• Title/Summary/Keyword: training mode

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Automatic gasometer reading system using selective optical character recognition (관심 문자열 인식 기술을 이용한 가스계량기 자동 검침 시스템)

  • Lee, Kyohyuk;Kim, Taeyeon;Kim, Wooju
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we suggest an application system architecture which provides accurate, fast and efficient automatic gasometer reading function. The system captures gasometer image using mobile device camera, transmits the image to a cloud server on top of private LTE network, and analyzes the image to extract character information of device ID and gas usage amount by selective optical character recognition based on deep learning technology. In general, there are many types of character in an image and optical character recognition technology extracts all character information in an image. But some applications need to ignore non-of-interest types of character and only have to focus on some specific types of characters. For an example of the application, automatic gasometer reading system only need to extract device ID and gas usage amount character information from gasometer images to send bill to users. Non-of-interest character strings, such as device type, manufacturer, manufacturing date, specification and etc., are not valuable information to the application. Thus, the application have to analyze point of interest region and specific types of characters to extract valuable information only. We adopted CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) based object detection and CRNN (Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network) technology for selective optical character recognition which only analyze point of interest region for selective character information extraction. We build up 3 neural networks for the application system. The first is a convolutional neural network which detects point of interest region of gas usage amount and device ID information character strings, the second is another convolutional neural network which transforms spatial information of point of interest region to spatial sequential feature vectors, and the third is bi-directional long short term memory network which converts spatial sequential information to character strings using time-series analysis mapping from feature vectors to character strings. In this research, point of interest character strings are device ID and gas usage amount. Device ID consists of 12 arabic character strings and gas usage amount consists of 4 ~ 5 arabic character strings. All system components are implemented in Amazon Web Service Cloud with Intel Zeon E5-2686 v4 CPU and NVidia TESLA V100 GPU. The system architecture adopts master-lave processing structure for efficient and fast parallel processing coping with about 700,000 requests per day. Mobile device captures gasometer image and transmits to master process in AWS cloud. Master process runs on Intel Zeon CPU and pushes reading request from mobile device to an input queue with FIFO (First In First Out) structure. Slave process consists of 3 types of deep neural networks which conduct character recognition process and runs on NVidia GPU module. Slave process is always polling the input queue to get recognition request. If there are some requests from master process in the input queue, slave process converts the image in the input queue to device ID character string, gas usage amount character string and position information of the strings, returns the information to output queue, and switch to idle mode to poll the input queue. Master process gets final information form the output queue and delivers the information to the mobile device. We used total 27,120 gasometer images for training, validation and testing of 3 types of deep neural network. 22,985 images were used for training and validation, 4,135 images were used for testing. We randomly splitted 22,985 images with 8:2 ratio for training and validation respectively for each training epoch. 4,135 test image were categorized into 5 types (Normal, noise, reflex, scale and slant). Normal data is clean image data, noise means image with noise signal, relfex means image with light reflection in gasometer region, scale means images with small object size due to long-distance capturing and slant means images which is not horizontally flat. Final character string recognition accuracies for device ID and gas usage amount of normal data are 0.960 and 0.864 respectively.

A Study on Performance Evaluation of Hidden Markov Network Speech Recognition System (Hidden Markov Network 음성인식 시스템의 성능평가에 관한 연구)

  • 오세진;김광동;노덕규;위석오;송민규;정현열
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we carried out the performance evaluation of HM-Net(Hidden Markov Network) speech recognition system for Korean speech databases. We adopted to construct acoustic models using the HM-Nets modified by HMMs(Hidden Markov Models), which are widely used as the statistical modeling methods. HM-Nets are carried out the state splitting for contextual and temporal domain by PDT-SSS(Phonetic Decision Tree-based Successive State Splitting) algorithm, which is modified the original SSS algorithm. Especially it adopted the phonetic decision tree to effectively express the context information not appear in training speech data on contextual domain state splitting. In case of temporal domain state splitting, to effectively represent information of each phoneme maintenance in the state splitting is carried out, and then the optimal model network of triphone types are constructed by in the parameter. Speech recognition was performed using the one-pass Viterbi beam search algorithm with phone-pair/word-pair grammar for phoneme/word recognition, respectively and using the multi-pass search algorithm with n-gram language models for sentence recognition. The tree-structured lexicon was used in order to decrease the number of nodes by sharing the same prefixes among words. In this paper, the performance evaluation of HM-Net speech recognition system is carried out for various recognition conditions. Through the experiments, we verified that it has very superior recognition performance compared with the previous introduced recognition system.

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Baseline Model Updating and Damage Estimation Techniques for Tripod Substructure (트라이포드 하부구조물의 기저모델개선 및 결함추정 기법)

  • Lee, Jong-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 2020
  • An experimental study was conducted on baseline model updating and damage estimation techniques for the health monitoring of offshore wind turbine tripod substructures. First, a procedure for substructure health monitoring was proposed. An initial baseline model for a scaled model of a tripod substructure was established. A baseline model was updated based on the natural frequencies and the mode shapes measured in the healthy state. A training pattern was then generated using the updated baseline model, and the damage was estimated by inputting the modal parameters measured in the damaged state into the trained neural network. The baseline model could be updated reasonably using the effective fixity model. The damage tests were performed, and the damage locations could be estimated reasonably. In addition, the estimated damage severity also increased as the actual damage severity increased. On the other hand, when the damage severity was relatively small, the corresponding damage location was detected, but it was more difficult to identify than the other cases. Further studies on small damage estimation and stiffness reduction quantification will be needed before the presented method can be used effectively for the health monitoring of tripod substructures.

Treatment of Gingival Irritation Fibroma Using $CO_2$ Laser (이산화탄소 레이저($CO_2$ laser)를 이용한 치은에 발생한 자극성 섬유종의 치료)

  • Choi, Young-Chan;Park, Ju-Hyun;Ahn, Hyung-Joon
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.119-122
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    • 2010
  • Carbondioxide($CO_2$) laser is one of the most widely employed lasers in oral soft tissue surgery because of its excellent affinity for water based soft tissues. It has some inherent advantages such as hemostasis, less postoperative swelling, reduction of bacterial population at surgical site, less need for suturing, less scarring, and less postoperative pain compared to conventional surgical therapies including the use of scalpel, diathermy, cryotherapy and electrosurgery. A 30-years-old male was presented with gingival swelling. Clinical examination revealed a well?defined pedunculated fibrotic mass on the buccal gingiva near right maxillary 1st molar. In radiographic examination, no remarkable abnormality was seen. Excisional biopsy was performed with $CO_2$ laser (continuous wave mode, 4.0W). Histological diagnosis was "Irritation fibroma". $CO_2$ laser has advantages those are suitable for surgical treatment of intraoral lesion. If appropriate training and experience are provided, the dentist would be able to manage intraoral lesions more efficiently and successfully with the use of the $CO_2$ laser.

Application of neural network for airship take-off and landing mode by buoyancy control (기낭 부력 제어에 의한 비행선 이착륙의 인공신경망 적용)

  • Chang, Yong-Jin;Woo, Gui-Ae;Kim, Jong-Kwon;Lee, Dae-Woo;Cho, Kyeum-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2005
  • For long time, the takeoff and landing control of airship was worked by human handling. With the development of the autonomous control system, the exact controls during the takeoff and landing were required and lots of methods and algorithms were suggested. This paper presents the result of airship take-off and landing by buoyancy control using air ballonet volume change and performance control of pitch angle for stable flight within the desired altitude. For the complexity of airship's dynamics, firstly, simple PID controller was applied. Due to the various atmospheric conditions, this controller didn't give satisfactory results. Therefore, new control method was designed to reduce rapidly the error between designed trajectory and actual trajectory by learning algorithm using an artificial neural network. Generally, ANN has various weaknesses such as large training time, selection of neuron and hidden layer numbers required to deal with complex problem. To overcome these drawbacks, in this paper, the RBFN (radial basis function network) controller developed. The weight value of RBFN is acquired by learning which to reduce the error between desired input output through and airship dynamics to impress the disturbance. As a result of simulation, the controller using the RBFN is superior to PID controller which maximum error is 15M.

Matching Pursuit Decomposition-Based Signal Denoising to Detect and Quantify the Delamination of Sandwich Composites (샌드위치 복합재의 결함 탐지 및 정량화를 위한 일치 추적 분해 기반 디노이징 기법 개발)

  • Jun Young Kim;Daeyeon Ki;Kyutae Park;Haram Choi;Heung Soo Kim
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, a damage detection and quantification method for sandwich composites using matching pursuit decomposition (MPD) is presented. Sandwich composites with and without delamination were fabricated using the hand lay-up and hot-press methods, and the location and size of delamination were confirmed using flash thermography. An ultrasonic wave propagation experiment using the pitch-catch method was set up to collect data from healthy and damaged samples. The acquired signals were estimated and decomposed using MPD and compared with signals denoised using fast Fourier and wavelet transforms. The denoised signals were trained by a 1-D CNN model with the same number of layers and filters. The proposed method showed improved accuracy and stability than the traditional method. In addition, more reliable mode separation in the time-frequency representation could be confirmed, extending the possibility of MPD-based signal preprocessing in deep learning training.

A study on the Awareness and Behavior about Sex of Middle School Students -from middle school students in Taegu area- (일부(一部) 중학생(中學生)의 성(性)에 대한 의식행태조사(意識行態調査))

  • Kim, Sang Ock;Nam, Chul Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.42-65
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    • 1992
  • A survey was made of 976 students who were selected among students of 5 middle schools at Taegu so that it could furnish basic knowledge about sex education of adolescents by analyzing students recognition of sex, acquaintance with the opposite-sex, sex-education, The survery took a month from Nov. 1, to Nov 30, 1991. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. The general characteristics of the surveyed students. The survey consisted of 332 boys middle school student & 325 girls middle school students, 157 male & 162 female students of coeducational middle schools. 32.9% of them were from the first grade, 33.2% from the second grade & 33.9% from the third grade. 35.7% of them believed in Buddhism, 19% Christianism and the mode of their living standard, 86.7%, fell on 34.7% of their parents engaged in commerce and they were followed by salary man and public officals, 93.1 % of the students, parents were alive. 44.9% of their fathers were graduates of high school and 42.2% of their mothers middle school. 2. Sexual maturity 89.1 % of the surveyed girls had experienced menstruation. The mode of first menstruation, 48.2%, was at the age of 13 and the mean of it was 12.9, 3.7% the surveyed boys had exprienced a wet drem before. The mode of the first wet dream, 40.0%, was at the age of 14 and the mean was 13.4. 21.3% of surveyed students had the experience of masturbation but the number of girls fell far short of that boys. The mode of the first masturbation, 37.0%, was at the age of 14 and the mean was 13.4. 3. The acquaintance and sexual relations with the opposite sex 1) Analyzing the students actual conditions with the opposite, I found out that 52.3% of them wanted to have any kind of relations with the opposite and that 30.25 had already had some kind of relations. 73.2% of the students having relations with the opposite thought the other sex merely as a friend and the number of students who were thinking that way was distributed evenly among schools. 28.8% of the students had got acquainted with the other sex through their frieds and there were not much difference between boys and girls in the method of getting acquainated with the opposite. About 35.2% of the students having relations with the opposite came from the third grade. 47.8% of them answered that the meeting place was not fixed and 26.4% answered that they were meeting their parthers outdoors. 60.7% replyed that they were not disturbed in their studies by the relations with the other sex. 2) Most of the students 79.4%, answered that they had never had sexual relations and 16.3% of the rest said that thery were expressing their feelings by grasping each other's hand. 3) 16.6% of the surveyed students asid that they had the exprience of smoking, 1.1 % of an illusion caused by inhaling chemical addhesives, 44.0% of drinking and 41.4% of warching pornographic films. 4. The knowledge and attitude about the sex 1) The distribution and analysis according to schools and grades : 64.8% of the surveyed students answered correctly to the questions about mensturation, 49.3 % did so about wet dreams, 94.3 % did so about conception, 60.6% did so about child birth, 73.9% did so about AIDS and 50.1 % did so about sexual diseases. Roughly speaking, they had not much knowledge of sexual diseases. 2) The recognition of sex according to schools and grades : 39.0% of the students said that they had worries about sex. 33.1 % of what they worried was concerned with their bodies and 26.8% was about the acqaintance and relationship with the opposite sex. The girls were much more concerned about the former and the boys the latter. 51.1 % of the students asid that they had no specific opinion of masturbation but 19.2% said that's alright if self-restrained. About the sexual intercourse before marriage, 75.7% said negatively. 5. The need for sex education most of the students, 99.4% said they needed sex education and there was not much difference in that thought among schools. And 49.7% answered that schools, families, and societies were equlally important in sex education. About half of the students, exactly 50.2%. considered it as the main reason of sex education to prevent accidents cauesd by ignorance of sex. 81.4% said that they had had some kind of sex education. Most of the educations, 87.0%, had taken place at schools but 5.2% said they were getting most of the knowledge about sex from therir friednds, juniors and seniors. 59.5% of the students who had ever had a sex education said "Just so, so" when asked of the level of their contentment but the number of students who said "satisfied" was only a few, 16.1 %. 20.7% of the survered answered that thery wanted sex education to be made in the course of home life, and 26.6 % of the students most wanted to know about the acquaintance and relationship with the oppostie sex, 29.0% preferred nurse teachers as proper councellors of sex education. The mode of their present councellors, 42.0%, was friends but only 7.6% answered they dicussed with teachers. 6. The correlation analysis between general characteristcs and sexual behaviors of the surveyed students revealed that sex had a signigicant(P<0.001) positive correlation with parents' love toward students(P<0.01), the experience of masturbation, smoking, an illusion caused by inhaling chemical adhesives and the experience of watching pornographic films. And the standard of living had a significant(P<0.01) positive correlation(P<0.01) with grade point average, parents' existence(P<0.01) and parents' love, but a significant(P<0.01) negative correlation with sexual worries. grade point average had a significant(P<0.01)negative correlation with the experience of an illusion caused by chemical adhesives(P<0.01) and smoking. Parents' existence had significant(P<0.01) positive correlations with parents' love and smoking but a significant(P<0.01) negative correlation with the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives. There was a significant(P<0.01) negative correlations between parents' love and the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives, and a significant(P<0.001) positive correlation among masturbation and sexual worries, smoking, an illusion by chemical adhesives and the experience of watching pornographic films. There was a significant(P<0.001) positive correlation among acquaintance with the opposite sex, smoking, the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. Sexual worries had significant(P<0.01) positive correlations with smoking, the experience of an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. smoking had a significant positive correlation with drinking the experirence of, an illusion by chemical adhesives and watching pornographic films. Finally, there was a significant(P<0.01) positive correlation between the drinking experience and the illusion experience by chemical adhesives. According to the results mentioned above, the fact is certain that there is a great need for sex education of adolescents. Therefore, it is desirable that the schools teach sexual physiology and normal positively and that sex education including hygien education be an independant course in the curriculums. Furthermore, it is essential that the schools should have enough nurse teachers to take up sex education, expand training opportunities for them and that they develop educational materials. Considering the unbalance of the level of sex educations between boys and girls, I want to suggest that all boys and girls have sex education evenly and lead happy lives by correction irrational thought about sex, that is to say, sex discrimination, Sex education programs, especially of middle school students, should be reexamined if it is to give the students effective and profitable knowledge about sex. In addition, the government should establish a policy of adolescents' sex education to have healthy opinions of sex settled nationwide.

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An Evaluation of the Private Security Industry Regulations in Queensland : A Critique (호주 민간시큐리티 산업의 비판적 고찰 : 퀸즐랜드주를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dae-Woon;Jung, Yook-Sang
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.44
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    • pp.7-35
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this article is to inform and document the contemporary development of the private security industry in Queensland Australia, a premier holiday destination that provide entertainment for the larger region. The purpose of this review is to examine the comtemporary development of mandated licensing regimes regulating the industry, and the necessary reform agenda. The overall aim is threefold: first, to chart the main outcomes of the two-wave of reforms since the mid-'90s; second, to examine the effectiveness of changes in modes of regulation; and third, to identify the criteria that can be considered a best practice based on Button(2012) and Prenzler and Sarre's(2014) criteria. The survey of the Queensland regulatory regime has demonstrated that, despite the federal-guided reforms, there remain key areas where further initiatives remain pending, markedly case-by-case utilisation of more proactive strategies such as on-site alcohol/drug testing, psychological evaluations, and checks on close associates; lack of binding training arrangement for technical services providers; and targeted auditing of licensed premises and the vicinity of venues by the Office of Fair Trading, a licensing authority. The study has highlighted the need for more determined responses and active engagements in these priority areas. This study of the development of the licensing regimes in Queensland Australia provides useful insights for other jurisdictions including South Korea on how to better manage licensing system, including the measures required to assure an adequate level of professional competence in the industry. It should be noted that implementing a consistency in delivery mode and assessment in training was the strategic imperative for the Australian authority to intervene in the industry as part of stimulating police-private partnerships. Of particular note, competency elements have conventionally been given a low priority in South Korea, as exemplified through the lack of government-sponsored certificate; this is an area South Korean policymakers must assume an active role in implementing accredited scheme, via consulting transnational templates, including Australian qualifications framework.

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Research Framework for International Franchising (국제프랜차이징 연구요소 및 연구방향)

  • Kim, Ju-Young;Lim, Young-Kyun;Shim, Jae-Duck
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.61-118
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this research is to construct research framework for international franchising based on existing literature and to identify research components in the framework. Franchise can be defined as management styles that allow franchisee use various management assets of franchisor in order to make or sell product or service. It can be divided into product distribution franchise that is designed to sell products and business format franchise that is designed for running it as business whatever its form is. International franchising can be defined as a way of internationalization of franchisor to foreign country by providing its business format or package to franchisee of host country. International franchising is growing fast for last four decades but academic research on this is quite limited. Especially in Korea, research about international franchising is carried out on by case study format with single case or empirical study format with survey based on domestic franchise theory. Therefore, this paper tries to review existing literature on international franchising research, providing research framework, and then stimulating new research on this field. International franchising research components include motives and environmental factors for decision of expanding to international franchising, entrance modes and development plan for international franchising, contracts and management strategy of international franchising, and various performance measures from different perspectives. First, motives of international franchising are fee collection from franchisee. Also it provides easier way to expanding to foreign country. The other motives including increase total sales volume, occupying better strategic position, getting quality resources, and improving efficiency. Environmental factors that facilitating international franchising encompasses economic condition, trend, and legal or political factors in host and/or home countries. In addition, control power and risk management capability of franchisor plays critical role in successful franchising contract. Final decision to enter foreign country via franchising is determined by numerous factors like history, size, growth, competitiveness, management system, bonding capability, industry characteristics of franchisor. After deciding to enter into foreign country, franchisor needs to set entrance modes of international franchising. Within contractual mode, there are master franchising and area developing franchising, licensing, direct franchising, and joint venture. Theories about entrance mode selection contain concepts of efficiency, knowledge-based approach, competence-based approach, agent theory, and governance cost. The next step after entrance decision is operation strategy. Operation strategy starts with selecting a target city and a target country for franchising. In order to finding, screening targets, franchisor needs to collect information about candidates. Critical information includes brand patent, commercial laws, regulations, market conditions, country risk, and industry analysis. After selecting a target city in target country, franchisor needs to select franchisee, in other word, partner. The first important criteria for selecting partners are financial credibility and capability, possession of real estate. And cultural similarity and knowledge about franchisor and/or home country are also recognized as critical criteria. The most important element in operating strategy is legal document between franchisor and franchisee with home and host countries. Terms and conditions in legal documents give objective information about characteristics of franchising agreement for academic research. Legal documents have definitions of terminology, territory and exclusivity, agreement of term, initial fee, continuing fees, clearing currency, and rights about sub-franchising. Also, legal documents could have terms about softer elements like training program and operation manual. And harder elements like law competent court and terms of expiration. Next element in operating strategy is about product and service. Especially for business format franchising, product/service deliverable, benefit communicators, system identifiers (architectural features), and format facilitators are listed for product/service strategic elements. Another important decision on product/service is standardization vs. customization. The rationale behind standardization is cost reduction, efficiency, consistency, image congruence, brand awareness, and competitiveness on price. Also standardization enables large scale R&D and innovative change in management style. Another element in operating strategy is control management. The simple way to control franchise contract is relying on legal terms, contractual control system. There are other control systems, administrative control system and ethical control system. Contractual control system is a coercive source of power, but franchisor usually doesn't want to use legal power since it doesn't help to build up positive relationship. Instead, self-regulation is widely used. Administrative control system uses control mechanism from ordinary work relationship. Its main component is supporting activities to franchisee and communication method. For example, franchisor provides advertising, training, manual, and delivery, then franchisee follows franchisor's direction. Another component is building franchisor's brand power. The last research element is performance factor of international franchising. Performance elements can be divided into franchisor's performance and franchisee's performance. The conceptual performance measures of franchisor are simple but not easy to obtain objectively. They are profit, sale, cost, experience, and brand power. The performance measures of franchisee are mostly about benefits of host country. They contain small business development, promotion of employment, introduction of new business model, and level up technology status. There are indirect benefits, like increase of tax, refinement of corporate citizenship, regional economic clustering, and improvement of international balance. In addition to those, host country gets socio-cultural change other than economic effects. It includes demographic change, social trend, customer value change, social communication, and social globalization. Sometimes it is called as westernization or McDonaldization of society. In addition, the paper reviews on theories that have been frequently applied to international franchising research, such as agent theory, resource-based view, transaction cost theory, organizational learning theory, and international expansion theories. Resource based theory is used in strategic decision based on resources, like decision about entrance and cooperation depending on resources of franchisee and franchisor. Transaction cost theory can be applied in determination of mutual trust or satisfaction of franchising players. Agent theory tries to explain strategic decision for reducing problem caused by utilizing agent, for example research on control system in franchising agreements. Organizational Learning theory is relatively new in franchising research. It assumes organization tries to maximize performance and learning of organization. In addition, Internalization theory advocates strategic decision of direct investment for removing inefficiency of market transaction and is applied in research on terms of contract. And oligopolistic competition theory is used to explain various entry modes for international expansion. Competency theory support strategic decision of utilizing key competitive advantage. Furthermore, research methodologies including qualitative and quantitative methodologies are suggested for more rigorous international franchising research. Quantitative research needs more real data other than survey data which is usually respondent's judgment. In order to verify theory more rigorously, research based on real data is essential. However, real quantitative data is quite hard to get. The qualitative research other than single case study is also highly recommended. Since international franchising has limited number of applications, scientific research based on grounded theory and ethnography study can be used. Scientific case study is differentiated with single case study on its data collection method and analysis method. The key concept is triangulation in measurement, logical coding and comparison. Finally, it provides overall research direction for international franchising after summarizing research trend in Korea. International franchising research in Korea has two different types, one is for studying Korean franchisor going overseas and the other is for Korean franchisee of foreign franchisor. Among research on Korean franchisor, two common patterns are observed. First of all, they usually deal with success story of one franchisor. The other common pattern is that they focus on same industry and country. Therefore, international franchise research needs to extend their focus to broader subjects with scientific research methodology as well as development of new theory.

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Online Catalog Use Study in a University Library (대학도서관의 온라인목록 이용특성에 관한 연구 -덕성여자대학교를 중심으로-)

  • Yoo Jae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.289-318
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to identify users behavioral characteristics for using the online catalog opened in May 1996 at Duksung Women's University Library. 278 student users were surveyed from October 4th to 8th in 1996. Major findings are as follows. 1. Most users$(87.4\%)$ prefer the online catalog to the card catalog and regard the online catalog easy to use$(89.6\%)$ 2. $(65.8\%)$ of users are active users who frequently use the online catalog at least 10 times or more per semester. 3. $10.4\%$ of users feel the online catalog difficult because they do not know how to use it. 4. Most users prefer the menu search mode among menu, command and fill-in-blank search modes offered by DISCOVER. The most preferred access points are the title for known-item search and subject headings for subject search. 5. User's attitude toward the online catalog is very favorable$(83.5\%)$, however, the search success rate is rather low $(77.0\%)$ compared to that of the card catalog $(87.0\%)$ 6. The title and author are regarded easy to use among access points offered by DISCOVER. Classification numbers and call numbers are the least easy access points to use. 7. Since users show lack of knowledge of how to use the online catalog, education and training programs on the online catalog use for users are needed. 8. Users showed different search patterns for pursuing different search goals. The most preferred access points are the title for known-item search and subject headings for subject search. These search behaviors are different from those in using the card for both the known-item search and subject search was the title.

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