side Wall of Tunnel in Enlargement of Existing ASSM Road Tunnel (측벽부 숏크리트 보강에 의한 재래식 도로터널 단면확대)

  • Kim, Donggyou;Shin, Youngwan
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2012
  • The existing tunnel in urban area can be enlarged because of requirement of road-widening by traffic growth. The protector with rectangular cross section can be set up in the tunnel, which will be constructed for enlargement of width, to solve traffic jam around the tunnel. It is impossible to install the rockbolt in the lower area of tunnel due to a limited space between the protector and cutting surface. The objective of this study is to suggest the method of shotcrete thickness increase instead of rockbolt installation in the side wall of tunnel for the stability of tunnel. Numerical analysis was performed to evaluate displacement at the crown of tunnel, convergence of tunnel, and stress in shotcrete lining in 3-lane and 4-lane NATM tunnels enlarged from 2-lane conventional tunnel. There were three types of analysis condition, rockbolt installation, no rockbolt installation, and increase of shotcrete thickness without rockbolt in the side wall of tunnel. There was no difference on the displacement at the crown and the convergence of upper tunnel. In the lower tunnel, the convergence in case of no rockbolt installation was larger as maximum 1.3mm than that in case of rockbolt installation. The stress in shotcrete lining in case of no rockbolt installation was larger as maximum 1.3MPa than that in case of rockbolt installation. Numerical analysis was performed to compare the behavior of shotcrete with rockbolt with that of shotcrete, which its thickness was increased, without rockbolt. The shotcrete has an increase of 20%(250mm 300mm, 4-lane tunnel)~25%(200mm 250mm, 3-lane tunnel) in its thickness to reduce the stress in shotcrete lining. The behavior of shotcrete lining increased the shotcrete thickness by 20%~25% was similar to that of existing shotcrete lining with rockbolt.