• Title/Summary/Keyword: transmission length

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Light transmission in nanostructures

  • Kim, D. S.;Park, Q-H.;S. H. Han;Ch. Lienau
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.12 no.S1
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    • pp.113-115
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    • 2003
  • We investigate transmission of light in nanoscale structures. We present spatial and temporal domain measurements of the dephasing of surface plasmon excitations in metal films with periodic nano-hole arrays. By probing coherent spatial SP propagation lengths of a few f1. $\mu$m and an ultrafast decay of the SP polarization on a 10 fs timescale, we demonstrate that the SP transmission peaks are homogeneously broadened by the SP radiative lifetime. The pronounced wavelength and hole size dependence of the dephasing rate shows that the microscopic origin of the conversion of SP into light is a Rayleigh-like scattering by the periodic hole array. We have experimentally studied the dephasing of surface plasmon excitations in metallic nano-hole arrays. By relating nanoscopic SP propagation, ultrafast light transmission and optical spectra, we demonstrate that the transmission spectra of these plasmonic bandgap structures are homogeneously broadened. The spectral line shape and dephasing time are dominated by Rayleigh scattering of SP into light and can varied over a wide range by controlling the resonance energy and/or hole radius. This opens the way towards designing SP nano-optic devices and spatially and spectrally tailoring light -matter interactions on nanometer length scales.

Changing Transmission Pattern of Plasmodium vivax Malaria in the Republic of Korea: Relationship with Climate Change

  • Park, Jae-Won
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.26
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    • pp.1.1-1.6
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    • 2011
  • Plasmodium vivax malaria has occurred annually in the Republic of Korea (ROK) since its re-emergence in 1993. P. vivax malaria in ROK has been strongly influenced by infected mosquitoes originating from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Korean P. vivax malaria has shown typical characteristics of unstable malaria transmitted only during the summer season, and displays short and long incubation periods. The changing pattern of the transmission period can be predicted by analyzing the seasonal characteristics of early primary attack cases with a short incubation period. Such cases began to gradually occur earlier in the 1990s after the re-emergence. Most of the malaria cases after mid-August are presumed to be early primary attack, short incubation period cases. Only primary transmission was possible until the early 2000s, whereas up to fourth or fifth transmission occurred in the mid-2000s. The results indicate that the length of transmission period has been gradually extending, which may be ascribed to a climate change-mediated temperature rise. Malaria and climate data should be integrated to analyze and predict the influence of climate change on malaria occurrence in ROK.

Highly Elastic Two-wire Transmission Line E-textile Band for Smart Wearable Circuit Formation (스마트 웨어러블 회로 구성을 위한 고신축성 이선 전송선형 전자섬유 밴드)

  • Roh, Jung-Sim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.367-374
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    • 2022
  • Herein, a highly elastic e-textile band with a two-wire transmission line was designed and fabricated for smart clothing applications. A conductive yarn with a very uniform low electrical resistance of 0.0357 Ω/cm was developed and used for the signal and ground lines. To control the elasticity of the e-textile band, spandex yarns were added in the warp direction during knitting and the tension was adjusted. As the length of the e-textile band increased, its RF performance deteriorated. Furthermore, the frequency corresponding to -3 dB S21 was lower in the 30% stretched band than in the unstretched band. For the e-textile bands with lengths 10, 50, and 100 cm, the frequencies corresponding to -3 dB S21 were 107.77, 24.56, and 13.02 MHz when not stretched, and 88.74, 22.02, and 12.60 MHz when stretched by 30%. The fabricated bands were flatter, more flexible, and more elastic than transmission line cables; thus, they can be easily integrated into wearables and smart clothing. However, to increase RF performance and achieve optimum utilization, future studies must focus on the fabrication of transmission lines with lower resistance and reduced distance between the signal and ground lines, and thus the number of transmission lines can be increased.

A Method to Reduce the Size of Amplifiers using Defected Ground Structure (결합된 접지 구조를 이용한 증폭기의 소형화 방법)

  • Lim, Jong-Sik;Park, Jun-Seok;Kim, Chul-Soo;Lee, Young-Tak;Ahn, Dal;Nam, Sang-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.436-444
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a new method, which uses defected ground structure (DGS) on the ground planes of planar transmission lines such as microstrip and coplanar waveguide (CPW), to reduce the size of amplifiers. The main idea can be summarized as follow; DGS on the ground plane of microstrip or CPW line shows an increased slow-wave effect due to the additional equivalent L-C components. So the electrical length of the transmission line with DGS is longer than that of the standard transmission line for the same physical length. Then, the length of the transmission line with DGS can be shortened in order to maintain the original electrical length to be the same. This leads the matching of the original amplifier to be kept. In order to show the proposed method is valid, two kinds of amplifiers, the original amplifier and reduced amplifier, are fabricated, measured, and compared using both microstrip and CPW. The measured performances of the reduced amplifiers with DGS are quite similar to the ones of the original amplifiers for both microstrip and CPW amplifiers, even though the size of matching networks of the amplifiers with DGS are much smaller than those of the original amplifiers.

Transmission Distance Depending on Transmission Capacityin Inline Dispersion Managed WDM Systems (Inline 분산 제어가 적용된 WDM 시스템에서 전송 용량에 따른 전송 거리)

  • Lee, Seong-Real;Cho, Sung-Eon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.959-966
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    • 2009
  • Effective transmission distance depending on transmission capacity of WDM systems with inline dispersion management (DM) and optical phase conjugator (OPC) at middle of total transmission length is investigated. The range of net residual dispersion (NRD) resulting 1 dB eye opening penalty (EOP) in 1 Tbps WDM system, in which NRD controlled by only postcompensation, is also investigated. It is confirmed that effective transmission distances are increasedto longer than several hundreds kilometers by applying optimal NRD depending on transmission capacity and distance. And it is confirmed that in 1 Tbps WDM system if NRD is determined to +17 ps/nm, the maximum transmission distance is achieved, and, especially, in long-haul 1 Tbps WDM system the effective NRD range will be determined within positive value.

A Fairness and QoS Supporting MAC(FQSM) Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서 네트워크에서 공평성과 QoS를 지원하는 MAC 프로토콜)

  • Kim, Seong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 2012
  • In this paper we propose the FQSM(Fairness and QoS Supporting MAC) protocol that supports fairness and Quality of Service(QoS). The received or measured data traffics will be assigned a priority level according to its transmission urgency in the FQSM. And the load prediction algorithm is used to support the fairness between different priority traffics. For this, the buffer length values of the nodes are continuously monitored for a some period. Based on the buffer length variations for this period, the order of transmission is determined. FQSM also adapts cross-layer concept to rearrange the data transmission order in each sensor node's buffer, saves energy consumption by allowing few nodes in data transmission, and prolongs the network lifetime.

A Study on Adhesive Joints for Composite Driveshafts (복합재료 동력전달축의 접착조인트에 관한 연구)

  • 김진국;이대길;최진경;김일영
    • Composites Research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2001
  • Substituting composite structures for conventional metallic structures has many advantages because of higher specific stiffness and specific strength of composite materials. In this work, one-piece driveshafts composed of carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy composites were designed and manufactured for a rear wheel drive automobile satisfying three design specifications, such as static torque transmission capability, torsional buckling and the fundamental natural bending frequency. Single lap adhesive joint was used to join the composite shaft and the aluminum yoke. The torque transmission capability of the adhesively bonded composite shaft was calculated with respect to bonding length and yoke thickness by finite element analysis and compared with the experimental result. Torque transmission capability was based on the Tsai-Wu failure index fur composite shaft and the failure model which incorporated the nonlinear mechanical behavior of aluminum yoke and epoxy adhesive. From the experiments and the finite element analyses, it was found that the static torque transmission capability of the composite driveshaft was highest at the critical yoke thickness, and saturated beyond the critical length. Also, it was found that the one-piece composite driveshaft had 40% weight saving effect compared with a conventional two-piece steel driveshaft.

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Vortex induced vibration and its controlling of long span Cross-Rope Suspension transmission line with tension insulator

  • Tu, Xi;Wu, Ye;Li, Zhengliang;Wang, Zhisong
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.78 no.1
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2021
  • Long span cross-rope suspension structure is an innovative structural system evolved from typical Cross-Rope Suspension (CRS) guyed tower, a type of supporting system with short span suspension cable supporting overhead power transmission lines. In mountainous areas, the span length of suspension cable was designed to be extended to hundreds or over one thousand meters, which is applicable for crossing deep valleys. Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) of overhead power transmission lines was considered to be one of the major factors of its fatigue and service life. In this paper, VIV and its controlling by Stockbridge damper for long span CRS was discussed. Firstly, energy balance method and finite element method for assessing VIV of CRS were presented. An approach of establishing FE model of long span CRS structure with dampers was introduced. The effect of Stockbridge damper for overall vibration of CRS was compared in both theoretical and numerical approaches. Results indicated that vibration characteristics of conductor in long span CRS compared with traditional tower-line system. Secondly, analysis on long span CRS including Stockbridge damper showed additional dampers installed were essential for controlling maximum dynamic bending stresses of conductors at both ends. Moreover, factors, including configuration and mass of Stockbridge damper, span length of suspension cable and conductor and number of spans of conductor, were assessed for further discussion on VIV controlling of long span CRS.

Investigation of the U-shape submerged breakwater performance by the finite-different scheme

  • Barzegar, Mohammad
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.83-97
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    • 2021
  • The submerged U-shape breakwater interaction with the solitary wave is simulated by the Boussinesq equations using the finite-difference scheme. The wave reflection, transmission, and dissipation (RTD) coefficients are used to investigate the U-shape breakwater's performance for different crest width, Lc1, and indent breakwater height, du. The results show that the submerged breakwater performance for a set of U-shape breakwater with the same cross-section area is related to the length of submerged breakwater crest, Lc1, and the distance between the crests, Lc2 (or the height of du). The breakwater has the maximum performance when the crest length is larger, and at the same time, the distance between them increases. Changing the Lc1 and du of the U-shape breakwaters result in a significant change in the RTD coefficients. Comparison of the U-shape breakwater, having the best performance, with the averaged RTD values shows that the transmission coefficients, Kt, has a better performance of up to 4% in comparison to other breakwaters. Also, the reflection coefficients KR and the diffusion coefficients, Kd shows a better performance of about 30% and 55% on average, respectively. However, the model governing equations are non-dissipative. The non-energy conserving of the transmission and reflection coefficients due to wave and breakwater interaction results in dissipation type contribution. The U-shape breakwater with the best performance is compared with the rectangular breakwater with the same cross-section area to investigate the economic advantages of the U-shape breakwater. The transmission coefficients, Kt, of the U-shape breakwater shows a better performance of 5% higher than the rectangular one. The reflection coefficient, KR, is 60% lower for U-shape in comparison to rectangular one; however, the diffusion coefficients, Kd, of U-shape breakwater is 35% higher than the rectangular breakwater. Therefore, we could say that the U-shape breakwater has a better performance than the rectangular one.


  • Chung, N.Y.;Park, S.I.
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.303-309
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, an interfacial crack length has been detected by using the ultrasonic attenuation coefficient on the adhesively bonded double-cantilever beam (DCB) joints. The correlations between energy release rates which were investigated by experimental measurement, the boundary element method (BEM) and Ripling's equation are compared with each other. The experimental results show that the interfacial crack length for the ultrasonic attenuation coefficient and energy release rate increases proportionally. From the experimental results, we propose a method to detect the interfacial crack length by using the ultrasonic attenuation coefficient and discuss it.