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Contents of 'true education' in the Era of New Media and the Consciousness Structure of Modern People (뉴미디어 시대 속 '참교육' 콘텐츠와 현대인의 의식구조)

  • Kim, Se-Yeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.468-478
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    • 2022
  • 'True education', which was the core ideology of 'the Korean Teachers & Educational Workers Union', is re-appropriated in the new media era. This word, which is actively used by young people, means 'punishment against the object of social condemnation'. One of the characteristics of 'true education contents' commonly seen on the Internet is that it shows a tendency to 'fragmentation'. True educational contents are short in length, and the contents are very local. This reflects the characteristics of a postmodern society where totality disappears and small stories are consumed. Second, the standard for dividing good and evil is extremely 'arbitrary'. Whereas the existing stories of rewarding virtue and punishing vice had universal values such as love, consideration, and peace, the content of true education distinguishes good and evil with an extremely narrow perspective. The way to justify arbitrary standard is to incite public outrage. Third, 'humour' is added. Here, humor is combined with the emotion of hatred, causing the problem of weakening people's critical consciousness.

The Betrayal of Love, Trauma Narrative and Subjectivity Formation: Toni Morrison's A Mercy (사랑의 배반, 트라우마 서사와 주체 형성 -토니 모리슨의 『자비』)

  • Koo, Eunsook
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.813-838
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    • 2011
  • Toni Morrison's ninth novel A Mercy delves into the colonial American history of the seventeenth century when Europeans began to migrate to the New World and when the first slaves were brought to Virginia. Morrison presents a diverse group of people such as white Europeans, an American Indian, a free black man, indentured servants, and slaves from Africa in order to explore the subjects of ownership, freedom and racism. She emphasizes the fact that most of the Europeans who came to America in the early seventeenth century were the people who were thrown out from the society such as felons, prostitutes, servants and children. By portraying how these castaways tried to settle in a new environment surrounded by unknown dangers and challenges, Morrison demystifies and reconstructs the myth of the birth of America as a nation state. In continuation of Morrison's writings about love and the betrayal of love, her novel A Mercy explores the subjects of trauma, memory and subjectivity by choosing the topic of motherly love and its betrayal which she dealt with poignantly in Beloved. The female protagonist, Florens, is given away by her mother in partial payment of debt incurred by the owner of Florens's mother. The traumatic memory of Florens's separation from her mother shapes Florence's character. She has to revisit the site of the original traumatic experiences of being given up by her mother in order to reconstruct her fragmented memory and past. The recurring dream of the traumatic incident that takes hold of Florens can be explained by the trauma theory of Freud, Cathy Caruth, Suzette Henke, and Judith Herman. The paper explores the self journey of Florens in which she faces the traumatic past and comprehends its meaning which enables her to construct her subjectivity by understanding the true meaning of being free and of owning oneself. In particular, it demonstrates how the process of writing a confession, a story about one's history, enables one to reclaim the traumatic experience and to locate it in the narrative memory.

A Phenomenological Approach on the Child-Rearing Experience of Mothers Who Adopted Disabled Children -In Case of Finding Disability after Adoption- (장애아동 입양어머니의 양육경험에 대한 현상학적 연구 -입양 후 장애가 드러난 경우-)

  • Kim, Ka-Duc;You, Jeong-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.83-107
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    • 2010
  • This study looked into the inner experience of foster mothers who adopted children under 3 months old and found out they were disabled while they were rearing with Van Manen's hermeneutic phenomenological approach. In-depth interviews were used with six foster mothers who live in Seoul, Gwangju, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Jeollabuk-do. The study resulted in a hermeneutic writing with titled "Love of Mothers Who Want to Make Their Children's Dreams Come True" with six essential themes as follows: 'being at a loss wrapped in a dense fog,' 'venting off the frustration,' 'gratitude amid painfulness,' 'bold confrontation with prejudices,' 'disabled children's return to the center of their moms' life,' and 'expectation for their future life.' As they are disabled, foster mothers want to rear their children with more care and attention to make their children's dreams come true. Seen above, this could be interpreted as mothers' love to a life. For foster mothers, the disability of their adopted children is not a burden but an expectation for a new world. They help the children live by themselves. It shows that every child can have his own home.

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Development of Cultural Products Based on Minhwa of the Joseon Dynasty - Focusing on Lotus Flower Painting - (조선시대 민화 <연화도> 콘텐츠를 활용한 문화상품 개발)

  • Jang, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.62 no.5
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to collect Minhwa, or folk painting, particularly the Lotus Flower Painting, to analyze its formative characteristics and related story, and to develop cultural fashion products by utilizing Korean traditional culture and modern flavor based on the results. Lotus flowers grow from mud, but are unstained, and they bloom beautiful flowers. Thus, they symbolize Gunja, a true gentleman who is very learned and proper in behavior. In Buddhism, lotus flowers are divine flowers that have the meaning of the creation of life and the eternal cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Lotus flowers also represent the love between man and woman as well as conjugal harmony and love. Lotus flower painting includes the paintings of the lotus flower alone as well as the paintings of the lotus flower with ducks, white heron, kingfisher, fish, butterfly, crab, or tortoise. Colors that are mostly used in lotus flower paintings is the compatible combination of red and blue (green). Based on these findings, fashion products such as bag accessories, sitting cushions, and kitchen utensils are developed using various designs such as realistically drawn lotus flower, schematized lotus flower, the lotus flower alone, or the lotus flower with kingfisher, crab, or dragonfly, that emphasizing the compatible color combination of red and blue.

A study on the types of unmarried single women based on their subjective perceptions on single life (독신 여성의 싱글생활에 대한 주관적 인식의 유형화 연구)

  • Wang, Seok Soon;Ryu, Kyung Hee
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.615-631
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we attempt to explore various possible types of unmarried single women. Main purpose of the work is to find out possible types of unmarried single women in terms of their subjective views on single life based on Q methodology. Q methodology is a research method to study and understand people's "subjectivity" or their points of view. Here, we applied Q methodology to unmarried single women's subjective evaluation of their own lives. Thirty-one Q-questions were prepared through literature review, and were offered to eighteen unmarried single women. As a result, the subjects could be classified into the following five different types: (Type 1) 'I love my work but I hate pressure (for marriage) from others', (Type 2) 'I feel anxiety and stress (on marriage) but I am still waiting for a true love of mine', (Type 3) 'My life is most important and I'd rather enjoy my single life without restraint from others', (Type 4) 'I am weary of continuing my single life, and now I really want to get married and form a family', (Type 5) 'I don't feel comfortable with dating, marriage life etc, I'd rather continue my single life with less stress'.

Sin and grace: The Power and the Glory (죄와 은혜: "권능과 영광")

  • Lee, Kwang-Hee
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.167-185
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between sin and grace represented in The Power and the Glory. This work is composed of two thriller patterns of the pursuer and the pursed. The first pursuit is that the whisky priest, the representative of religious order is pursued by the lieutenant, the representative of secular order. And the second pursuit is that the whisky priest is trying to escape from God. In the course of his flight from God the whisky priest discovers his sinful nature and this self-recognition helps him restore his proper relationship with God. When he was a young priest he had religious piety, but he didn't feel true love for others. Ironically, after he is corrupted he finds his sinful nature and regrets his wrong behavior. He then comes to understand God's will and his responsibility to have love for the miserable human beings. The whisky priest is willing to accept his destiny as a martyr, after having repented his sins to God. Though the lieutenant captures the whisky priest and executes him, he doesn't feel triumph or hope but feels empty. The Power and the Glory shows us the irony that the lieutenant's power is a symbol of his weakness, while the priest's weakness is a symbol of his power.

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A Study on the Symbolism of the Eastern-Western Costumes' Color in Films (영화에서 나타난 동.서양 의복색의 상징성에 관한 연구)

  • Paik, Sun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fashion and Beauty
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    • v.3 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2005
  • This study is to research the symbolism of the Eastern and Western costumes' color in films. Therefore, I chose movies about colors, which are 'Trzy Kolory', a Western movie directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski and 'Hero', an Eastern movie directed by Zhang Yimou. The purpose of this study is to figure out the symbolism of the common colors shown in both movie which are red, blue and white. Also, by comparing the eastern and western color symbols I studied the ambivalence of colors. Therefore, the comparison of the eastern and western color symbolisms are as the followings. The color red symbols charity in the movie and jealous, hatless, lies, expansion, self esteem, resist, struggle and sadness in the movie . The color blue symbols freedom, lost, gloomy and sadness in the movie and sacrifice and sadness in the movie . The color white symbols equality and emptiness in the movie and true love, sadness and sacrificed love in the movie . Consequently, it appears that the colors symbolize differently in the East and the West. Three series of which is the West movie has more positive meanings than the Eastern movie. Therefore, the meanings of symbols of the costumes' color are different in the East and West as they have different cultures, and also they could be expressed differently by the directors intention.

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Sam Shepard's True West Ideal and actuality (샘 셰퍼드의 "진짜 서부" : 이상과 현실)

  • Kim, In-Pyo
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.143-157
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    • 2004
  • Sam Shepard is one of the leading American playwrights who represented Off-Off Broadway in the l960s and 1970s. In his early days, he wrote many experimental plays but later he turned to realism. However, under the superficial realism in his later plays, we find that they contain experimental devices and themes. True West (1980) is the last play of ills realistic family trilogy. This play shows that the tradition of Old West, which is symbolized and replaced by desert, disappeared in the industrialized clues of modern West. The Old West is compared which the modern West through the struggle of two brothers, Lee and Austin. Their father, 'Old Man', ran out on his family and went to the desert but did not succeed there. He shows that he failed in achieving the American Dream. The family appears unusual and demolished The relationships of the characters are not based on love and belief. The family symbolizes the negative aspects of modern American society. After Austin recognizes the actual situation finding that there is no real life in the modern West, he tries to leave the city and his family. He wants to go to the desert in search of a new life. However, in the last tableau Lee blocks the exit and the two brothers square off. It implies that they are doomed to continue their struggle. The message Implies that American society today is lacking the same positive values they once had in the Old West.

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A Study on Practical Curriculum Development of the Education for Love based on the Understanding of Psychoanalytic 'Desire of Subject' (정신분석학적 '욕망의 주체' 이해에 기초한 사랑의 교육 교육과정 개발)

  • Kim, Sun Ah
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.68
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    • pp.77-112
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    • 2021
  • This study is based on the research of the first year, which is the National Research Foundation of Korea's R&D subject for middle-grade researchers. In this study, the practical curriculum development of the education for love - an according to the psychoanalytic perspectives of F. Dolto(1908-1988) - is suggested as follows. The first is 'the reconstruction of the directions of curriculum and its specific aims in accordance with such directions.' The reconstruction of the directions of curriculum aims at leading our future generation to live as a subject of desire through the mutual-communication of love. The second is 'the reconstruction of the tasks of curriculum and its specific contents in accordance with such tasks.' The reconstruction of the tasks of curriculum pursuit to help our future generation through the converting the education for love into the paradigm of desire of Agape to live as a subject of desire forming a whole personality and practicing the desire of Agape in daily life. as a source of desire. According to these aims, the reconstruction of directions of curriculum are presented as following: firstly, 'curriculum for the mutual-communication between subjects of love' and secondly, 'curriculum for the subject of desire'. The reconstruction of tasks of curriculum are like these: firstly, 'converting the education for love into the paradigm of desire of Agape', and secondly, 'forming a whole personality through the education for love'. Thus, with respect to two specific aims in accordance with the reconstruction of directions are suggested like these: Firstly, 'constructing a subject as a speaking existence' and secondly, 'realizing the subject as the autonomous source of desire'. In the two specific contents in accordance with the reconstruction of tasks are presented as following: Firstly, 'realizing the truth of the desire of Agape'.' Secondly, 'practicing the desire of Agape in daily life.' The third is 'the reconstruction of curriculum by life cycle' are suggested. They include the fetal life, infants and preschool children life, and childhood life. In further study, it is required to contain adolescent period. It will be useful to help them to recover their self-esteem with the experience of true love, especially, out-of-school young generation overcome negative perspectives and prejudice in the society, and challenges to their dreams and future through proper utilization of the study outcome. The outcome of this study, which presented practical curriculum development of the education for love based on the understanding of psychoanalytic 'desire of subject' can be used as basic teaching materials for our future generations. Furthermore, the results can be used as a resource for educating ministers and lay leaders in the religious world to build capabilities to heal their inner side as well as the society that is tainted with various forms of conflict. These include general conflicts, anger, pleasure and addiction, depression and suicide, violence and murder, etc. The study outcome can contribute to the prevention of antisocial incidents against humanity that have recently been occurring in our free-semester system implemented in all middle schools across the country to be operated effectively. For example, it is possible to provide the study results as lecture and teaching materials for 'character camp' (self-examination and self-esteem improvement training) and 'family healing camp' (solution of a communication gap between family members and love communication training), which help students participate in field trip activities and career exploration activities voluntarily, independently, and creatively. Ultimately, it can visibly present the convergent research performance by providing the study outcome as preliminary data for the development of lecture videos and materials including infant care and preschool education, parental education, family consultation education, and holistic healing education. Support from the religious world, including the central government and local governments, are urgently required in order for such educational possibilities to be fulfilled both in the society and the fields of church education and to be actively linked to follow-up studies.

Sexual Perception of Female College Students (여대생의 성(性)인식)

  • Kim, Kwuy-Bun;Oh, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.19-35
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    • 2000
  • This study confirms and describes the meaning of the true experience on sexual perception of female college students as it is. Thus this study, revealing the structure of the meaning, tried to use phenomenal study tool as qualitative research design in order to seek nursing intervention for them. The method of data collection of this study was achieved February, 2000August, 2000 through systematic interview, participation and observation from a focus group. The number of each focus group was 3 to 4, and the study analyzed with Giorgi method after selecting total 3 groups with 10 to saturate data, considering of the closeness among group members. The results are as follow; 1) Feeling psychological uneasy : feeling special mood, mysterious thing, tense thing, curious thing, concealing thing 2) Being to someone : receiving unilaterally, giving ahead, attracting attention, being to, being selected unilaterally 3) Feeling like to do together : relying, contacting, being together 4) Accepting another one's self : understanding the partner, taking responsibility for each other, enduring, trusting each other 5) Trying to be best to the partner : physically being pure, mentally being pure, being only one person to the partner, being open to each other, feeling free 6) Harmonizing conditions with conditions : considering appearance, one's family, economic support and so on 7) Making a love without premise of marriage : making a difference between marriage and love 8) Being a difference between men and women : being a different position, being shameful (because of not having a boyfriend), indecent thing 9) Being for a new life : conceiving a new life 10) Being able to have body touch : being able to kiss, being able to sleep together, being able to touch body 11) Being able to make homosexual love : being able to do homosexual love From the above results, right sexual education should deliver the value of sex which exists for life. So we need to develop the Korean-typed sexual education, according to the social and cultural background and reasonable demand level of education subjects. Furthermore we should give systematically connected education through the development of sexual education program by a developmental stage on the sex with broad and dynamic features, revealing different shapes each period of life. Since the members' value by culture is very different, reasonable and healthy sexual education cannot be done through a education program from foreign cultures. Consequently, the development of the study and program on sexual perception of Korean female college students suitable for the Korean cultural situation will be done.

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