• 제목/요약/키워드: true food

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천해양식어업발달과정에 관한 연구 - 기술개발활동을 중심으로 - (A Study of Technical Development of Mariculture in the Coastal Water)

  • 최정윤
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.91-124
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    • 1985
  • Mariculture is contrasted with inland aqua-culturing fisheries. It is defind as the Industry of rearing Aquaorganism in limited coastal area relatively shallow in depth. Then, It's coming into being realization of Mariculture in it is long in history that Mariculture was realized in Korea. But it is from the early part of 1960s, that this industry has normally developed. Owing to 200 miles economy-zone problems of coastal countries, the development of deep sea fishing was limited, so the Korean Government has now appreciated the importance of cultured industries in the field of coastal fisheries. And the Korean Mariculture the output of which was only 18, 000 M/T in '60s attained 540, 000M/T in 1980s, has now occupied its relative importance in Korean Fisheries Industry. So the purpose of this report is to suggest the prospect of technical development of mariculture in the future of Korea, through the analysis of the various problems that affect upon the individual management '||'&'||' fishing ground utilization, along with the appreciation of "how to extend of those technical innovation" and "how the fishermen's technique level is extended at this stage. According to this study, the result is summarized as follows. First, Maricultural technique is classified into 8 sub-techniques as follows, as shown in fig. 1.Fig. 1. The Formation structure of mariculture technique Second, the change of technical method of mariculture in coastal area of Korea has made as 5 stages; 1) Scattering of culturing organism 2) Culturing by putting stone and installing bamboo 3) Culturing by installing rope and seeding 4) Culturing of putting objectives in cages 5) Culturing fish by feed Third, the maricultural fisheries of Korea has about 70 years long in history. It began from 1910s. But at that time there was no special technique in aquaculture and its technique was confined in searching out the object of species. The species was laver, oyster ect.Forth, although realization of mariculture in Korea has been long time, it is of late from 1960s that this has been industrial with normal development, and its technique of mariculture has mainly has developed from 1970s. Its result not only contributed to the high growth in Korean ecconomy along with the well balanced development between industires, but also it played a great role for the resolution of nation's food problem. Especially maricultural production has shown its sustained annual increase of 13.8% during the last 20 years. So the portion of mariculture among total fisheries stucture was extended from 4.1% in the early 1960s to 22.4% in 1980s.Fifth, it could be safely said that such development in maricultural field is resulted from the activity of aquacultural institutes such as Fisheries Reseach '||'&'||' Development production of major kinds such as Oyster, Sea-mustard, and Laver etc. As well as in the innovation of aquaculturing method with synthetic fiber utilization. FRDA has played important role in the efficient propargation of new aquacultural technique.Sixth, as for the change in aquaculture structure and its during period between 1970s and 1980s, the private management participation shown 25% increase from household number of 45, 173 to 56, 268 in total number. And in the respect of the management scale, of their management decreased, while it showed an increase in relative large scale management, the increase over 3 employees compared with other fisheries field between '70s and 80s. This must be an major trait to be recorded, Now the data above mentioned are shown as in table 1 and 2.Table 1. The maricultural fishing ground development situation in 982.Table 2. The mariculture management as seen in the employmnet size in high seasion.Owing to the technical innovation, of the mariculture in coastal area new income of fishermen increased and it also is true that the number of fishermen participating in its industrialization increased. But the problem being from now on is the self-discharge of the destruction fishing ground considered resulted from rapid expansion in aquaculture industry and the preventive system of sentility of fishing ground. sentility of fishing ground.

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무가 '삼공본풀이'에 대한 분석심리학적 고찰 (A Study on the Korean Shamanistic Myth "Samgong Bonpoori" from the Perspective of Analytical Psychology)

  • 황명숙
    • 심성연구
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.145-186
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 제주도 무가 <삼공본풀이>를 분석심리학적 관점에서 고찰하고 해석한 것이다. <삼공본풀이>는 육지의 '내 복에 산다' 계 민담과 유사하고, 한국 뿐 아니라 일본과 중국 등 동아시아 지역뿐만 아니라 아일랜드에 까지 널리 퍼져 있는 신화이다. 누구 복에 사는가? 묻는 부모의 질문에 천지, 부모의 덕과 배꼽아래 선의 덕(배꼽에서 음부 쪽으로 내려 그어진 선)으로 산다고 대답한 셋째 딸 가믄장아기는 쫓겨난다. 가믄장아기는 부모와 자신을 이간시키려 했던 두 언니를 지네와 말똥버섯으로 전환케 하고, 부모는 장님이 되고 걸인이 되게 한다. 가믄장아기는 집을 나와 마를 캐는 마퉁이를 만나 결혼하게 되고, 마를 캐는 밭에서 금을 발견한다. 가믄장아기는 부자가 된 후 걸인잔치를 열어 장님이 된 부모를 만나게 되고 부모는 눈을 뜨게 되며, 두 언니들도 다시 만나 모두와 화해하며 '전생 신'임을 밝힌다. <삼공본풀이>는 신화로써 神의 이야기이다. 神은 완성된 존재로서 다른 것을 생각할 수 없지만 이를 민담 차원으로 내려와서 생각해 볼 수 있을 것이다. 가믄장아기는 아버지의 아니마 원형으로 볼 수 있으며, 이는 부성적인 의식이 변화되어 가는 과정을 나타낸 것이다. 아니마 원형인 가믄장아기는 처음에는 부모에게 배척을 받는다. 그러나 부모가 장님이 되는 고통과 시련의 과정을 겪고 마침내 눈을 뜨게 되는 것은 가믄장아기가 이 세상에 '소명'을 갖고 온 존재임을 알 수 있다. 가믄장아기는 기존의 가부장적인 집단의식을 새롭게 하고자하는 '여성성'의 창조적인 기능을 나타내는 것이다. 이러한 여성성의 의식화는 여성뿐 아니라 남성에게 더 중요함을 보여주는 것이다. 자신이 타고난 본성(여성성)을 알지 못하고 부모의 뜻과 인습적인 가치에 순종하기만 했던 두 언니들도 지네와 말똥버섯이라는 미물과 식물로 전환되어 그림자에 사로잡히는 고통과 시련을 겪음으로써 마침내 자기인식을 획득하게 된다. 가믄장아기는 마지막에 부모와 언니들과 모두 화해를 하여 전체가 되게 함으로써 진정한 의미의 자기실현의 모습을 보여준다. 결론적으로 여성의 자기실현은 가부장적인 집단의식을 새롭게 하는 중요한 목적의미가 있는 것이다.

봉수당진찬(奉壽堂進饌)의 무대와 공연 요소 분석 (Analysis of the Stage and Performance Elements for Bongsudang-jinchan Banquet in Joseon Dynasty)

  • 송혜진
    • 공연문화연구
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    • 제18호
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    • pp.413-444
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    • 2009
  • 본고에서는 1795년 화성 행궁에서 정조의 어머니 혜경궁 홍씨의 회갑을 맞아 열린 봉수당진찬의 의례와 악무를 "원행을묘정리의궤(園行乙卯整理儀軌)" 및 "정조실록", "홍재전서(弘齋全書)"등의 봉수당진찬 의례기록과 <화성능행도병>등의 도상자료, 일기체의 한글가사 작품인 이희평(李羲平)의 <화성일기(華城日記)>등의 자료를 중심으로 분석하여 무대와 공연요소 중심으로 고찰하였다. 잔치의 주인공에게 충(忠)과 효(孝)의 의미를 담은 음악과 춤, 꽃과 음식, 술과 글을 예를 갖춰 올리는 궁중연향은 예악(禮樂)의 원리에 바탕을 둔 국가의례로서 조선왕조 500년 동안 고유한 음악문화를 형성해왔다. 그러나 조선왕조가 막을 내리면서 '예'라는 상징적이며 총체적인 틀 안에서 상호 유기적인 관계에 놓여있던 연례의 음악과 춤들이 개별 악곡과 춤으로 해체되어 '작품화'되었고. 궁중음악과 춤의 철학이나 원리, 시공간에 대한 이해는 현저히 축소된 채, 음악과 춤의 전통은 형식과 예술적 표현 중심으로 변화해왔다. 1990년대 이후, 궁중의례 전통의 재현(再現)을 목적에 둔 연구와 행사가 추진되면서, 이와 연관된 공연예술 활동도 점차 증가하고 있는 추세이며, 특히 봉수당진찬은 다양한 방식으로 현대무대화 하고 있다. 그러나 원전(原典)의 재현(再現) 및 복원(復原) 문제, 완성도 및 예술성에 대한 문제는 과제로 남아있으며, 지금까지는 "원행을묘정리의궤"에 수록된 의주의 외형적 재현에 관심을 두었을 뿐, 무대조건이나 공연요소에 중점을 둔 심도있는 분석은 부족하였다고 판단하였다. 이에 본 연구에서 무대구성과 공연요소 중심으로 분석해 본 결과, 조선시대 궁중연향 중에서 유일하게 '행궁'에서 개최된 봉수당진찬은 '예악의 정치'를 의례와 악무로 구현하는 궁중연향의 기본적인 면모를 보여주면서도 '군신동락(君臣同樂)'의 친화의 비중이 높은 연향이었음을 밝혔다. 내연과 외연의 성격이 섞인 봉수당진찬에서는 가림막을 최소화하여 신분의 차서(次序)와 남녀유별(男女有別)의 원리를 충족시키면서도 삼면에 둘러친 휘장 안에 외빈의 자리를 마련함으로써 술과 음식, 음악과 춤을 다 같이 공유하도록 배치되었다. 또한, 연향공간의 상징성을 내포한 차일을 백관들의 공간에 치고, 임금이 솔선하여 선찬(膳饌)과 산화(散華)를 명함으로써 군신동연(君臣同宴)의 의미와 범위를 확장시킨 점을 알 수 있었다. 이는 봉수당진찬이 '예악의 원리'가 강하게 드러나는 여느 궁중 연향에 비해 '정(情)'을 나누는 화친(和親)에 기반을 두었음을 알 수 있었다. 또한, 봉수당진찬에서는 여느 내연에서보다 임금의 역할과 비중이 높았으며, 특히 의주 외의 기록으로 전하는 여러 가지 상황 - 7작 이후에 정조가 신하들을 가까이 불러 나눈 대화, 신하들에게 음식과 꽃을 내림, 잔치를 주제로 직접 시를 짓고, 신하들에게도 이에 화답하게 한 일 등-은 의주에 따른 단선적인 연향의 진행에 변화를 주고, 연향의 의미를 확장시키는데 한 몫 하였다. 이밖에, 봉수당진찬의 주악과 정재의 구성을 분석해 본결과 연향에서 여러 인물들의 대화와 움직임이 매우 절제된 것은 여느 궁중연향과 비슷하지만, 춤과 음악을 통해 구현된 소리와 색채감은 매우 다채로웠다는 점을 알 수 있었다. 봉수당진찬에서는 정조 이전에 치러진 내연에 비해 다양한 종류의 정재를 상연하였고, 이 중에는 새롭게 초연된 레퍼토리도 있었으며, 또 기존의 공연을 새롭게 재구성한 것도 포함되어 있었다. 특히 <선유락>이나 <검무> 등, 지방 관아 및 민간의 레퍼토리를 궁중연향으로 수용한 점, 풍류방에서 즐겨 연주되기 시작한 생황을 <학무> 와 연계한 것은 전통적인 규범과 관습에 매이지 않고 새로운 것을 받아들이는 궁중연향의 '열린구조'를 보여준다는 점에서 시사하는 바가 크다.

불량환경하(不良環境下)에서의 제초제(除草劑) 약해(藥害)와 경감기술(輕減技術) (Herbicidal Phytotoxicity under Adverse Environments and Countermeasures)

  • 권용웅;황형식;강병화
    • 한국잡초학회지
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.210-233
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    • 1993
  • The herbicide has become indispensable as much as nitrogen fertilizer in Korean agriculture from 1970 onwards. It is estimated that in 1991 more than 40 herbicides were registered for rice crop and treated to an area 1.41 times the rice acreage ; more than 30 herbicides were registered for field crops and treated to 89% of the crop area ; the treatment acreage of 3 non-selective foliar-applied herbicides reached 2,555 thousand hectares. During the last 25 years herbicides have benefited the Korean farmers substantially in labor, cost and time of farming. Any herbicide which causes crop injury in ordinary uses is not allowed to register in most country. Herbicides, however, can cause crop injury more or less when they are misused, abused or used under adverse environments. The herbicide use more than 100% of crop acreage means an increased probability of which herbicides are used wrong or under adverse situation. This is true as evidenced by that about 25% of farmers have experienced the herbicide caused crop injury more than once during last 10 years on authors' nationwide surveys in 1992 and 1993 ; one-half of the injury incidences were with crop yield loss greater than 10%. Crop injury caused by herbicide had not occurred to a serious extent in the 1960s when the herbicides fewer than 5 were used by farmers to the field less than 12% of total acreage. Farmers ascribed about 53% of the herbicidal injury incidences at their fields to their misuses such as overdose, careless or improper application, off-time application or wrong choice of the herbicide, etc. While 47% of the incidences were mainly due to adverse natural conditions. Such misuses can be reduced to a minimum through enhanced education/extension services for right uses and, although undesirable, increased farmers' experiences of phytotoxicity. The most difficult primary problem arises from lack of countermeasures for farmers to cope with various adverse environmental conditions. At present almost all the herbicides have"Do not use!" instructions on label to avoid crop injury under adverse environments. These "Do not use!" situations Include sandy, highly percolating, or infertile soils, cool water gushing paddy, poorly draining paddy, terraced paddy, too wet or dry soils, days of abnormally cool or high air temperature, etc. Meanwhile, the cultivated lands are under poor conditions : the average organic matter content ranges 2.5 to 2.8% in paddy soil and 2.0 to 2.6% in upland soil ; the canon exchange capacity ranges 8 to 12 m.e. ; approximately 43% of paddy and 56% of upland are of sandy to sandy gravel soil ; only 42% of paddy and 16% of upland fields are on flat land. The present situation would mean that about 40 to 50% of soil applied herbicides are used on the field where the label instructs "Do not use!". Yet no positive effort has been made for 25 years long by government or companies to develop countermeasures. It is a really sophisticated social problem. In the 1960s and 1970s a subside program to incoporate hillside red clayish soil into sandy paddy as well as campaign for increased application of compost to the field had been operating. Yet majority of the sandy soils remains sandy and the program and campaign had been stopped. With regard to this sandy soil problem the authors have developed a method of "split application of a herbicide onto sandy soil field". A model case study has been carried out with success and is introduced with key procedure in this paper. Climate is variable in its nature. Among the climatic components sudden fall or rise in temperature is hardly avoidable for a crop plant. Our spring air temperature fluctuates so much ; for example, the daily mean air temperature of Inchon city varied from 6.31 to $16.81^{\circ}C$ on April 20, early seeding time of crops, within${\times}$2Sd range of 30 year records. Seeding early in season means an increased liability to phytotoxicity, and this will be more evident in direct water-seeding of rice. About 20% of farmers depend on the cold underground-water pumped for rice irrigation. If the well is deep over 70m, the fresh water may be about $10^{\circ}C$ cold. The water should be warmed to about $20^{\circ}C$ before irrigation. This is not so practiced well by farmers. In addition to the forementioned adverse conditions there exist many other aspects to be amended. Among them the worst for liquid spray type herbicides is almost total lacking in proper knowledge of nozzle types and concern with even spray by the administrative, rural extension officers, company and farmers. Even not available in the market are the nozzles and sprayers appropriate for herbicides spray. Most people perceive all the pesticide sprayers same and concern much with the speed and easiness of spray, not with correct spray. There exist many points to be improved to minimize herbicidal phytotoxicity in Korea and many ways to achieve the goal. First of all it is suggested that 1) the present evaluation of a new herbicide at standard and double doses in registration trials is to be an evaluation for standard, double and triple doses to exploit the response slope in making decision for approval and recommendation of different dose for different situation on label, 2) the government is to recognize the facts and nature of the present problem to correct the present misperceptions and to develop an appropriate national program for improvement of soil conditions, spray equipment, extention manpower and services, 3) the researchers are to enhance researches on the countermeasures and 4) the herbicide makers/dealers are to correct their misperceptions and policy for sales, to develop database on the detailed use conditions of consumer one by one and to serve the consumers with direct counsel based on the database.

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가정학교육 영역에서의 인구교육문제에 관한 조사연구 -선임가정학자들을 대상으로- (A Study of the Attitude of/and Problems Encountered by Senjor Home Economist Toward the Integration of Family Planning Education in the Korean Formal School System)

  • 김지화
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.83-101
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    • 1981
  • Under the full consideration of the growing need and importance of population education in the field of home economics in Korea, the study was carried out to verify and assess the following facts on the current issues of population education of home economists who are presently engaging in teaching professions as the teachers of middle and high school and professors of college and universities by setting its primary objectives of the study as followings; 1) to assess the degree of general knowledge and attitudes of home economists toward population education in the field of home economics, 2) to verify the problems encountered in implementing population education by home economists in its field, 3) to find an existing status of previous trainings received and other activities of population education of home economists aimed at utilizing these findings as a part of reference materials when the population education is conducted in the field of home economics. In order to attain these objectives described above, the questionnaire was carefully designed to house a total of 40 questions with good combination of multiple-choice and the simple answer questions. The mail questionnaire survey was conducted by establishing teachers of home economics at middle/high schools and college/universities as Senior Home Economists(SHE) who are from public, private liberal arts and vocational schools. The rate of response observed during the survey was 45.6 percent and the findings of the survey research are as follows: 1) Examining the status of the respondents by residence and religion, it was found that 45 percent of middle & high school teachers ar.d 59. 1 percent of college professors are residing in Seoul city area and that the largest percent of them are christian in their religion. Analyzing respondents by their ages, 56 percent of middle/high school teachers are in their 30s, 45 percent of college professors are in their 40s, and 37 percent of college teachers are in their 30s. In addition, 13 percent of the total respondents are found to be unmarried. The study also revealed that 71 percent of the college professors finished Master Degree course and 82 percent of middle/high school teachers are graduated from college level lasting 4 years. Looking over the status cf major fields of respondents, 68.4 percent of middle/high school teachers are specialized in home economic education and the college professors, on the other hand, show relatively even prortion by specializing in the order of food & nutrition science, clothes & textile science and home managerial science. As far as the length of teaching experience is concerned, a relatively longer period of teaching experience is observed in the college professors in comparison with that of middle/high school teachers. In other words, 33.3 percent of middle/high school teachers are experienced in teaching from 6 to 10 years on average while 43.9 percent of college professors show more than 16 years of experience. 2) Examining the status of existing number of children cf the respondents, one boy and one daughter pattern is predominant, showing 28.5 percent in middle/high school teachers and 21.1 percent in college professors. As for the desired number of children of unmarried respondents, it is observed that 43.8 percent of middle/high school teachers desire to have one boy and one girl, and 31.3 percent of college professors want to have one child regardless of the sex. By assessing the degree of awareness of the population education through their students, it is observed that 53 percent of middle/high school teachers and 50 percent of college professors are aware of population education in some extent and that a majority of respondents took the positive attitudes toward an inclusion of family planning components into the formal school education. Another noteworthy to observe is that a total of 84.8 percent out of middle/high school teachers pointed that the population education currently conducted at schools as a part of home economics are less sufficient than it should be. 3) Analyzing the tendency as to whether the respondents were experienced in receiving population education during the time when they were students, 75 percent of college professors and 59 percent of middle/high school teachers responded negative answers in the survey. In the mean time, a total of 50 percent of the respondents replied that they began to acknowledge the importance of population education mainly through the participation of some sort of population-education orientend seminars, experienced by 40 percent of college professors and 80 percent of middle/high school teachers. 4) What it calls attention in this study was to find that 96.5 percent of middle/high school teachers and 72 percent of college professors conduct population education to some extent during their lecture hours and that more than 80 percent of them are never experienced in teaching population and family planning contents in their regular classes. It is, on the other hand, found that no more than once was the response of those who believe themselves that they are experienced in teaching these relevant components to their students. Analyzing the contents of the subjects being taught in the class, a large percent of them are found to be consisted of population and family planning contents. According to this study, the current population education through the formal school is quite inactive. Analyzing the facts, 44.9 percent of the college professors responded that the population and family planning components are quite apart from their specialization which eventually generates lack of interest in the field. 5) It is also noticed through the study that the degree of frequency of commenting on population and family planning contents during the classes was depending significantly on their specializations which means that the degree of frequency varies from a major to another. Those who majored in home managerial science was the first one, as compared to others who majored in different specializations. Glancing over the status of correlations between ages of the respondents and numbers of seminar paticipation, it is quite clear that the aged group participated more than the younger group did, and that the most highest number of participations made by college professors were those who are in 50s. In addition, it is also found that those who are aged 20s and 60s of the respondents were the group who comments least on the contents of population and family planning at their classes. The suggestions and recommendation made through this survey research are as follows. 1) No one denies that the rapid increase of population, as compared to the limited size of land and resources, will certainly affect adversly to an enhancement of individual life quality which will, eventually, bring forth the poverty of the nation. This is the reasson why we are insisting that the world population be controlled up to an optimum level with a matter of global concerns. It is our understading that the primary aim for reducing number of population is believed to be attained only by conducting the systematic and comprehensive population education through the formal schools. Therefore, the role of home economists in the field of population/family planning education is considered very importment due to the fact that an ultimate goal of population education is placed in elevating the quality of family life by having optimum number of children through family planning program. 2) It is quite clear that home economists as teachers of formal school in all level are invited to pay their attention on redefining the ultimate goal of education and that of population education. We also understant that the primary objective of population education is to change the norm and value of the clients by replenishing the students with pertinent knowledge and attitudes on population and its related problems through a sort of education in order to attain the ultimate goal for enhancing the quality of life. There is no exception in the theory of home economics. An altimate goal of home economics is to elevate the general quality of life through an establishment of value existed in daily life. Considering the relations between population education and home economics, it is quite indespensable to bandle population components as an integral part in the field of home economics. We believe, therefore, that the senior home economists positive participation in the effort population control is more needed than it has been. 3) It is also strongly urged that population education should be a part of instructor training course for home economics. In other words, the teacher of home economics should be well aware of population and its problems by teaching interrelationship between population education and home economics, needs, contents and methods of population education during the instructor training courese for home economics. In addition, the senior home economists should be encouraged through positive participation on the short term training by types of domestic and international seminar, workshop, etc. 4) We certainly believe that the population education can not sustain itself without any backing-up of information and findings' of various and comprehensive researches of natural and social sciences. Accordingly, every senior home economist is invited to exert their maximum effort to conduct systematic study with an aim to utilize these findings and information at best in population education in the field of home economics. Therefore, we consider that the development of training material is imminent in order to provide effective and efficient population education through the for training of home economies. It should be noted that these training materials must be carefully designed, tailored and developed to meet the different classes of trainees under the considerations as to whether it is easily adaptable and infusable into the curricula of every field of home economics, and it is acceptable in the degree of difficulty and quality in its contents. 5) It is true that there are many domestic and international research rapers, reports and findings in the field of population education and family planning. However, there is a tendency that the most of research papers are heavily relying on the authors intension and preferences in its expression and publication. Under these circumstances, it is urged that the home economists should aware of the growing need of the technical training in order to keep these available information and research findings reprocessed and redesigned to insure the practical application into the population education in the field of home economics in Korea.

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